Was ist strategisches Portfoliomanagement?
german -
Qu'est-ce que la gestion stratégique de portefeuilles ?
french -
Solving the Achilles Heel of DevOps Quality and Speed with Test Environment Management
english -
What Is Strategic Portfolio Management?
english -
Révéler la valeur du PMO pour une vision stratégique solide
frenchDéveloppez la vision stratégique nécessaire pour prendre conscience de la valeur du PMO.
AI Team Members: How to Form a More Effective Partnership in Value Delivery
french -
AI Team Members: How to Form a More Effective Partnership in Value Delivery
german -
AI Team Members: How to Form a More Effective Partnership in Value Delivery
english -
Banking on Transformation: How to Accelerate Software Delivery in Financial Services
englishLearn how leading banks are using data-driven strategies to revolutionize their software delivery.
Obsolete or Opportunistic?: How Your Organization Can Thrive in the New Work Ecosystem
englishA practical roadmap for transforming project management to reflect a new work environment that demands flexibility, adaptation, and a willingness to embrace multiple work methodologies.
What is Strategic Portfolio Management and Why Do You Need It Now?
englishDiscover how Strategic Portfolio Management enables operational excellence by connecting strategy to execution.
Strategic Portfolio Management Solution Buyer's Guide
englishConfidently score SPM solutions based on five essential capabilities.
The Engineering Leader’s Blueprint for Effective Software Toolchain Integration
englishYour guide to connecting tools, streamlining workflows, and accelerating delivery.
A Practical Guide to Software Toolchain Integration for IT Leaders
englishIn this guide, discover how a fully integrated toolchain can transform your IT environment.
A Toolchain Integration Guide for QA Leaders
englishLearn how to take control of your QA processes and drive efficiency and compliance with a fully integrated toolchain.
Achieving Alignment and Efficiency: A Product Manager’s Guide to Overcoming Toolchain Fragmentation
englishDiscover how to maximize the efficiency of your toolchain to drive better product outcomes.
Shift to a Resilient, Connected Automotive Supply Chain
english -
Guide du coach Agile: Piloter le changement sans pouvoir décisionnel
frenchDans ce guide, vous trouverez les outils et les stratégies nécessaires pour mener efficacement une transformation Agile sans pouvoir hiérarchique.
Leitfaden für Agile-Coaches
germanAls Agile Coach Veränderungen ohne formelle Führungsrolle zu bewirken ist herausfordernd. Der Erfolg basiert stattdessen auf Vertrauen, Daten und strategischer Einflussnahme. Dieser Leitfaden zeigt Ihnen die wichtigsten Werkzeuge für eine erfolgreiche Agile-Transformation.
What is DevOps?
english -
The Ultimate Guide to Jira to Jira Integration
english -
Jira to Jira Integration Demonstration
english -
Benefits of DevOps: How a DevOps Strategy Drives Innovation and Efficiency
english -
Test Environment Management Solution: Get actionable insights on implementing and optimizing test environment management in your enterprise
english -
Release Management Solution Demo: Optimize your release process for faster, smarter deliveries
english -
Software Release Management: Best Practices, Tools, and Processes
english -
Rapport Passage du projet au produit – État des lieux général 2024: Édition services financiers
french -
Vorlage für eine strategische Planung und Priorisierung
germanMehrwert maximieren und Risiken minimieren mit unserem strategischen Framework.
Was ist strategisches Portfoliomanagement und warum profitieren Sie davon?
germanErfahren Sie, wie Sie mithilfe von strategischem Portfoliomanagement Ihre Strategie mit der Umsetzung vernetzen und operative Exzellenz erreichen.
Gestion stratégique de portefeuilles: pourquoi adopter une solution SPM ?
frenchReliez la stratégie à l'exécution et atteignez l'excellence opérationnelle avec le SPM.
Développement logiciel dans les services financiers: 6 stratégies pour optimiser l'efficience
french -
Automobile : transformez votre chaîne d'approvisionnement digitale pour un contrôle total et une efficience optimale
french -
Modèle de planification et de priorisation stratégiques
frenchMaximisez la valeur et minimisez les risques avec notre cadre stratégique.
Maximizing DevOps Toolchain Efficiency: Integrating Tools Seamlessly in Your Software Development Lifecycle
english -
Planification stratégique de portefeuilles: Le guide du dirigeant pour planifier plus efficacement
frenchDécouvrez dans cet e-book comment la planification stratégique de portefeuilles peut vous aider.
État des lieux général 2024 - Édition services financiers
french -
Integration Ihrer Softwarelieferkette mit Planview
germanWarum Sie dem Beispiel von über 60 Fortune-100-Unternehmen und den weltweit größten Automobilorganisationen folgen sollten.
What is Strategic Portfolio Management and Why Do You Need It Now?
englishAdapt to change and stay competitive with SPM.
Make 2025 Your Most Efficient Year: Stop Starting and Start Finishing
englishStart the year with proven strategies to maximize software delivery.
Defining Flexible Project Management: Real Results from Leading Organizations
frenchDécouvrez comment des organisations innovantes accélèrent la livraison de valeur avec la gestion adaptative de portefeuilles de projets.
Defining Flexible Project Management: Real Results from Leading Organizations
germanErfahren Sie, wie innovative Organisationen die Werterbringung mithilfe von modernem adaptiven Projektportfoliomanagement beschleunigen.
Defining Flexible Project Management: Real Results from Leading Organizations
englishDiscover how innovative organizations are accelerating value delivery by developing their approach to adaptive project portfolio management.
Portfolioplanung leicht gemacht: Mit kleinen Schritten zum großen Erfolg
germanIn diesem e-Book zeigen wir Ihnen die besten Prozesse und Methoden für eine einfache Portfolioplanung, damit Sie Ihren Teams ermöglichen können, zum Erreichen der strategischen und der Portfolioziele beizutragen und gleichzeitig Wachstumschancen zu nutzen.
Leitfaden für Technologieführungskräfte im Finanzdienstleistungssektor: In 6 Schritten zu einer effizienten Softwareentwicklung
germanErfahren Sie in diesem E-Book wie Führungskräfte in der Finanzbranche die hier vorgestellten Strategien anwenden, und damit nicht nur ihre Software-Entwicklung optimieren. Dies bildet die Grundlage für nachhaltiges Wachstum und einen entscheidenden Vorsprung im Wettbewerb.
Moderne digitale Lieferketten für die Autoindustrie: vollständige Kontrolle, höhere Effizienz
germanLaden Sie das E-Book jetzt herunter und erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre digitale Lieferkette in einen Wettbewerbsvorteil verwandeln können.
State-of-the-Industry-Bericht 2024 "von Projekten zu Produkten": Ausgabe für den Finanzdienstleistungssektor
germanErfahren Sie, wie Sie eine führende Position im digitalen Zeitalter einnehmen können, indem Sie Ihr Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen mit einem Produktmodell stärken. Lesen Sie hier den vollständigen Bericht.
Smartere Planung: Leitfaden für Führungskräfte zur strategischen Portfolioplanung
germanErfahren Sie in unserem e-Book, wie Sie mit einem starken strategischen Portfolioplan nicht nur Ihre langfristige Vision erreichen, sondern zudem nachhaltiges Wachstum sowie dauerhafte Erfolge erzielen – ganz nach Ihren Bedingungen.
Enterprise Release Management and the Bimodal IT Environment
english -
Using Test Environment Management to Reduce Costs and Eliminate Defects
english -
How Enterprise Release Management Enables Digital Business Transformation
english -
Can Your Enterprise Survive the Digital Business Era?
english -
How Release Management Works: An Overview
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Achieving IT Delivery Assurance Through Effective Enterprise Release Management
english -
Release Management is Not a “One Size Fits All” Solution
english -
Setting Up the Critical DevOps Role of Enterprise Release Management
english -
An Introduction to Release Management and Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
english -
Accelerate Enterprise Software Delivery
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The Role of Release Management in a DevOps World
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Benefits of Release Management
english -
Release Management Techniques for Process Improvements
english -
What is a Release in Software?
english -
What is Release Management?
english -
Release Management, DevOps, and Agile
english -
Balance Change and Control of Continuous Delivery at Scale
english -
Solved: Your Most Dreaded Test Environment Challenges
english -
Achieve the Full Potential of SAFe with Effective Release Management
englishRead this guide to learn how IT teams can cope by using the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) coupled with effective release management.
How Can You Solve Today’s “My-Hair’s-on-Fire!” Release Challenges?
english -
CI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate List
english -
The Development Battle Nobody Talks About
englishRelease management is critical to bridge the DevOps gap. Read this guide to learn best practices for implementing a successful DevOps release management environment in the enterprise.
Top 5 Challenges of Remote Work for Software Delivery Teams (and how to solve them)
english -
The Evolution of the Release Manager
english -
Accelerating Continuous Testing With Test Environment Management
english -
Beyond DevOps and Flow: The Who, What and When for Software Delivery Metrics
english -
Continuous Delivery Pipelines: Metrics, Myths, and Milestones
englishJoin Gary Gruver as he discusses metrics and trending data needed to drive efficient release management at enterprise scale.
DevOps Tools: CI/CD/ARA Tools Worth Knowing
english -
Do You Need Release Management in a DevOps World?
english -
Enhance DevOps Initiatives with Enterprise Release Management
english -
Gary Gruver: Building Quality into the Software Development Process
english -
How to Implement Best Practices for DevOps Test Environments
english -
Making Release Management Real in a SAFe and DevOps World
english -
Overcoming Release Management Transformation Challenges
english -
Progressive Release Management is the Key to DevOps
english -
Release Management Has Progressed, Have You?
english -
Release Me!!! How Release Management Is Getting Into the DevOps Flow
english -
Solved: Your Most Dreaded Test Environment Management Challenges
english -
Tips, Techniques and Strategies to Systematically Improve Your Application Delivery
english -
Test Environment Management: A Critical Requirement for Effective CI/CD
english -
How Improving Test Environment Maturity Accelerates IT Delivery
englishLearn from Plutora's experts, as they explain the business benefits and administrative ease of a centralized test environment management console.
Test Environments: Fix the Achilles Heel of Your DevOps Evolution
english -
The State of Continuous Delivery
englishIn this topic spotlight, we take a look at the state of the continuous delivery space and provide insight into various issues impacting continuous delivery, as well as ways organizations can find success in their continuous delivery strategy.
How to Uplevel Your Pipeline with Release Orchestration and Deployment Automation
english -
Top 5 Test Environment Pitfalls Affecting Your Application Delivery
english -
Unlocking the Power of Innovation through Better Test Environment Management
english -
What’s Next for Release Managers in the Age of DevOps
english -
An Agile Coach Guide: Leading Change Without Formal Authority
englishIn this guide, you'll gain the tools and strategies to effectively lead Agile transformation without relying on positional power.
Integrate Your Software Supply Chain with Planview: Join 60+ Fortune 100 companies and the world’s largest automotive companies
english -
Find $10 million in 10 days
englishMost companies with 1,000 software developers or more throw away at least $10M every year. Planview can help you get it back.
The 2024 Project to Product State of the Industry Report: Financial Services Edition
englishSee what’s driving better business performance at elite organizations and how financial services companies compare.
Project Management in 2025: Five Trends You Need to Know and Embrace
englishJoin global PMO thought leader Andy Jordan and Planview’s VP of Product Marketing, Linda Roach, as they explore five key trends that will influence and reshape project management in the coming months and beyond.
Maîtriser l'automatisation de l'intégration: build, test et déploiement avec l'intégration continue
french -
Integrationsautomatisierung leicht gemacht: Wie Builds, Tests und Deployment von kontinuierlicher Integration profitieren
german -
Laissez les données vous guider: pourquoi opter pour une transformation digitale basée sur l'intelligence artificielle
french -
Lassen Sie sich von Daten leiten: Warum Sie sich für eine digitale Transformation mit künstlicher Intelligenz entscheiden sollten
german -
Mesurer les principales métriques DevOps pour une amélioration continue
french -
Messung wichtiger DevOps-Kennzahlen für kontinuierliche Verbesserungen
german -
Comment utiliser l'IA dans le développement de logiciels: 7 cas d'usage
french -
Effektive Nutzung von GenAI in der Softwareentwicklung: 7 Anwendungsfälle
german -
Transforming Your Automotive Digital Supply Chain
englishDrive faster innovation through seamless collaboration and operational efficiency.
Software Development Efficiency in Financial Services: A technology leader's 6-step guide to optimization
english -
Plan Smarter: A Leader’s Guide to Strategic Portfolio Planning
englishStrategic portfolio planning bridges the gap between your high-level strategy and departmental execution. When done effectively, it helps your organization get the most out of its time, budget, and resources.
Strategic Planning and Prioritization Template
english -
Mastering Prioritization: 5 Steps to Build Your Best 2025 Portfolio Plan
english -
Organize, Optimize, Succeed: Managing Work Without the Waste
englishSuccessful strategies for optimal execution in the changing world of work and resources
...What If? Enhanced Scenario Analysis: Gain visibility, select the best scenario, and execute with ease
english -
Digitale Lieferkette: Transformieren der Unternehmensprozesse
german -
Chaîne d'approvisionnement digitale: prenez le contrôle de vos opérations
french -
Mastering Value Stream Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Business Processes
english -
Mastering Your Strategic Implementation Plan
english -
From Project to Product: How Elite Organizations Are Getting It Right
englishDiving into the 2024 State of the Industry Report
Stop the Guesswork: Achieving Cross-Functional Success in SAFe®
english -
Portfolioplanung leicht gemacht: Mit kleinen Schritten zum großen Erfolg
german -
Let Data Be Your Guide: Why Choose an Artificial Intelligence Digital Transformation
english -
How to Use Gen AI in Software Development: 7 Use Cases
english -
Measuring Key DevOps Metrics for Continuous Improvement
english -
Flow Metrics: A Business Leader's Guide to Measuring What Matters in Software Delivery
english -
Mastering Integration Automation: How to Build, Test, and Deploy with Continuous Integration
english -
Software Toolchain Integration Solution Demo
englishConnect your software delivery ecosystem with Planview Hub
The Evolution of the Product Operating Model in the Age of Generative AI
englishWith the advent of Generative AI, we are witnessing a transformative shift that is redefining these foundational pillars.
Introducing Flow at Scale at Vanguard
englishThis talk will trace the steps we took along the way, the strategies and tactics we applied, and the takeaways from a front-line flow coach.
How Do We Do Product at Spotify?
englishWhen was the last time you heard about how we do Product at Spotify? Don't waste your time searching; either it's been more than a decade, and it’s outdated, or never.
Combining the Power of VSM and OKRs to Optimize Flow and Accelerate Speed to Value
englishGetting to a state of “optimized flow” is a journey that starts with gaining visibility into each value stream’s current state through baseline flow metrics.
Align your Organization with your Product Vision
englishWithin the Consumer Group of Verizon, a Fortune 50 Company, a dedicated, multi-year journey has seen teams embrace agile methodologies and a product and platform-driven model at scale.
Digital Supply Chain: Transforming Business Operations
english -
Portfolio Planning Simplified: From Small Steps to Big Impact
englishStreamline your planning process with a value-driven approach.
Accelerating Product Innovation: The AI-Advantage in New Product Development
englishDr. Robert Cooper and Planview product development thought leader, Carrie Nauyalis, discuss the latest research on how organizations are utilizing AI to speed the innovation process (and where they’re missing opportunities).
Five Steps to a Product Operating Model
englishJoin Dr. Mik Kersten as he discusses the proven path of transitioning to a product-operating model in this session from the 2024 Project to Product Summit.
Unlearn What You Know: Stop Thinking Like a Coach and Start Thinking Like a Player
englishAlan Manuel, Planview Global VP of Product for VSM and AI, discusses the secrets to driving project-to-product change in this session from the 2024 Project to Product Summit.
Copilot Portfolios Demo: Empower your teams with AI-driven insights for faster, smarter decision-making.
english -
Copilot Viz Demo: Empower your teams with AI-driven insights for faster, smarter decision-making.
english -
Copilot AgilePlace Demo: Empower your teams with AI-driven insights for faster, smarter decision-making
english -
Copilot AdaptiveWork Demo: Empower your teams with AI-driven insights for faster, smarter decision-making.
english -
What is Enterprise Release Management: Successful strategies for optimal execution in the changing world of work and resources
english -
The ROI of Effective Release Management
english -
Double your Feature Throughput and Accelerate your DevOps Transition with Progressive Release Management
english -
Test Environment Management is Critical to Advancing Digital Transformations: Successful strategies for optimal execution in the changing world of work and resources
english -
How to Implement a Modern Environment Management Program and Accelerate Your DevOps Journey: Successful strategies for optimal execution in the changing world of work and resources
english -
Plus de visibilité pour plus de fluidité: Planview® et SAFe®
french -
Décuplez votre capacité d'innovation
french -
Innovation mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit
german -
Schnellerer Flow durch mehr Know-how
german -
AI and Value Stream Management: A Strategic Path to Accelerated Software Development
english -
Unlock the Future of Digital Supply Chain Collaboration with Link Bridge in Planview Hub
english -
The Automotive Leader's Playbook
englishLearn how automotive organizations can move from industry laggard to leader by overcoming six common problems in automotive software delivery.
Démo Planview IdeaPlace - solution de gestion de l'innovation
frenchIdentifiez, développez et lancez des idées à forte valeur ajoutée plus rapidement que jamais
Financial Services and Banking: Deliver Innovation at Speed
englishAre you truly equipped to compete against the technology companies disrupting your market?
Automotive Manufacturers and Suppliers: Drive Innovation Faster
englishCan you deliver a turbo-charged, customer-centric vehicle experience today?
Portfolio Planning Simplified: How to Prioritize Investments and Better Align Resources
english -
PSA-Software vs. Projektmanagementsoftware: Was ist der Unterschied?
german -
PSA-Software vs. Projektmanagementsoftware: Was ist der Unterschied?
german -
Was ist PSA-Software?
german -
PSA-Software für MSP-Unternehmen: Beratung bei der Auswahl der richtigen Lösung
german -
10 fonctionnalités indispensables d'un logiciel de gestion d'affaires
french -
Which Integration Solution Is Right for You?
englishYour guide to choosing the best integration solution and understanding total cost of ownership
Value Stream Management Solution Demo: Reduce Waste and Boost Efficiency in Software Development
english -
Planview Viz® Product Demonstration: Achieve faster, more efficient software delivery
english -
Enterprise Agile Planning Solution Demo: Accelerate Time-to-Market and Drive Strategic Alignment Across Your Organization
english -
Planview Tasktop Viz® Produktdemo
germanPlanview Tasktop Viz® ist eine Lösung für die IT, Software- und Produktentwicklung sowie deren Führungskräften die Geschwindigkeit, Agilität und Effizienz ihrer Softwareentwicklung- sowie Ihrer Produktentwicklungswertströme (wir nennen Sie Product Value Streams) zu verbessern.
5 Steps to Achieving Adaptive Portfolio Planning & Funding
englishBuild adaptive plans that deliver value every time
Démonstration produit de Planview Tasktop Viz®
french -
Welche Integrationslösung ist die richtige für Sie?
germanWählen Sie die beste Integrationslösung und machen Sie sich ein Bild von den Gesamtbetriebskosten.
Optimiser la livraison de logiciels à l'échelle: la puissance de l'intégration basée sur des modèles
french -
Value Stream Management and Value Stream Mapping
englishA complementary approach to delivering greater value through software
Révéler la valeur du PMO pour une vision stratégique solide
frenchDéveloppez la vision stratégique nécessaire pour prendre conscience de la valeur du PMO.
5 clés pour une implémentation réussie de la gestion de portefeuilles stratégique
frenchAdoptez le langage spécifique à votre organisation et conduisez la transformation organisationnelle
Planview and SAFe®: The More You Know, the More You Flow
english -
Modernize Your Integration Strategy: Why It’s More Important Than Ever
english -
Shifting Gears: Transforming Traditional Automotive Software Delivery in the Digital Age
englishExplore four key strategies to boost scalability and speed in automotive software delivery.
State-of-the-Industry-Bericht 2024 „Von Projekten zu Produkten“
german -
The 2024 Project to Product State of the Industry Report: What's driving better business performance at elite organizations?
english -
Align Your IT Roadmap with Strategic Goals
english -
Demo zur Planview Plattform: Übersicht für die Automobilindustrie
germanMit Agilität Innovation fördern, die Effizienz steigern und strategische Ziele erreichen
Demo zur Planview Plattform: Übersicht für die Finanzdienstleistungsbranche
germanMit Agilität an den Wandel anpassen, die Effizienz steigern und strategische Ergebnisse erzielen
Schnellere Software Delivery im großen Maßstab: mit modellbasierter Integration zum Erfolg
german -
Qu'est-ce qu'un logiciel de création de feuilles de route produit ?
french -
Was ist Produkt-Roadmap-Software?
german -
Comment mesurer la productivité des développeurs de logiciels
french -
Messen der Produktivität von Software- entwickler:innen
german -
Comment créer une feuille de route produit qui s'aligne sur votre stratégie ?
french -
Erstellen einer Produkt-Roadmap mit strategischer Ausrichtung
german -
Strategic Enterprise Investment Planning with Canadian Tire
englishAn on-demand presentation from Planview’s Accelerate customer conference
Why Are Only 20% of Organizations Tech-Forward?
englishThe key growth drivers that define top performers
Proagrica Connects Service Delivery Across a Global PS Organization
englishAn on-demand presentation from Planview’s Accelerate customer conference
Elevating the PMO with Tractor Supply Company
englishAn on-demand presentation from Planview’s Accelerate customer conference
Thriving Through Project to Product Shifts as a PMO
english -
Driving Sustainability and Creating Value with Cargill
englishAn on-demand presentation from Planview’s Accelerate customer conference
Long Term Thinking for Today's PMO
english -
Elevate Your PMO: Outcomes over Outputs
englishHow the PMO can enable strategic success
Elevate your PMO: Adopting a Sponsor's Mindset
englishDevelop the strategic mindset your executives need to understand PMO value.
Planview Universal Connector: Software Toolchain Integration nach Maß
german -
Planview Universal Connector: Integrate your software toolchain, your way
english -
Évaluation de Produits Digitaux Planview
french -
Planview se positionne parmi les leaders du Magic Quadrant™ for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting 2024
frenchPlanview devient numéro un par sa capacité d'exécution et sa vision stratégique
Planview Named A Leader in 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting
englishPlanview Recognized for its Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision
Planview als Leader im 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting eingestuft
germanPlanview erreicht Bestplatzierungen in Bezug auf Ability to Execute und Completeness of Vision
Connecteur universel Planview: Intégrez votre chaîne d'outils logicielle à votre façon
french -
Planview Platform Demonstration - Financial Services Overview
englishAdapt to Change, Drive Efficiency, and Deliver Strategic Outcomes with Agility
Démo de la plateforme Planview – Présentation pour le secteur des services financiers
frenchAdaptez-vous au changement, gagnez en efficience et produisez des résultats stratégiques avec agilité.
Démo de la plateforme Planview – Présentation pour l'industrie automobile
frenchStimulez l'innovation, augmentez l'efficience et atteignez vos objectifs stratégiques avec agilité.
Planview’s Strategic Planning Solution
englishOperationalize strategic plans - from formulation to execution across the organization.
Planview’s Portfolio Resource Management Solution
englishSee Planview’s project portfolio management solution for PMO teams.
Reimagine Digital Product Development with AI and Planview Copilot
englishJoin Planview CEO, Razat Gaurav and Planview CTO, Dr. Mik Kersten on a journey of the possible.
Using Artificial Intelligence for Project Management
english -
Kanban Board Software for Development Teams: A Buyer’s Guide
english -
german -
Navigating the Digital Supply Chain Revolution
english -
What are IT Automation Solutions?
english -
The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide for Software Toolchain Integration: Key factors to consider when investing in a software toolchain integration solution
english -
Unlocking Efficiency and Capacity: Value Stream Management Explained
english -
Maximizing Product Team Efficiency with Planview AgilePlace, OKRs, and Roadmaps
english -
Fast-Track Digital Product Development: Driving Efficiency Using Planview
english -
Achieving Value-Centric Transformation: Aligning Business and Technology at Huntington Bank
english -
AI Strategies to Accelerate Software Delivery and Unlock Competitive Advantage
english -
60 Days to Success: Revolutionize Your Software Delivery with Planview
english -
Boosting Enterprise Efficiency: Optimizing Digital Supply Chains with Planview Hub Integration
english -
Software Development Collaboration Tools: A Buyer’s Guide for Empowering Agile Teams
english -
De l'idée à l'impact: un framework centré sur la valeur pour stimuler l'innovation
french -
Dynamic Planning: 5 Steps to Rapidly Replan, Reprioritize, and Effectively Execute
english -
IdeaPlace Product Demo
englishUncover, prioritize, and develop high value ideas that accelerate time to impact.
Maximizing Impact: Aligning PMO and Engineering Teams to Deliver More on Time and on Budget
english -
The AI Advantage: Unlocking Human Potential and the Future of Work
english -
Anti-patterns Unveiled: Avoiding Common Mistakes in Product Delivery
english -
Proving IT Impact: Strategies for Defining and Delivering Business Value
english -
L'art de pivoter: planifiez vos changements de cap
frenchPivotez rapidement pour multiplier vos opportunités et créer plus de valeur métier.
Schnell die Segel trimmen: Leitfaden für Führungskräfte zur Planung von Kursänderungen
german -
Von der Idee bis zum Ergebnis: Entwickeln eines wertorientierten Innovations-Frameworks
german -
Steigern der betrieblichen Effizienz zur Nutzung neuer Technologien
germanIn einer Zeit des rasanten technologischen Fortschritts müssen sich Banken weiterentwickeln, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
Banks Must Improve Operational Efficiency to Exploit New Technologies
englishGet actionable insights from industry leaders and real-world examples on how banking professionals can leverage cutting-edge technologies like AI and cloud platforms.
Strategic Guide for Oil and Gas Portfolio Management
englishLearn how Planview Advisor enables oil and gas companies to plan with greater confidence. Data-driven insights clarify where and how to invest, ensuring your organization stays ahead in a rapidly evolving market.
How to Measure Software Developer Productivity
english -
How to Create a Product Roadmap that Aligns with Your Strategy
english -
Secteur bancaire: Améliorer l'efficience opérationnelle pour exploiter pleinement les nouvelles technologies
french -
The Technology Leader’s Productivity Playbook
englishHow to overcome six obstacles slowing down software delivery
Schnelleres Umsetzen von Strategien: Können Sie schnell genug handeln, wenn sich neue Chancen ergeben?
german -
Value Stream Architecture: Une infrastructure pour innover : modélisation VSA
french -
Was ist eine Agile-Produkt-Roadmap und warum brauchen Sie eine?
german -
Qu'est-ce qu'une feuille de route produit Agile et quel est son intérêt ?
french -
Votre organisation a-t-elle besoin d'un EPMO ?
french -
Braucht Ihre Organisation ein EPMO?
german -
Choisir la bonne solution PSA pour Salesforce
french -
Auswählen der richtigen Lösung: Professional Services Automation für Salesforce
german -
Why Are Only 20% of Organizations Tech-Forward?: The key growth drivers that define top performers
english -
Planview Advisor Demonstration for Automotive Organizations
englishUnlock the full potential of your automotive portfolio and drive strategic decision-making.
Planview Advisor Demonstration for Oil and Gas Organizations
englishUnlock the Power of Data-Driven Decision-Making in the Oil and Gas Industry!
Planview Advisor Demonstration for Marketing Expenses
englishUnlock the power of advanced analytics to manage your marketing investments more strategically.
Planview Advisor Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Demonstration
englishUnlock the power of data-driven portfolio analysis to drive financial excellence and maximize value for your organization's capital expenditure (CapEx) initiatives.
Planview Advisor Demonstration for Product Development Investments
englishUnlock the power of advanced analytics to manage your product development investments more strategically.
Strategic Roadmap: A Framework for Achieving Your Goals
english -
Value Stream Architecture: Infrastruktur für Innovation: VSA-Modellierungen
german -
Services bancaires et financiers
frenchDe la vision à l’action : mettez le turbo
Die Finanzabteilung als treibende Kraft der Transformation
germanErfahren Sie, wie CFOs im digitalen Zeitalter zu einem Wettbewerbsvorteil werden.
Steigern des Organisationstempos
germanErfahren Sie mehr über die 7 Aspekte, die sich für eine Umstellung auf ein Produktmodell verändern müssen.
La transformation portée par la fonction finance
frenchDécouvrez le rôle moteur que les DAF et leurs équipes peuvent jouer dans la transformation de leur entreprise.
Impulser le changement pour prendre de la vitesse
frenchDécouvrez les 7 clés pour réussir votre passage du projet au produit.
Limitiertes Programm: Planview Viz Proof of Concept
german -
Programme limité : votre POC de Planview Viz
french -
The Planview Viz Digital Products Assessment
english -
What is Product Roadmap Software?
english -
2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Portfolio Management
frenchPlanview désignée parmi les leaders - Téléchargez le rapport dès maintenant !
2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Portfolio Management: Planview is Named a Leader
english -
2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Portfolio Management
germanPlanview als Leader eingestuft – Laden Sie den Bericht noch heute herunter!
Pivot at Speed: The Leader's Guide to Planning Course Corrections
englishDrive business value by identifying opportunities and executing pivots at speed.
Démonstration de l'intégration de ServiceNow, Jira et Azure DevOps
frenchJamais l'intégration de ServiceNow, Jira et Azure DevOps n'avait été aussi simple
Démonstration de l'intégration de ServiceNow et Azure DevOps
frenchJamais l'intégration de ServiceNow et Azure DevOps n'avait été aussi simple
Démonstration de l'intégration de ServiceNow et Jira
frenchJamais l'intégration de ServiceNow et Jira n'avait été aussi simple
Réussir sa transformation digitale grâce à la puissance conjuguée de la gestion de portefeuilles et du Value Stream Management
french -
Erfolg bei der digitalen Transformation: die Stärken von Portfoliomanagement in Kombination mit Value Stream Management nutzen
german -
Créez une connexion de bout en bout avec Planview Hub
french -
End-to-End-Vernetzung mit Planview Hub
german -
OKR basés sur le flux: un tremplin pour les équipes technologiques
french -
So verhelfen Flow-basierte OKR Technologieteams zum Erfolg
german -
Guide SAFe® du DSI: Démultipliez l’efficience, stimulez l’innovation et fidélisez les top talents
french -
2024 Professional Services Benchmarking Report
frenchLe 17ᵉ rapport annuel de SPI (Service Performance Insight) est disponible.
2024 Professional Services Benchmarking Report
germanDie 17. Ausgabe des jährlich erscheinenden Berichts von Service Performance Insights (SPI) ist jetzt verfügbar.
2024 Professional Services Maturity Benchmark Report
englishThe 17th annual Service Performance Insights (SPI) report
Planview Plattform Demo - Executive Overview
germanSteigern Sie den Umsatz, reduzieren Sie die Kosten und minimieren Sie Bereitstellungsrisiken, um die strategischen Ziele Ihrer Organisation zu erreichen.
Anti-patterns Unveiled: Avoiding Common Mistakes in Product Delivery
english -
The Future of Value Stream Management: Harnessing the Power of Generative AI
english -
Capitalize on Your Transformation: Realizing Value from the Project to Product Shift
english -
Implementing SAFe® 6.0's Flow Accelerators
english -
Leveraging Flow Metrics and SAFe® to Drive Business Outcomes
english -
How to Drive Business Profitability in 2023 with Value Stream Management
english -
Schneller Ergebnisse erzielen durch die Integration von Entwicklungstools
german -
Plateforme d’intégration de la chaîne d’outils: Obtenez le feu vert de votre organisation
french -
Einführung einer Toolchain-Integrationsplattform: So überzeugen Sie Stakeholder
german -
The ROI of Integration: Must-Have Capabilities to Maximize Efficiency and Communication
english -
Accelerating Software Delivery at Scale: The Power of Model-Based Integration
englishDiscover how model-based integration simplifies complex software delivery at scale, empowering enterprises to drive efficiency, speed, and collaboration.
Demo: Integration verschiedener Jira-Instanzen
germanDie Integration mehrerer Jira-Instanzen war noch nie einfacher.
Démonstration de l'intégration de Jira et Jira
frenchJamais l'intégration de plusieurs instances de Jira n'avait été aussi simple
Produktdemo: Software-Toolchain-Integration mit Planview Hub
german -
Démonstration produit: Chaine d'intégration logicielle à l'aide de Planview Hub
french -
The Forrester Wave™: Strategic Portfolio Management Tools, Q2 2024
frenchPlanview parmi les leaders du rapport The Forrester Wave
The Forrester Wave™: Strategic Portfolio Management Tools, Q2 2024
germanPlanview im Bericht „The Forrester Wave“ als Leader aufgeführt
The Forrester Wave™: Strategic Portfolio Management Tools, Q2 2024
englishPlanview cited as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™
Ideas to Impact: Developing a Value-Centric Framework for Driving Innovation
englishStreamline your innovation lifecycle with a unified approach. From ideation to launch, learn best practices for maximizing value and minimizing waste.
Accelerate On-Strategy Delivery
english -
SPI 2024 Professional Services Maturity™ Benchmark Study: Successful strategies for optimal execution in the changing world of work and resources
englishDownload today to benchmark your performance against others in your industry.
5 clés pour une implémentation réussie de la gestion de portefeuilles stratégique
frenchAdoptez le langage spécifique à votre organisation et conduisez la transformation organisationnelle
Choosing the Right Solution: Professional Services Automation for Salesforce
english -
Does Your Organization Need an Enterprise PMO?
english -
Démonstration de la plateforme Planview - Aperçu exécutif
frenchGénérez plus de revenus, réduisez les coûts et atténuez les risques côté livraison pour atteindre les objectifs stratégiques de votre organisation.
Accelerate Organizational Speed
englishUnderstand the 7 areas of change required for a product operating model
Anpassen oder Abdriften: Vernetzung von Strategie und Ergebnissen in Zeiten des rasanten Wandels
germanPlanview Ausgabe für Finanzdienstleister
What is an Agile Product Roadmap and Why You Need One
english -
Software Development Waste Calculator
englishImprove software development efficiency by identifying and reducing waste
S'adapter ou perdre le cap: version services financiers
frenchRelier stratégie et résultats dans un contexte instable
Planning Software: What Is It and Why It Is Important?
german -
Value Stream Architecture Exercise
englishVisualize the network of tools and artifacts that inherently exist in your value streams.
Value Stream Management: Donnez une nouvelle dimension à votre entreprise
french -
Pour sécuriser leur avenir, les services financiers doivent miser sur la technologie
french -
Exécution de la stratégie en France: tracer la voie du succès
french -
Das Rennen um die Revolution: entscheidende Voraussetzungen für die Werterbringung auf dem Automobilmarkt der nächsten Generation
german -
Shift vs. Drift: Financial Services Version
englishStrategic drift could cost your organization up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year by 2026. This eBook provides an overview of some of the most critical areas of change in financial services organizations, along with a 5-point plan for navigating them.
Transformation in ein leistungsstarkes Technologieunternehmen
german -
Integration von Testtools für schnelleres und nahtloses Testmanagement
german -
Intégration d’outils de test pour une gestion des tests plus rapide et transparente
french -
Innover pied au plancher: Les clés pour livrer de la valeur sur le marché de l'automobile nouvelle génération
frenchDécouvrez comment garder une longueur d'avance sur un marché en constante évolution.
Value Stream Management piloté par les données: Renforcez votre capacité de réaction et d'adaptation aux évolutions du marché
french -
Datengestütztes Value Stream Management: schneller auf Marktveränderungen reagieren und sich anpassen
german -
Développer une stratégie IA pour réussir votre transformation digitale
frenchL'utilisation de l'IA augmente le taux de réussite des initiatives de transformation digitale, avec en moyenne 15 % de revenus supplémentaires.
Entwickeln einer KI-Strategie für eine erfolgreiche Digitale Transformation
germanDer Einsatz von KI im Zuge der digitalen Transformation erhöht die Erfolgsqote von Transformationsiniativen und sorgt in den meisten Unternehmen für eine Umsatzsteigerung von etwa 15%.
Building an AI Strategy for Digital Transformation Success
englishUsing AI increases the success rate of your digital transformation and can produce an additional 15% in revenue
6 Mistakes Hindering Software Delivery Efficiency
englishHow to Overcome Common Anti-Patterns Slowing Down Technology Teams
Testing Tool Integrations for Faster and Seamless Test Management
englishTest Management Integration Use Cases Supported by Planview® Hub
Proving IT Impact: Strategies for Defining and Delivering Business Value
english -
Ein Überblick über die KI-Strategie von Planview und Planview Copilot, Ihre KI-Assistenz für vernetztes Arbeiten
german -
Planview Portfolios and Planview AgilePlace Integration Demo: Integrating Portfolios and AgilePlace has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Tricentis Tosca and Microsoft Azure DevOps Integration Demo: Integrating Tricentis Tosca and Microsoft ADO has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Race to Revolution: Critical Essentials for Delivering Value in the Next-Gen Auto Marketplace
englishLearn how OEMs, suppliers, and manufacturers can stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving marketplace with intelligent foresight and adaptation.
Elevate your PMO: Adopting a Sponsor's Mindset
germanDenken Sie strategischer, damit Ihre Führungsebene den Mehrwert des PMO erkennt.
Elevate your PMO: Adopting a Sponsor's Mindset
frenchDéveloppez la vision stratégique nécessaire pour prendre conscience de la valeur du PMO
Elevate your PMO: Adopting a Sponsor's Mindset
englishDevelop the strategic mindset your executives need to understand PMO value
Démonstration de la solution de gestion de flux de valeur
french -
Demo zur Value-Stream-Management-Lösung
german -
Mapping the Pathway to Strategic Objectives: A UK Executive Perspective
english -
Anpassen oder Abdriften: Vernetzung von Strategie und Ergebnissen in Zeiten des rasanten Wandels
german -
S'adapter ou perdre le cap: Relier stratégie et résultats dans un contexte instable
french -
Planview Platform Demonstration
englishDrive revenue, reduce costs, and mitigate delivery risk to achieve your organization’s strategic objectives
6 Fehler mit Auswirkungen auf die Software-Delivery-Effizienz
germanBeseitigen häufiger Anti-Patterns, die Technologie-Teams ausbremsen
6 freins à l'efficience dans la livraison de logiciels
frenchNos clés pour surmonter les antipatterns courants qui ralentissent les équipes technologiques
From Strategy to Delivery: Combining the Power of Portfolio Management with Value Stream Management
english -
Comment rendre opérationnel le passage du mode projet au mode produit ?: Résultats de l’étude de marché 2023
french -
Produktportfoliomanagement in der Praxis: Durchführen präziser Analysen und Vermeiden von gängigen Fallstricken
germanErfahren Sie, wie Sie durchgängig effizientere Einblicke in Ihr Produktportfolio gewinnen und kostspielige Verzögerungen und Fehler vermeiden können.
La gestion de portefeuilles de produits en pratique: faire des analyses précises et éviter les pièges
frenchDes stratégies efficaces pour une exécution optimale dans un monde du travail et des ressources en évolution
IBM Engineering Workflow Management and PTC Windchill Integration Demo: Integrating IBM EWM and PTC Windchill has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Jama and Micro Focus ALM Integration Demo: Integrating Jama and MicroFocus ALM has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Geschäftsprozesse flexibel und schnell steuern mit OKR
german -
Gestion stratégique de portefeuilles : une alliée précieuse pour s'aligner, s'adapter et se transformer: Comment accélérer la livraison de valeur à l'échelle de l'entreprise tout en surmontant les perturbations ?
french -
Ausrichtung, Anpassung und Transformation mit strategischem Portfoliomanagement: So beschleunigen Sie die unternehmensweite Werterbringung trotz Störungen
german -
Digitalisation : fini les efforts gaspillés
french -
Optimierung der Kosten für digitale Initiativen
german -
Curbing the Cost of Digital Waste
english -
Jenseits des Entscheidungspunkts: Gute Ideen führen zu großartigen Ergebnissen
german -
Décision et exécution : s'assurer que vos initiatives produisent d'excellents résultats
french -
Bridging the gap: making strategy a reality
germanEine Diskussion unter der Leitung von Economist Impact und gesponsert von Planview
Bridging the gap: making strategy a reality
englishA discussion programmed by Economist Impact and sponsored by Planview
Planview Copilot Demo: Generative AI Assistant
englishMeet Planview Copilot, your AI assistant for connected work. With unprecedented connectivity and visibility, Copilot makes it easy to converse and question your enterprise data allowing you to make more confident, smart, and fast strategic decisions.
Maximiser la valeur du PMO en période d'incertitude
french5 étapes pour décupler la valeur apportée face aux défis économiques
Shift vs. Drift: Connecting Strategy to Outcomes in Rapid Change
english -
Overcoming Resource Management Challenges: Getting the right people on the right projects at the right time
english -
Accelerating Time to Value Through Economic Uncertainty: Learn where to make optimizations and tradeoffs
english -
Getting Capacity Planning Right: Improve productive capacity and deliver more value
english -
Modernizing Services Business Operations to Scale with Benify
englishAn on-demand presentation from Planview’s Accelerate customer conference
Aligning PSA Capabilities to Business Challenges
englishStay focused on profitable service delivery
Planifier face aux perturbations économiques
frenchEnrichissez vos capacités de planification pour surmonter l'instabilité ambiante
Exécuter et s'adapter face aux perturbations économiques
frenchRenforcez votre capacité d'exécution pour surmonter l'instabilité ambiante
Planview® Hub: sur site ou dans le cloud
french -
PSA- oder PPM-Software: So treffen Sie die richtige Wahl
germanEntscheiden Sie mit diesem Leitfaden, welche Softwareoption für Ihr Unternehmen die richtige ist.
Logiciel PSA ou PPM : comment choisir ?: Déterminez la meilleure solution pour votre entreprise
frenchLisez notre e-book et choisissez le meilleur logiciel pour atteindre vos objectifs métiers.
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS and Jama Integration Demo: Integrating IBM DOORS and Jama has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Jama and PTC Windchill Integration Demo: Integrating Jama and PTC Windchill has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Verktyg för visuell projektledning
swedish -
Visuelle Projektmanagement-Tools
german -
Accelerating Software Delivery: A Tech Executive's Roadmap for Predictable Time-to-Value
englishElevate your software development efficiency with enhanced end-to-end visibility, streamlined operations, and strategic technology adoption for sustainable growth.
Accélération de la livraison de logiciels: feuille de route du responsable de la technologie pour un time-to-value prévisible
french -
Du projet au produit: guide détaillé de la transformation organisationnelle
french -
Schnellere Software Delivery und vorhersagbare Time-to-Value – eine Roadmap für Tech-Führungskräfte
german -
Gains d’efficacité et d’agilité avec Planview: Des résultats impressionnants dans l’industrie automobile
french -
The Art of Product-Centric Transformation
english -
PSA or PPM Software: How to Choose: Your guide to determining which software option is best for your enterprise
englishBoth PSA and PPM software can drive value. Learn which solution is best for your needs.
IBM Engineering Workflow Management and ServiceNow Integration Demo: Integrating IBM EWM and ServiceNow has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Planview AdaptiveWork and Microsoft Azure DevOps Integration Demo: Integrating AdaptiveWork and Microsoft ADO has never been easier. Watch the demonstration
english -
Planview Roadmaps
germanSchluss mit isolierten Roadmaps
Planview Roadmaps
frenchConnectez vos feuilles de route
Planview Roadmaps
englishThe End of Disconnected Roadmaps
Demo: Integration von ServiceNow, Jira und Azure DevOps
germanDie Integration von ServiceNow, Jira und Azure DevOps war noch nie einfacher.
Demo: Integration von ServiceNow und Azure DevOps
germanDie Integration von ServiceNow und Azure DevOps war noch nie einfacher.
Demo: Integration von Jira und Micro Focus ALM
germanDie Integration von Jira und Micro Focus ALM war noch nie einfacher.
Demo: Integration von Azure DevOps und Jira
germanDie Integration von Azure DevOps und Jira war noch nie einfacher.
Demo: Integration von ServiceNow und Jira
germanDie Integration von ServiceNow und Jira war noch nie einfacher.
Demo: Integration verschiedener Jira-Instanzen
germanDie Integration mehrerer Jira-Instanzen war noch nie einfacher.
Intégration logicielle: construire votre propre solution ou en acheter une ?
french -
UiPath Test Manager and Micro Focus ALM Integration Demo: Integrating UiPath and Micro Focus ALM has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Planview AdaptiveWork: Unternehmensweites Work-Management
german -
Automobilunternehmen: mit Planview Fahrt aufnehmen
german -
How to Avoid Common Resource Capacity Planning Pitfalls
english -
Von Projekten zu Produkten: Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die organisatorische Transformation
germanBeschleunigen Sie Ihre Umstellung von einem projektbasierten Ansatz auf ein produktorientiertes Arbeitsmodell.
Data-Driven Portfolio Decision-Making
englishLearn about the opportunities to explore and obstacles uncovered when digital transformation fuels portfolio decision-making.
Comment réaliser une intégration Jama transparente avec Jira en utilisant Planview Hub
french -
Wie Sie mit Planview Hub eine nahtlose Jama-Integration mit Jira erreichen
german -
Comment intégrer Jira et ServiceNow pour rationaliser la collaboration et augmenter la capacité ?
french -
Wie Sie Jira und ServiceNow integrieren, um die Zusammenarbeit zu optimieren und die Kapazität zu erhöhen
german -
Intégration Azure DevOps Jira: Analyse de la construction ou de l'achat
french -
Azure DevOps Jira Integration: Eine Analyse von Build vs. Buy
german -
Planification stratégique et planification tactique: Comprendre les différences
french -
Strategische vs. taktische Planung: Verstehen Sie die Unterschiede
german -
Le guide ultime pour maîtriser la gestion des ressources et la planification des capacités en vue d'une efficacité opérationnelle maximale
french -
Der ultimative Leitfaden zur Beherrschung von Ressourcenmanagement und Kapazitätsplanung für maximale betriebliche Effizienz
german -
Intégration de Micro Focus ALM et Jira: Alignez les développeurs et les testeurs pour une résolution rapide des défauts
french -
Micro Focus ALM und Jira Integration: Ausrichten von Entwicklern und Testern für schnelle Fehlerbehebung
german -
L'innovation stratégique et son importance
french -
Strategische Innovation und warum sie wichtig ist
german -
Beyond the Decision Point: Ensuring Good Ideas Yield Great Results
englishResearch shows why quality decision-making and effective strategy implementation carry equal weight in maintaining your competitive edge.
Bridging the gap: making strategy a reality
frenchUne nouvelle étude révèle que 85 % des cadres affirment que leur organisation n’est pas en mesure de s’adapter au changement. Votre entreprise est-elle à la hauteur de la situation ?
7 Stages of New Product Development: A Guide for Product Commercialization Leaders
english -
Practical Product Portfolio Management: Enabling Accurate Analysis and Avoiding Pitfalls
englishGet acquainted with five product portfolio management and analysis must-haves that enable the speedy, mistake-free product delivery necessary to survive today's market.
Value-Stream-Analysen: Selbst entwickeln oder kaufen?
german -
Value Stream Analytics: Construire votre propre solution ou en acheter une?
french -
Accélérez Votre Transformation Digitale avec Planview® viz
french -
Integration is necessary... but how?
english -
How Project Resource Management Can Boost Your Business Performance
english -
Integrate Atlassian Jira and Salesforce using Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Atlassian Jira and Salesforce has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Atlassian Jira and Planview AgilePlace using Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Atlassian Jira and Planview AgilePlace has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Atlassian Jira and Jama with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Atlassian Jira and Jama has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Strategic Innovation and Why It's Important
english -
Seamlessly Evolve Your Testing Toolchain with Planview Integration Hub
english -
Planview Hub Enterprise Data Stream: Transform cross-tool software delivery data into business-critical insights
english -
Connecting IBM DOORS and Atlassian Jira: Safely Accelerate Your Mission-Critical Software Delivery
english -
Modeling Product Value Streams: Conquer the Cost of Delay with Planview Viz Flow Metrics
english -
Planview Viz for ServiceNow: Measure Flow Over A Unified Backlog
english -
Planview Hub On-prem or in the Cloud
english -
Accelerate Your Transformation with Planview Viz
english -
Value Stream Analytics: Should You Build or Buy?
english -
Transform into a High-performing Tech Company
english -
Flow Metrics: l'outil des dirigeants pour mesurer ce qui compte dans la livraison de logiciels
french -
Flow-Metriken: das Wesentliche der Softwarebereitstellung messen – Leitfaden für Führungskräfte
german -
Software Integration Solutions: Should You Build or Buy?
english -
Lösungen für die Software-Integration: selbst entwickeln oder kaufen?
german -
Planview Hub On-Premise oder in der Cloud
german -
Créez une connexion de bout en bout avec Planview Hub
french -
Accelerating Efficiency and Agility: How Planview Drives Outcomes for the Automotive Industry
english -
Positionnez-vous parmi les leaders de la tech
french -
Are You Drowning Jira and the Rest of Your Software Delivery Value Stream?: Successful strategies for optimal execution in the changing world of work and resources
english -
The Build vs. Buy Decision in Software Value Stream Integration
english -
From Project to Product: A Step-By-Step Guide for Organizational Transformation
englishFast-track your transition from a project-based approach to a product-operating model.
How to Achieve Seamless Jama Integration with Jira Using Planview Hub
english -
Integrate Jama and Jira Using Planview Hub
englishIntegration makes status updates, default and custom fields, comments, attachments, and relationships visible in both tools instantly.
Geschäftlichen Herausforderungen mit PSA-Funktionen begegnen
german -
Gestion d'affaires (PSA): à chaque problématique métier ses capacités
french -
Connecting Innovation to Execution: Realize Value from Ideas to Impact
englishDiscover how IdeaPlace helps quickly identify high-value innovations and connect, visualize, and communicate resources and dependencies to speed ideas to market.
Transformation in ein leistungsstarkes Technologieunternehmen
german -
Beschleunigung der Transformation mit Planview® Viz
german -
End-to-End-Vernetzung mit Planview Hub
german -
Transformation Ihrer Einrichtung in ein leistungsstarkes Technologieunternehmen
german -
Micro Focus ALM and Jira Integration: Align Developers and Testers for Fast Defect Resolution
english -
The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Resource Management and Capacity Planning for Maximum Operational Efficiency
english -
Azure DevOps Jira Integration: A Build vs Buy Analysis
english -
How to Integrate Jira and ServiceNow to Streamline Collaboration and Increase Capacity
english -
Strategic vs. Tactical Planning: Understanding the Differences
english -
Maximize Revenue with Connected, As-a-Service Offerings
englishJoin Planview's Dave Blumhorst, Sr. Customer Success Strategist and Paul Yaros, Chief Customer Officer as they discuss and share the decades of industry experience they draw on to develop innovative professional services offers at Planview.
Transformez l'incertitude en atout concurrentiel !
frenchDécouvrez comment libérer le potentiel de vos portefeuilles de produits en optimisant vos processus de prise de décisions d’investissements stratégiques.
Create End-to-End Connection with Planview Hub
english -
Tools We Support - Planview Hub
english -
The More You Know, The More You Flow: Accelerate Your SAFe® Transformation
english -
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS and Polarion ALM Integration Demo: Integrating IBM DOORS and Polarion ALM has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
How to Build a Product Development Roadmap
english -
Map PSA Capabilities to Business Challenges
englishTen of the top business challenges reported by professional services organizations, mapped to specific PSA capabilities.
Le guide complet des prévisions de revenus des services professionnels
french -
Der vollständige Leitfaden zur Umsatzprognose für professionelle Dienstleistungen
german -
Guide des logiciels PSA
french -
Leitfaden für IT PSA Software
german -
Comprendre l'importance de l'alignement stratégique
french -
Die Wichtigkeit der strategischen Ausrichtung verstehen
german -
Planview IdeaPlace: Accélérez l'innovation
frenchAccélérez le pipeline d'innovation en commercialisant plus rapidement des idées de haute qualité pour accélérer la réalisation des objectifs de croissance.
Gestion de portefeuilles de produits : 5 bonnes pratiques pour optimiser les coûts
frenchDécouvrez comment l'utilisation de ces meilleures pratiques de gestion de portefeuille de produits pour mener une approche structurée de l'analyse des coûts peut contribuer à rendre votre organisation plus rentable.
5 Produkt- portfoliomanagement-Methoden für die Verbesserung der Kosteneffizienz
germanEntdecken Sie, wie Sie mithilfe dieser Best Practices für das Produktportfoliomanagement, die einen strukturierten Ansatz zur Kostenanalyse verfolgen, dazu beitragen können, Ihr Unternehmen kosteneffizienter zu machen
The Complete Guide to Professional Services Revenue Forecasting
english -
Guide to IT PSA Software
english -
Understanding the Importance of Strategic Alignment
english -
Integrate Planview AdaptiveWork and Salesforce with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Planview AdaptiveWork and Salesforce has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Jama, TestRain, and Atlassian Jira with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Jama, TestRail and Atlassian Jira has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Jama and Sparx Pro Cloud Server with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Jama and Sparx Pro Cloud Server has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Tricentis Tosca and MicroFocus ALM with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Tricentis Tosca and Micro Focus ALM has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Microsoft Azure DevOps and UiPath Test Manager with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Microsoft Azure DevOps and UiPath Test Manager has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) and Microsoft Azure DevOps with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating IBM Engineering Workflow Management and Microsoft Azure DevOps has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Tricentis Tosca and Microsoft Azure DevOps with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Tricentis Tosca and Microsoft Azure DevOps has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Planview AgilePlace and Microsoft Azure DevOps with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Planview AgilePlace and Microsoft Azure DevOps has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate ServiceNow and Microsoft Azure DevOps with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating ServiceNow and Microsoft AzureDevOps has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Atlassian Jira and IBM DOORS with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Atlassian Jira and IBM DOORS has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Tricentis Tosca and Xray for Jira with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Tosca and Xray for Jira has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Jama and Xray for Jira with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Jama and Xray for Jira has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Atlassian Jira and IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) with Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Atlassian Jira and IBM Engineering Workflow Management has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Xray for Jira and UiPath Test Manager using Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Xray for Jira and UiPath Test Manager has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Atlassian Jira and Planview AdaptiveWork using Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Atlassian Jira and Planview AdaptiveWork has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Integrate Atlassian Jira and Planview Portfolios using Planview Hub
englishIntegrating Atlassian Jira and Salesforce has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
Connect Portfolio Management and Agile Planning to Your Delivery Engine with Value Stream Management
english -
Maximize ROI from SAFe®
englishAccelerating Time-to-Value with Value Stream Management and Flow Metrics
5 Product Portfolio Management Practices for Improving Cost Efficiency
englishDiscover how using these product portfolio management best practices to lead a structured approach to cost analysis can help make your organization more cost-efficient.
Améliorer l'alignement avec une feuille de route OKR
french -
Verbessern Sie die Ausrichtung mit einer OKR-Roadmap
german -
6 Exemples d'études de cas sur la gestion du portefeuille de produits
french -
6 Produktportfolio-Management Fallstudienbeispiele
german -
Modèle d'abonnement aux services professionnels: Débloquer la réussite des clients
french -
Professional Services Abonnement-Modell: Kundenerfolg freisetzen
german -
Créer plus de valeur avec les initiatives stratégiques: Une mission essentielle pour les grandes banques en 2023
french -
Strategische Initiativen zur Wertsteigerung: Erfolgsentscheidend für Globale Banken im Jahr 2023
german -
Bringen Sie Ihren Produktentwicklungsprozess auf ein neues Level
german -
Optimiser votre processus de développement de produits
french -
Value Stream Management (VSM): au-delà de l'Agile et du DevOps
frenchDécouvrez pourquoi le VSM représente un palier naturel dans la mise à l'échelle des pratiques Agile et DevOps.
Das Zeitalter des Value Stream Managements: mehr als Agile und DevOps
germanErfahren Sie, warum das Value Stream Management nach Agile und DevOps der nächste logische Schritt ist.
Improve Alignment with an OKR Roadmap
english -
Une plongée en profondeur dans SAFe 6.0 Mesures de flux: Maximiser l'efficacité de la livraison de logiciels
french -
Ein tiefer Einblick in SAFe 6.0 Fluss-Metriken: Maximierung der Effizienz bei der Softwarebereitstellung
german -
Agile Transformation OKRs: Agile Transformation mit Erfolg
german -
OKRs de transformation agile : La réussite de l'agilité au service de l'agilité
french -
6 Product Portfolio Management Case Study Examples
english -
Professional Services Subscription Model: Unlocking Customer Success
english -
Implementing SAFe® 6.0's Flow Accelerators
englishDiscover how Planview’s VSM solution makes implementing SAFe’s flow accelerators into daily work easy.
UiPath Test Manager and TestRail Integration Demo: Integrating UiPath and TestRail has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Agile Transformation OKRs: Driving Agile with Success
english -
Prioriser votre portefeuille de produits en période de perturbations
frenchVotre organisation orientée produit dispose-t-elle des outils requis pour pivoter rapidement et s'adapter quand des perturbations surviennent ?
Comment gérer votre portefeuille R&D complexe ?: Minimiser l’incertitude liée à vos investissements majeurs
french -
Planview IdeaPlace: Innovationen beschleunigen
germanBeschleunigen Sie die Innovationspipeline, indem Sie hochwertige Ideen schneller auf den Markt bringen, um die Umsetzung von Wachstumszielen zu beschleunigen.
The Anatomy of a Complex Product Portfolio
english -
A Deep Dive into SAFe 6.0 Flow Metrics: Maximizing Software Delivery Efficiency
english -
An Introduction to Value Stream Management
englishDiscover the fundamentals of Value Stream Management and see it in action in the real world.
The CIO's Guide to SAFe®
englishDiscover how CIOs and technology executives implementing SAFe® can leverage existing resources to drive business outcomes and growth.
Qu'est-ce qu'un flux de valeur produit ?
frenchDécouvrez dans ce livre numérique les principes de base d'un flux de valeur produit pour renforcer vos pratiques de gestion de flux de valeur.
Was ist ein Product Value Stream?
germanLernen Sie in diesem E-Book die wichtigsten Fakten über Product Value Streams kennen, um Ihr Value Stream Management zu unterstützen.
Umstellung von Projekten auf Produkte mit dem Flow Framework®
germanErfahren Sie, wie das Flow Framework die Umstellung auf Product Value Streams stützt und misst, und wie Sie am besten loslegen.
Passer du projet au produit avec le Flow Framework®
frenchDécouvrez comment votre organisation peut s'appuyer sur le Flow Framework pour guider sa transition vers des flux de valeur produits et mesurer sa progression. Vous bénéficierez aussi de conseils pour prendre un bon départ.
The Leader's Guide to Managing Complex Portfolios
englishMitigating the Uncertainty of Big Bets in an R&D Portfolio
Integrate ServiceNow, Jira, and Azure DevOps Using Planview Hub
englishIntegration makes status updates, default and custom fields, comments, attachments, and relationships visible in all tools instantly.
Integrate ServiceNow and Azure DevOps Using Planview Hub
englishIntegration makes status updates, default and custom fields, comments, attachments, and relationships visible in both tools instantly.
Integrate Jira and Micro Focus ALM Using Planview Hub
englishIntegration makes status updates, default and custom fields, comments, attachments, and relationships visible in both tools instantly.
Integrate Azure DevOps and Jira Using Planview Hub
englishAutomate data exchange between tools so teams can collaborate on joint projects seamlessly.
Integrate ServiceNow and Jira Using Planview Hub
englishIntegrating ServiceNow and Jira has never been easier. Automate data exchange between tools to solve customer problems faster.
Integrate Jira and Jira Using Planview Hub
englishIntegrating multiple instances of Jira has never been easier. Automate data exchange between tools so engineering teams can collaborate quickly and effectively.
Planview IdeaPlace Product Brief
english -
Steuern Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit strategischer Planung
germanWie Sie mit Planview AdaptiveWork Ihre Tätigkeit auf Ihre wichtigsten Geschäftsziele ausrichten.
Priorisierung des Produktportfolios bei Störungen
germanIst Ihre produktorientierte Organisation in der Lage, schnell auf Störungen zu reagieren und bei Bedarf den Kurs zu ändern?
Management komplexer Portfolios – Leitfaden für Führungskräfte
germanMehr Zuversicht bei risikoreichen Entscheidungen rund um Ihr R&D-Portfolio
Umstellung von Projekten auf Produkte mit Planview
german -
Passer du projet au produit avec Planview
french -
Shifting from Project to Product with Planview
english -
Planview OEM Partner Program Infographic: Integration is necessary... but how?
english -
IBM Engineering Workflow Management and Gitlab Integration Demo: Integrating IBM EWM and Gitlab has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Getting Value on Your Strategic Initiatives: Mission Critical for Global Banks in 2023: Learn how to plan smarter and invest better to stay AHEAD of the curve
englishWhat global banks need to know to continue driving value in the face of unprecedented change.
How To Prioritize Your Product Portfolio When Disruption Happens
englishLearn best practices for successful product portfolio prioritization in the face of disruption to ensure faster delivery of the right products at the right time.
Que sont les indicateurs DORA ?
french -
Was sind DORA-Metriken?
german -
Guide sur la reconnaissance des revenus des services professionnels
french -
Leitfaden zur Umsatzrealisierung für professionelle Dienstleistungen
german -
Wertstrom-Mapping vs. Wertstrom-Management: Was ist der Unterschied?
german -
Cartographie de la chaîne de valeur et gestion de la chaîne de valeur: Quelle est la différence ?
french -
Pharmazeutisches Portfolio-Management: Eine vollständige Fibel
german -
Gestion du portefeuille pharmaceutique: Un abécédaire complet
french -
Les indicateurs SAFe Agile: Mesurez votre succès SAFe
french -
SAFe Agile Metriken: Messen Sie Ihren SAFe-Erfolg
german -
Comment moderniser la gestion de ses ressources
frenchLors de cette démo en ligne nous nous concentrerons sur la planification des capacités, car les responsables de PMO ont souvent du mal à créer et à maintenir une flexibilité de planification entre les ressources et les équipes.
Die vier Elemente eines Strategieplans: Transformation statt Wunschdenken in wirtschaftlich unsicheren Zeiten
german -
Les quatre éléments clés de votre plan stratégique: Restez ancré dans la réalité et avancez en période d'incertitude économique
french -
Plateformes de Value Stream Management et Flow Metrics: le guide de l'acheteur
french -
Leitfaden für den Kauf von Value-Stream-Management-Plattformen und Flow-Metriken im Jahr 2023
german -
The 4 Elements of a Strategic Plan: Avoid Wishful Thinking and Drive Transformation During Economic Uncertainty
englishGet the most out of your investments with a strategic plan that empowers your enterprise during economic uncertainty.
5 Critical Components of Successful SPM Implementation: Speak the language of the business and drive business transformation
englishDiscover how to implement SPM in your organization and use it to turn big ideas into business value.
Qu'est-ce que le Value Stream Management dans la livraison de logiciels ?
frenchDans les organisations de livraison de logiciels, la clé pour améliorer l'agilité, la prévisibilité et l'efficience réside aujourd'hui dans la mise en place d'un Value Stream Management efficace.
Was bedeutet Value Stream Management für die Softwarebereitstellung?
germanWie können Softwarebereitstellungsorganisationen die Flexibilität, Vorhersagbarkeit und Effizienz verbessern? Die Antwort lautet: effektives Value Stream Management.
Maximaler ROI dank SAFe®: Effizienz steigern, Innovation fördern und Spitzentalente binden
german -
How to Get Stakeholder Buy-In for a Toolchain Integration Platform
englishSuccessful strategies for building and presenting your business case
SAFe Agile Metrics: Measure Your SAFe Success
english -
Pharmaceutical Portfolio Management: A Complete Primer
english -
Value Stream Mapping vs. Value Stream Management: What’s the Difference?
english -
What are DORA metrics?
english -
The Calculus of Value Stream Management: Delivering Outcomes in Times of Change
english -
Translate Strategy into Results with Planview Portfolios
englishBy joining forces, AWS and Planview are better together in accelerating the delivery of cutting-edge capabilities and features to our customers.
Guide to Professional Services Revenue Recognition
english -
How Cargill Adapts in an Uncertain World: Driving Sustainability and Creating Value
englishSee how Cargill maintains their promise to help the world thrive by using sustainability as a foundational building block for value-added innovations.
Comment rendre opérationnel le passage du mode projet au mode produit ?: Résultats de l’étude de marché 2023
french -
Développement d'un processus de gestion stratégique du portefeuille de R&D
french -
Entwicklung eines strategischen F&D Portfolio Management Prozesses
german -
Créer un cadre de transformation numérique réussi
french -
Schaffen Sie einen erfolgreichen Rahmen für die digitale Transformation
german -
Optimieren Sie Ihr R&D Portfolio mit Planview Advisor
german -
Von Projekten zu Produkten
german -
12 Tricks to Good-Looking Flow Metrics
englishCommon anti-patterns to anticipate and combat so you can keep your transformation on track
Operationalizing the Shift from Project to Product: Findings from the 2023 State of the Industry Report
english -
Create a Successful Digital Transformation Framework
english -
Les métriques agiles pour le leadership: Mesurer la valeur commerciale
french -
Agile Metriken für Führungskräfte: Messung des Geschäftswerts
german -
Developing a Strategic R&D Portfolio Management Process
english -
Passage du projet au produit – État des lieux général 2023
french -
So finden Sie das richtige PSA-Tool für Ihr Unternehmen
german -
Comment trouver le bon outil PSA pour votre entreprise
french -
Qu'est-ce qu'un logiciel PSA ?
french -
Integration von PSA-Systemen für Ihre Professional-Services-Organisation
german -
Intégration de systèmes PSA pour votre organisation de services professionnels
french -
Leitfaden für Professional Services Automation und PSA-Software
german -
Guide de la gestion intégrée des prestations de services (PSA) et des logiciels PSA
french -
Logiciel PSA vs logiciel de gestion de projets : quelle est la différence ?
french -
Logiciel PSA pour les sociétés MSP : conseils pour choisir la bonne solution
french -
Quote-to-Cash-Prozess: 6 Schritte für erfolgreiche Aufträge und Ergebnisse
german -
Processus quote-to-cash : 6 étapes pour des engagements et des résultats fructueux
french -
How to Adapt to Changing Business Needs... Better
englishAre you able to plan well enough to fulfill your delivery promises? The answer is often dependent on the technology supporting your professional services function.
Automate, scale, and adapt: Unlock transformational value across your enterprise
englishHow to drive organisational value as a project professional - whether you’re handling internal or external projects and work.
Planview Advisor Product Brief
english -
Mehrwert des R&D-Portfolios maximieren
german -
Maximisez la valeur de votre portefeuille R&D
french -
Planview Advisor Demo: Making Uncertainty a Competitive Advantage
english -
Planview Advisor Demo: Unsicherheit als Wettbewerbsvorteil
german -
Démo de Planview Advisor: Quand l'incertitude se mue en avantage concurrentiel
french -
Agile Metrics for Leadership: Measuring Business Value
english -
L’optimisation de l’innovation produits au sein des entreprises à la R&D complexe
frenchDécouvrez comment optimiser votre innovation produits au sein d’une organisation à la R&D complexe.
Operationalizing the Shift from Project to Product: Findings from the 2023 State of the Industry Report
english -
Services professionnels Planification des capacités
french -
Professional Services Kapazitätsplanung
german -
Tricentis qTest and Microsoft Azure DevOps Integration Demo: Integrating qTest and Microsoft ADO has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Planview AgilePlace and ServiceNow Integration Demo: Integrating AgilePlace and ServiceNow has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS and PTC Windchill Integration Demo: Integrating IBM DOORS and PTC Windchill has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Planview Portfolios and Microsoft Azure DevOps Integration Demo: Integrating Portfolios and Microsoft ADO has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Faire la jonction entre stratégie et réalisation: L'importance des OKR dans la gestion stratégique de portefeuilles
french -
Equipping Teams for Success: Overcoming Constraints to Flow to Improve Business Outcomes
english -
Produktentwicklungszyklus: Was Sie wissen müssen
german -
Cycle de développement produit : ce que vous devez savoir
french -
Planning, Measuring, and Reporting on Strategy Realization
english -
Optimisez votre pipeline de produits
frenchOptimisez votre pipeline de produits et obtenez des rendements plus élevés grâce à la solution de gestion de portefeuille de produits intégrée et configurable de Planview.
How to Write OKRs: What to Avoid and What Really Works
english -
The Financial Services of the Future Must BANK on Technology
english -
Zukunftsorientierte Finanzdienstleister sollten Investitionen in Technologien nicht auf die lange BANK schieben
german -
Professional Services Capacity Planning
english -
Lösungsübersicht Produktportfoliomanagement
germanOptimieren Sie Ihre Produktpipeline und erzielen Sie höhere Renditen mit der integrierten und konfigurierbaren Produktportfolio-Management-Lösung von Planview.
Atlassian Jira and Tricentis qTest Integration Demo: Integrating Jira and qTest has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Réduisez votre time-to-market en alignant les processus R&D
frenchDécouvrez les bonnes pratiques du marché et comment Planview accompagne les organisations dans leurs démarches.
From Strategy to Delivery: Combining the Power of Portfolio Management with Value Stream Management
english -
How to Drive Business Profitability in 2023 with Value Stream Management
english -
Pourquoi vous avez besoin d'un PMO de nouvelle génération
french -
Warum Sie ein PMO der nächsten Generation brauchen
german -
Comment utiliser les mesures de flux pour optimiser la livraison de logiciels
french -
Verwendung von Flussmetriken zur Optimierung der Softwarebereitstellung
german -
Explorer le carrefour des logiciels de gestion du cycle de vie des produits et du portefeuille de produits
french -
Die Kreuzung von Produktlebenszyklus- und Produktportfolio-Management-Software erforschen
german -
Guide de la gestion des ressources des services professionnels
french -
Leitfaden für das Ressourcenmanagement bei professionellen Dienstleistungen
german -
Analyse du portefeuille de produits: Prenez de meilleures décisions en matière de portefeuille
french -
Produktportfolio-Analyse: Bessere Portfolio-Entscheidungen treffen
german -
Value Stream Management: la feuille de route du DSI
french12 étapes pour maîtriser la livraison de logiciels à l'échelle
Ein 12-Schritte-Playbook zur Steigerung des geschäftlichen Mehrwerts
germanZwölf Schritte zur erfolgreichen Softwarebereitstellung auf allen Ebenen
Constructeurs automobiles: Passez la seconde avec Planview
french -
Développement produit : Les leçons apprises des 3 grandes disruptions: Adoptez une approche intrinsèquement résiliente pour la gestion de vos portefeuilles de produits
french -
Forrester: Adapting in Uncertainty: Best Practices for Effective Product Portfolio Management
englishJoin us in a discussion with Forrester about best practices for developing a strong, customer-centric product portfolio and see examples of how Planview can help implement these insights.
How to Win at Digital Transformation: Combining the Power of Portfolio Management and Value Stream Management
englishLearn how combining portfolio management and value stream management helps organizations achieve the highest rate of return on investment.
Align, Adapt, and Transform with Strategic Portfolio Management: How to accelerate enterprise-wide value delivery while navigating disruption
english -
Centralize Test Design and Execution Data Across Tools for Unified Reporting
englishLearn how organizations can evolve their testing without losing visibility into coverage, quality and cost.
Execute and Adapt Through Economic Headwinds: Navigate market volatility with better execution
english -
Planning for Economic Headwinds: Navigate market volatility with better planning capabilities
english -
Durchführung und Anpassung bei wirtschaftlichem Gegenwind: Marktschwankungen dank besserer Durchführungskompetenzen standhalten
german -
Planung bei wirtschaftlichem Gegenwind: Marktschwankungen dank besserer Planungskompetenzen standhalten
german -
Value Stream Management – die nächste Stufe der Agilen Transformation
germanWie die Product Portfolio Management-Lösung von Planview Ihre Produktplanung besser auf ihre Innovationsstrategie ausrichtet und sicherstellt, dass die richtigen Ressourcen für innovative und profitable Produkte rechtzeitig und im Rahmen des Budgets verfügbar sind.
OKR – Vernetzung von Strategie und Umsetzung auf den Punkt gebracht
germanWarum OKR beim strategischen Portfoliomanagement so wichtig sind
Planview Tasktop Hub – Produktdemo
german -
Remettez en question le statu quo en matière de gestion de portefeuille projets
frenchRegardez cette démonstration des solutions PPM de Planview vous permettant d’adopter de nouvelles méthodes de travail afin de favoriser le passage de votre organisation vers advantage d’Agilité.
Why You Need a Next Generation PMO
english -
Qu'est-ce que la transformation digitale ?
french -
Product Portfolio Analysis: Make Better Portfolio Decisions
english -
Solutions de gestion de portefeuilles de produits : le guide de l'acheteur
frenchDécouvrez les fonctionnalités à rechercher dans une solution de gestion de portefeuille de produits qui permet l'adaptabilité nécessaire pour gagner sur le marché d'aujourd'hui.
Maximizing PMO Value During Times of Economic Uncertainty
englishDiscover how your PMO can position your organization to drive value during times of economic uncertainty.
How Model-Based Integration Eases Mergers, Acquisitions, and Internal Restructuring
english -
How to Use Flow Metrics to Optimize Software Delivery
english -
OKRs & Roadmaps: How They Should Coexist in an Outcome-driven Enterprise
english -
2023 Predictions: The State of Software Delivery
english -
Introduction à la Méthode Kanban
french -
Guide to Professional Services Resource Management
english -
Introduction to Adaptive Project Management
english -
Exploring the Crossroads of Product Lifecycle and Product Portfolio Management Software
english -
The Flow Framework®: A Prescriptive Approach for Transitioning from Project to Product
english -
Introduction à la gestion de projet adaptative
french -
Einführung in das adaptive Projektmanagement
german -
Selecting the Best Resource Management Software
english -
Finding the Best Resource Management Software: Six Features to Look for in 2023
english -
The 2023 Buyer's Guide for Value Stream Management Platforms and Flow Metrics
englishLearn what criteria should be evaluated when selecting the right VSM solution for your organization.
The Forrester Wave™: Value Stream Management, Q4 2022
englishPlanview’s Tasktop named a Leader, receiving the top score in the current offering category.
Challenge the Portfolio Status Quo: Adapt how you Manage PPM and Embrace Changing Ways Of Working
english -
The Flow Framework®: Une approche prescriptive pour passer du projet au produit
french -
Das Flow Framework®: Ein präskriptiver Ansatz für den Übergang vom Projekt zum Produkt
german -
Value Stream Management: Pourquoi la gestion de portefeuilles projets (PPM) a besoin de la vision du VSM ?
frenchDécouvrez comment visualiser les flux d’information dans votre environnement agile et identifier les goulots d’étranglement.
OKR dans Planview® Portfolios: Visualisez vos OKR et connectez-les à votre stratégie
frenchDécouvrez comment votre organisation peut exploiter la vue multiniveau de points de données axés sur la valeur offerte par les OKR dans Planview Portfolios.
What is Value Stream Management in Software Delivery?
englishHow can software delivery organizations improve their agility, predictability, and efficiency? The answer is effective value stream management.
Was bedeutet Value Stream Management für die Softwarebereitstellung?
german -
Qu'est-ce que la gestion de la chaîne de valeur dans la livraison de logiciels ?
french -
Quand développement produit rime avec développement durable
frenchLearn why ESG and a more environmentally conscious consumer base are driving the change for organizations to become more adaptive and make sustainability a top priority in their product portfolio management and product development strategy.
Kaufleitfaden für Produktportfoliomanagement-Lösungen
germanErfahren Sie, auf welche Funktionen Sie in einer Produktportfolio-Managementlösung achten müssen, die die Anpassungsfähigkeit ermöglicht, die erforderlich ist, um auf dem heutigen Markt zu gewinnen.
How to Overcome Disruptions to Effective Product Development
englishDiscover four keys of product portfolio management that enable organizations to become more adaptive and turn disruptions into opportunities.
Solution Planview de gestion de portefeuilles de produits
frenchLancez plus rapidement des produits qui sortent véritablement du lot.
Die besten Ideen in erfolgreiche Produkte umsetzen
germanWie die Product Portfolio Management-Lösung von Planview Ihre Produktplanung besser auf ihre Innovationsstrategie ausrichtet und sicherstellt, dass die richtigen Ressourcen für innovative und profitable Produkte rechtzeitig und im Rahmen des Budgets verfügbar sind.
L'impact des projets collaboratifs sur le Quote-to-cash Life cycle
french -
Industrie 4.0 – Antworten auf drei wesentliche Fragen für die Automobilindustrie
germanWie Ihr Automobilunternehmen dank Produktportfoliomanagement intelligenter in smarte, vernetzte Produkte investiert
Connecting the Dots Between Strategy and Delivery: Why OKRs are Essential for Strategic Portfolio Management
englishLearn the benefits of using Objectives and Key Results at the portfolio level and the 4 software capabilities you need.
The Essential Buyer's Guide for Product Portfolio Management Solutions
englishLearn what capabilities to look for in a product portfolio management solution that enables the adaptability required to win in today's market.
Logiciel PSA vs logiciel de gestion de projet : quelle est la différence ?
french -
Auswahl der besten Software zur Ressourcenverwaltung
german -
Logiciel de gestion de projet agile : Principales caractéristiques de l'entreprise
french -
Agile-Projektmanagementsoftware: Wichtige Unternehmensfunktionen
german -
Agile Project Management Software: Key Enterprise Features
english -
What Is Value Stream Management in Software Delivery?
english -
Was ist Ressourcenmanagement, und warum ist es wichtig?
german -
Qu'est-ce que la gestion des ressources et pourquoi est-elle importante ?
french -
Top 12 Best Practices im Ressourcenmanagement
german -
12 bonnes pratiques pour la gestion des ressources
french -
Die Kosten von schlechtem Ressourcenmanagement
german -
Les conséquences d'une mauvaise gestion des ressources
french -
PSA -Software vs. Projekt -Software: Was ist der Unterschied?
german -
Qu'est-ce que la gestion stratégique de portefeuille ?
french -
Solution Demonstration: OKRs in Planview® Portfolios
englishMake OKRs visible and connect them to strategy
Planview Hub Product Demonstration
english -
Which Integration Solution Is Right for You?
english -
The Age of Value Stream Management (VSM)
english -
How the PMO can use Value Stream Management (VSM) to Accelerate
english -
Transitioning from Project to Product with the Flow Framework®
englishLearn how the Flow Framework can guide and measure your organization's transition to product value streams, as well as how to get started.
How the U.S. Federal Government can Accelerate IT Modernization in a Digital-First World
english -
An Agile Coach Guide: Leading Change Without Formal Authority
englishLearn the five skills needed to influence decision-makers and how to drive successful change once you've gotten the green light in this two-part guide.
Value Stream Architecture: What is it and how it can help
english -
Planview's VSM Platform: Transforming businesses into high-performing tech companies
english -
Agile at Scale—and in Practice: SAFe® and the Flow Metrics
english -
How to Achieve End-to-End Traceability in the Current World of Software Delivery
englishThis guide provides the steps to build end-to-end traceability for any organization.
From PMO to VMO: Accelerate your Transformation with Planview Viz™
english -
The Total Economic Impact™
englishForrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ Study: Business Benefits and Cost Savings enabled by Planview Viz
Measuring Your SAFe® Transformation with Flow Metrics
englishWhether you are currently on a SAFe® journey or not, the Flow Framework® will help you establish your baseline to see where you are today and what you need to do to achieve innovation velocity.
Flow Metrics: A Business Leader's Guide to Measuring What Matters in Software Delivery
english -
Data-driven Value Stream Management: Accelerate Your Market Response and Adaptability
englishEverything you need to know about Value Stream Management and how to get started, so you can compete with digital giants.
The CIO’s Value Stream Management Playbook
english12 Steps to Mastering Software at Scale
Calling All PMOs: How to Evolve Your Teams to Manage Work By Product
englishSpeak the language of the business and drive business transformation
Transitioning from Project to Product to Thrive in the New Normal
english -
The Age of Value Stream Management (VSM): Beyond Agile and DevOps
englishLearn why VSM is the natural next step in scaling Agile and DevOps.
5G and Beyond: Accelerating Innovation at T-Mobile with the Flow Framework
englishSpeak the language of the business and drive business transformation
The Buyer's Guide for Value Stream Management (VSM) and Flow Metrics
englishLearn how the select the right VSM solution for your organization so you can improve velocity and time-to-market.
What Is a Product Value Stream?
englishLearn the product value stream fundamentals to help support your value stream management practice
GigaOm Radar for Value Stream Management
englishFor the second time in a row, Tasktop was recognized as a Leader in the 2022 GigaOm Radar for Value Stream Management.
Planview® Hub: On-prem or in the Cloud
english -
Why Portfolio Management Needs Value Stream Management: Connect the Business and IT
englishSpeak the language of the business and drive business transformation with featured Guest Margo Visitacion, Forrester
Solution de développement produit Planview
frenchLivraison des produits en temps voulu pour une rentabilité accrue
Piloter la stratégie et la transformation à l’échelle de l’entreprise
frenchDécouvrez comment tirer parti de la gestion stratégique de portefeuilles pour multiplier votre capacité
Project to Product: How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption with the Flow Framework
englishListen to Planview CTO Mik Kersten discuss how the Flow Framework helps bridge a significant gap between modern technical practices and business organizational paradigms.
Automobilunternehmen: mit Planview Fahrt aufnehmen
german -
Best Practices of the Project Execution Phase
english -
Best Practices für die Projektdurchführungsphase
german -
Bonnes pratiques dans la phase d'exécution des projets
french -
Das agile PMO: Wegbereiter für Veränderungen im Unternehmen
german -
Le PMO Agile : conduire le changement dans l'entreprise
french -
Best Practices for Creating a Project Execution Plan
english -
Digital Transformation in Banking: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever
english -
Deliver Your Digital Transformation at Speed: Financial Services Edition
english7 recommendations to achieve optimal execution - even as you rewire strategy to delivery
Connected Services: The Future of Services Organizations
englishUncover the key benefits of becoming a fully connected services organization while navigating challenges, integrations, and more!
How Value Stream Integration and DevOps are Transforming Car Development
englishLearn how automotive companies can clear bottlenecks and speed the execution of large-scale software delivery by adding a new layer of integration to their product development ecosystem that helps support the core principles of DevOps.
Execution in Project Management: 8 Expert Tips
english -
Modern PPM: 4 Ways to Connect and Empower Teams
english -
Quote-to-Cash-Prozess: 6 Schritte für erfolgreiche Engagements und Ergebnisse
german -
PSA Software vs. Project Management Software: What’s the Difference?
english -
Planview Product Development Solution Demo
englishSee how the Planview Product Development Solution helps product development organizations close the gap between product strategy and product delivery by giving them improved visibility into everything in-between, enabling them to manage the entire process with more speed and efficiency.
Driving Transformation: CIO Lessons from an Experienced Golf Coach
englishDiscover the five steps you can take to improve your golf game, and your business, in this e-book.
Automotive Companies Get Moving with Planview
englishLearn how Planview integrates and visualizes production work to help automotive companies choose and execute with greater speed the most high-value products that are in alignment with their business goals.
Strategisches Portfoliomanagement: Unternehmensweit Strategien umsetzen und Transformation vorantreiben
german -
Gestion stratégique de portefeuilles: Piloter la stratégie et la transformation à l'échelle de l'entreprise
french -
Der Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Produktentwicklungsstrategie
german -
Att välja bäst programvara för projektledning
swedish -
Auswahl einer Top-Projektmanagement-Software
german -
Vad är Agile projektledning för marknadsföring?
swedish -
Was ist Agile-Projektmanagement für Marketing?
german -
Lean Portfolio Management: How to Get Started
english -
Lean Portfolio Management: Par où commencer
french -
Lean-Portfoliomanagement: Erste Schritte
german -
Imagine Realizing Agile at Scale
english -
Cycle de développement produit : optimiser les étapes
french -
Strategie-Initiativen mithilfe dynamischer Planung meistern
german -
Répondre aux initiatives stratégiques par une planification dynamique
french -
10 Must-Have-Funktionen einer Professional Services Automation (PSA)-Software
german -
10 fonctionnalités indispensables d'un logiciel de gestion intégrée des prestations de services
french -
Agile-Software zur Verbesserung des Entwicklungslebenszyklus
german -
Choisir un logiciel Agile pour optimiser le cycle de vie de développement
french -
Was ist Wertstrommanagement?
german -
Qu'est-ce que la gestion de flux de valeur ?
french -
Auswahl einer Zeiterfassungssoftware für Berater
german -
Choisir un logiciel de suivi des temps pour les consultants
french -
How Technology Teams Can Thrive with Flow-Based OKRs
englishDiscover recommendations for business and technology leaders who want to adopt OKRs as part of their digital transformation strategy
How to Use Flow Metrics in the SAFe® Cadence
englishLearn how Flow Metrics can measure and communicate the impact of your SAFe implementation
Product Development Cycle: What You Need to Know
english -
Building Sustainability Into Your Product Development Strategy
englishLearn why ESG and a more environmentally conscious consumer base are driving the change for organizations to become more adaptive and make sustainability a top priority in their product portfolio management and product development strategy.
Choosing Time Tracking Software for Consultants
english -
Démonstration produit Planview AdaptiveWork pour le responsable PMO
french -
Strategic Portfolio Management: The Impact of Agile on Planning, Budgeting, and Funding: Featuring Forrester
english -
Strategy Realization through OKRs and Connected Work
englishEmbarking on an agile transformation journey? Learn how to overcome organizational obstacles and enable strategy realization.
Planview AdaptiveWork Produktdemo für den PMO-Leiter: Mehr Wertschöpfung erzielen durch Planview AdaptiveWork
german -
What Is Value Stream Management?
englishLearn how software development organizations shorten time-to-market, increase throughput, improve product quality, and optimize for business outcomes with VSM.
Accelerating Innovation: Post-Pandemic Lessons with Stage-Gate® Creator, Dr. Robert Cooper (Webinar Q&A)
englishHear answers to the most pressing product development, innovation, and resource planning questions captured in our webinar with Stage-Gate® Creator, Dr. Robert Cooper.
Accelerating Innovation: Post-Pandemic Lessons with Stage-Gate® Creator, Dr. Robert Cooper
englishListen as Stage-Gate® Creator, Dr. Robert Cooper and Planview Product Development thought leader, Carrie Nauyalis chat on how successful organizations are applying Agile-Stage-Gate to improve productivity.
Planview AdaptiveWork: Gestion des activités d'entreprise
french -
Die Planview Lösung für das Produktportfolio-Management
germanBringen Sie erfolgsversprechende Produkte schneller auf den Markt.
Solution Demonstration: Strategic Portfolio Management: Drive strategy and transformation enterprise-wide
englishLearn how you can get a clear view into strategic initiatives and empower your organization to deliver outcomes faster with strategic portfolio management.
Effektive Produktentwicklung: Erkenntnisse aus der Analyse der Top 3 Störungen: Resilienz in Ihr Produktportfoliomanagement integrieren
german -
Top 3 Disruptions to Effective Product Development
englishLearn how the top disruptions to effective product development can be catalysts for evolving your product portfolio management processes.
Gute Ideen in großartige Produkte umsetzen
germanProduktplanung besser an Ihrer Innovationsstrategie ausrichten.
Value Stream Management (VSM): le nouvel atout du PMO pour accélérer l'innovation logicielle
french -
Wie das PMO mithilfe des Value Stream Managements die Softwareinnovation beschleunigen kann
german -
Exploiter les Flow Metrics dans le cadre de la cadence SAFe® pour un impact métier maximal
french -
Verwendung von Flow-Metriken im Zuge der SAFe®-Kadenz zur Optimierung der geschäftlichen Auswirkungen
german -
Tirer parti de l'évolution du marché pour mieux vendre et gérer ses projets
frenchComment la plateforme Planview PSA peut vous aider à renforcer la profitabilité de vos services, délivrer avec confiance le résultat attendu par vos clients et prendre des décisions motivées par une bonne visibilité de la situation.
Die 5 größten Herausforderungen beim Modernisieren der Ressourcenkapazitätsplanung: Antworten auf Ihre drängendsten Fragen
german -
Adaptive Portfolioplanung: In fünf Schritten zu mehr Agilität für Ihre Transformation: Erfolgreiche Strategien für eine optimale Umsetzung in der sich wandelnden Arbeits- und Ressourcenwelt
german -
Planification de portefeuilles adaptative: 5 étapes pour gagner en agilité tout au long de votre transformation
french -
Change is Possible: An Outcome-Driven Approach to SAFe® Success
english -
Planview Professional Services Automation: Learn more about our PSA solution
english -
Take the Journey from Traditional to Modern PPM
english -
The PMO Leader for Planview AdaptiveWork
english -
What is PSA Software?
english -
Moderniser son approche de la planification de la capacité en ressources : les 5 principaux défis
frenchDécouvrez la réponse aux questions qui vous préoccupent le plus !
Budgétisation Lean : financement incrémentiel pour favoriser la planification continue
french -
Leitfaden zur digitalen Transformation
german -
PPM Moderne
frenchPassez d'une approche traditionnelle à une approche moderne de la PPM.
Choosing Agile Software to Improve Development Life Cycle
english -
Planification Agile – Et si on structurait un peu l’Agilité ?
frenchComment permettre à vos équipes de créer des plans plus précis, structurés et coordonnés afin de délivrer la plus forte valeur ajoutée, le tout de façon plus prévisible grâce à la gestion Agile.
Advancing Your New Product Development Process
english -
Warum Agile-Transformationen scheitern
german -
Transformation Agile : anatomie des échecs
french -
Making a Case for Virtual Services Delivery in a Post-Pandemic Future
englishLearn about the impacts, benefits and challenges of Planview’s shift from an onsite delivery to a virtual delivery model.
Integrating PSA Systems for Your Professional Services Organization
english -
Resource Planning: How to Build a Resource Plan
english -
Top 5 Challenges of Modernizing Resource Capacity Planning
englishGet the answers to how you can modernize and improve your organization's approach to resource capacity planning.
german -
Processus de gestion de portefeuilles de projets
french -
18 KPIs aus dem Projektportfolio-Management für die Messung der Leistung des PMO
german -
18 indicateurs clés de performance de la gestion de portefeuilles de projets pour mesurer les performances du PMO
french -
Projektportfoliomanagement – eine Definition
german -
Définition de la gestion de portefeuilles de projets
french -
Préparez-vous à devenir Agile grâce à la gestion de portefeuilles de projets
french -
Services professionnels intégrés : comment générer un maximum de revenus
french -
Ein Leitfaden zur Umsatzsteigerung mit Embedded Professional Services
german -
Improve Customer Experience and Profitability with Planview Professional Services Automation
englishDelight customers and operate faster eliminating weak links
Connected Work for Embedded Professional Services Organizations
englishLearn how Planview’s own ESO utilizes Planview’s Professional Services Automation (PSA) solution to deliver connected work.
La gestion traditionnelle des portefeuilles n’est plus de rigueur. L’hybride est moderne !
frenchComment assurer une livraison rapide et conforme à la stratégie grâce à des données en temps réel vous permettant une prise de décision optimale.
How to Find the Right PSA Tool for Your Business
english -
How to Find the Right PSA Tool for Your Business
Planview AdaptiveWork and ServiceNow Integration Demo: Integrating AdaptiveWork and ServiceNow has never been easier. Watch the demonstration.
english -
Ressourcenmanagement - Optimierung von Ressourcen nach Person, Rolle oder Kompetenzen
germanWie Sie Ihre Ressourcen optimal einsetzen und Ihre Projekt- und Unternehmensziele planmäßig erreichen.
Planview AdaptiveWork Produktdemo
german -
A Guide to Driving Revenue with Embedded Professional Services
englishDiscover the key to driving revenue success for your product company, with embedded professional services.
Re-prioriser pour s’adapter rapidement : oui ! mais comment ?
frenchRegardez cette démo sur demande pour comprendre comment Planview aide ses clients à prendre des décisions importantes basées sur des éléments tangibles.
Medical College of Wisconsin
englishPlanview Portfolios and Planview PPM Pro users can leverage different delivery experiences, adapting to the needs of the work while ensuring overall strategic alignment across all teams and methods used
The Forrester Wave™: Strategische Portfoliomanagement-Tools, 1. Quartal 2022
german -
The Forrester Wave™ : Outils de gestion de portefeuille stratégique, T1 2022
french -
The Definitive Digital Transformation Guide
english -
Le guide complet de la transformation digitale
french -
Traditionelles Portfoliomanagement ist out. Moderne sind hybrid!
german -
PSA Software for MSP Firms: Advice on Choosing the Right Solution
english -
Professional Services and Customer-Centricity: Bridging the Consumption Gap
english -
Mobile PSO: It’s about Time
englishLearn four reasons for PSOs to go mobile.
Professional Services: Hopscotching from Level 2 to Level 3 and Beyond
englishFind out if your PSO is ready to hopscotch to a greater maturity.
B4B and PSA: What It Means for Professional Services
english -
What-If Scenario Guide: How Services Organizations Can Plan for Uncertainty
english -
Der ultimative Leitfaden zu Professional Services Automation
german -
Automatisation des services professionnels : le guide ultime
french -
La solution d'automatisation des services professionnels (PSA) de Planview
frenchGagnez en rentabilité et rationalisez le cycle de vie du devis à l'encaissement
Planview-Lösung für die Professional Services Automation (PSA)
germanProfitabilität steigern und Quote-to-Cash-Prozesse optimieren
Agile Transformation für Unternehmen
german -
Transformation Agile de l'entreprise
french -
Connected Conversations: Exploring the Power of Connection in Business
englishEpisode 1 with Dr. Frances Frei
Enterprise Agile Transformation
englishA comprehensive Agile transformation strategy touches every part of the organization, including processes, people, strategy, structure, and technology.
Agile-Programm-Management mit Planview: Lösungspakete
german -
Projektdurchlaufzeiten verkürzen und Schlüsselressourcen entlasten durch modernes Kapazitätsmanagement
germanWie Sie Ihre verfügbaren Mitarbeiter und Budgets im Unternehmen ausrichten, damit Sie Ihre Unternehmensziele erreichen und Projektlaufzeiten verkürzen.
Planview AdaptiveWork Démonstration produit
french -
Lean Portfolio Management nach SAFe
germanErfahren die Vorteile von Lean Portfolio Management und was man bei der Einführung beachten soll.
Rationaliser vos prestations de services avec la technologie PSA de Planview
frenchDécouvrez dans ce wébinaire sur demande comment réaliser vos projets de services professionnels dans les délais et les budgets fixés, avec une rentabilité accrue
Bonnes pratiques pour la création d'un plan d'exécution de projet
french -
Best Practices für das Aufstellen eines Projektdurchführungsplans
german -
Durchführung im Rahmen des Projektmanagements: 8 Expertentipps
german -
Exécution dans la gestion de projet : 8 conseils d'experts
french -
4 Approaches to Shift to Adaptive Portfolio Planning and Funding
englishApproaches to maximize the benefits of change while empowering your teams proactively
Modern PPM: 5 Practices to Drive Flexibility in Resource Planning
english -
What’s Hot in Professional Services: Key Trends Affecting Your PSO
englishFind out how the biggest trends in professional services are impacting PSOs.
How Does Your Services Organization Rank?: Resource Management Maturity Assessment
englishRank your services organization across five crucial dimensions for effective resource management.
Gagnez en agilité avec la planification dynamique
french -
Das „A“ in PSA: Automatisierung für bessere Geschäftsergebnisse
germanEntdecken Sie die wichtigsten Vorteile der Automatisierung für Ihre Professional-Services-Organisation.
PSA, tout est dans le « A »: L'automatisation au service de meilleurs résultats
frenchDécouvrir tous les avantages de l'automatisation pour votre organisation de services professionnels.
The "A" in PSA: Automation for Better Business Outcomes
englishLearn how automation can lift up your professional services organization.
Quote-to-Cash Process: 6 Steps for Successful Engagements & Outcomes
english -
Comment associer stabilité et dynamisme ?
frenchDans ce wébinaire nous parlerons notamment des enjeux liés à l’adoption du mode hybride et vous démontrerons comment Planview supporte l’hybridation au quotidien.
Solution Planview de gestion de programmes Agile: Nos offres forfaitaires
french -
10 Must-Have Professional Services Automation Software Features
english -
La botte secrète des responsables des services : le diable est dans les détails: Vous avez déjà bien avancé dans votre processus de sélection d'une solution d'automatisation des services (SA)
french -
Die Geheimwaffe führender Serviceanbieter: Der Teufel steckt im Detail: Sie sind schon auf dem besten Weg, eine geeignete Lösung für die Serviceautomatisierung (SA) zu finden.
german -
Secret Tools of Services Leaders: The Devil is in The Details: You’re well along the way to selecting a Services Automation (SA) solution at this point.
english -
Is your PSA Accelerating Project Maturity?
englishTSIA’s Vice President of Technology, John Ragsdale, and Planview’s Director of Solution Consulting, Larry Kading, discuss today’s challenges in the service delivery market and the necessary steps to succeed in this new environment.
Planview pour les services professionnels
french -
Planview für Professional Services
german -
Guide to Professional Services Automation and PSA Software
english -
Comment optimiser votre plan capacitaire et gestion de ressources avec Planview ?
frenchDans ce wébinaire, nous verrons ensemble comment les solutions Planview permettent différentes approches dans la Gestion des Ressources et du Capacity Management.
Resource Management Software: What to Look for in a Solution
english -
Resource Management Software: What to Look for in a Solution
Planview for Professional Services: Services solution that connects profitability and customer experience
english -
Kanban-systemet: Maximera tiden och förbättra effektiviteten
swedish -
Kanban System: maximaler Zeitgewinn und Steigerung der Effizienz
german -
Système Kanban : optimiser le temps et améliorer l'efficacité
french -
swedish -
Kanban Beispiele
german -
Kanban vs. Scrum: Vilka är skillnaderna?
swedish -
Kanban im Vergleich zu Scrum: Worin bestehen die Unterschiede?
german -
Kanban et Scrum : quelles sont les différences ?
french -
Vad är ett Kanban-kort?
swedish -
Was ist eine Kanban Card?
german -
Qu'est-ce qu'une carte Kanban ?
frenchLes cartes Kanban apportent de la visibilité sur l'état d'avancement du travail et aident les membres de l'équipe à communiquer efficacement. Découvrez plus en détail comment votre équipe peut commencer à utiliser des cartes Kanban.
Varför ska man använda Kanban-tavlor?
swedish -
Was spricht für die Verwendung von Kanban Boards?
german -
Vad är en Kanban-tavla?
swedish -
Was ist ein Kanban-Board?
german -
Qu'est-ce qu'un tableau Kanban ?
frenchQu'est-ce qu'un tableau Kanban ? Découvrez un outil de visualisation du travail et du workflow qui vous permet d'optimiser le flux de votre travail.
Introduktion till Kanban
swedish -
Einführung in Kanban
german -
L’agilité à l’échelle en lien avec les objectifs d’entreprise
frenchDécouvrez la gestion Agile Program Management pour réduire le time-to-market, accroître la réactivité aux besoins clients, et stimuler l’amélioration continue.
Strategieumsetzung – eine Bestandsaufnahme für Deutschland: Wie Unternehmen sich schneller anpassen in einer Zeit permanenten Wandels
germanBenchmark-Studie zeigt, dass deutsche Unternehmen in dynamischen Zeiten nach schnellerer Umsetzung und mehr Effizienz streben
État des lieux de l’exécution de la stratégie en France: Accepter l’incertitude pour s’adapter plus rapidement
frenchDécouvrez dans ce rapport quels sont, selon ces 111 participants français interrogés, les facteurs primordiaux pour s'adapter rapidement au changement.
Leitfaden für den Kauf von Software für das AgileProgrammManagement
germanWas Ihre Software für die Agile-Transformation auf Programmebene können muss
Logiciels de gestion de programmes Agile : le guide de l'acheteur
frenchDécouvrez les caractéristiques clés d'une bonne solution de gestion de programmes Agile
Agile Project Management: The Evolution of Work & Delivery
english -
Digital Transformation Strategy: What You Need to Know
english -
Strategie für die digitale Transformation: die wichtigsten Aspekte
german -
Stratégie de transformation numérique : ce que vous devez savoir
french -
Agile Program Management Software Buyer’s Guide
englishLearn what you need in a program-level Agile software solution.
AdaptiveWork Product Overview
englishIncrease visibility, deliver on-time, empower teams, and automate workflows to drive efficiency and profitability.
Welche OKR-Lösung ist die Richtige?
german5 unverzichtbare Funktionen für die erfolgreiche Planung, Nachverfolgung und Messung von Objectives und Key Results
Choisir une solution OKR
french5 capacités indispensables pour planifier, suivre et mesurer des objectifs et résultats clés avec succès
Planning Software: What Is It and Why It Is Important?
english -
Insider-Leitfaden für ein modernes PPM
germanAlles, was andere Leitfäden Ihnen nicht darüber verraten, wie und mit welcher Technologie Sie Portfoliomanagement-Ansätze weiterentwickeln können
Capacités de gestion des ressources
french -
Planview Portfolios - Démonstration produit pour le responsable de ressources
french -
Strategieumsetzung - eine Bestandsaufnahme: Wie Unternehmen sich schneller anpassen in einer Zeit permanenten Wandels
german -
État des lieux de l'exécution de la stratégie: Accepter l'incertitude pour s'adapter plus rapidement
french -
Planview ChangePoint Product Demonstration: End-to-end PSA for services-first businesses to streamline quote-to-cash and drive profitability
english -
Planview Daptiv Product Demonstration: Foundational project and resource management software for PMOs establishing a PPM discipline
english -
Planview’s Professional Services Automation Solution Demo: Drive profitability and streamline quote-to-cash
english -
Planview AdaptiveWork Product Demonstration: Enterprise work management for PPM and professional services delivery teams
english -
Ressourcenmanagement-Software und die Arbeitswelt im Wandel
german -
Les logiciels de gestion des ressources et l'univers évolutif du travail
french -
Maximize Your Impact: Know the Bottom Line of Every Project Decision
english -
Elevating the PMO Role from Project Execution to Driving Business Impact
englishLeverage the power of the PMO to solve immediate and long term business problems.
Buyer’s Guide for Adaptive PPM Solutions
englishThis guide highlights key aspects to focus on when evaluating different products and vendors.
A Modern Approach for Service Delivery: Innovation, Customer Delight, and Profitable Growth
english -
The 5-Step Services Automation Selection Process
english -
The Ultimate Guide to Services Automation
englishGain crucial insight into the changing services automation landscape.
The Open Secret of Successful Services Organizations
englishLearn how connected services organizations are using technology to keep up with and even exceed growing client expectations.
The 3 Core Capabilities of an Adaptive Enterprise
englishBecoming a flexible and nimble organization starts with creating an enterprise architecture team that’s positioned to meet the demands of the new era of digital business.
What-If Scenario Planning Guide for PMOs
english -
PMO Success Guide
englishLearn how to determine your organization’s readiness for change.
What is an Adaptive PPM Solution?
englishTransform your PMO with the flexibility and agility required to adapt to today's ever-changing business landscape.
2020 PPM Buyer's Guide
englishIdentify the critical capabilities needed in a PPM solution so that you can recognize and overcome common PMO barriers.
Accelerated EA Initiatives: Find Your Way Through 5 Common Use Cases
english -
Application Rationalization: The 9 Questions to Ask Before You Start
english -
5 Ways Real-Time Visibility Can Drive your PMO's Bottom Line
englishReal-time visibility can improve productivity, reduce silos within your organization, and increase collaboration.
Top Challenges of Services Organizations
englishLearn more about the top challenges facing services organizations today, and the key benefits around services automation that will improve business profitability.
SNCF - La structuration des projets R&D du groupe SNCF et l’implémentation de l’outil de pilotage
french -
Modernizing PPM: A Practical Four-Step Roadmap to Accelerate Agility
englishWhere does the PMO fit and how can you guide your business to navigate uncertainty and achieve success today?
Choosing an OKR Solution
englishDiscover the five key capabilities you need for planning, tracking, and measuring Objectives and Key Results successfully.
The State of Strategy Execution: Embracing Uncertainty To Adapt at Speed
english -
The Insider's Guide to Modern PPM: What Other Guides Won’t Tell You
englishFour dimensions to rethink to transform your role, drive the right outcomes, and enable enterprise agility.
Strategic Management as Usual Is Inadequate Today
english -
What Is Resource Management and Why Is It Important?
english -
Scaling Agile: How to Overcome 3 Common Challenges
english -
Agile Frameworks
english -
Scaled Agile Framework
english -
Key Elements of Project Portfolio Management
english -
What is Lean Methodology?
english -
Examples of OKRs: Real-World OKRs You Can Use Now
english -
OKRs vs. KPIs: Understanding the Differences
english -
Benefits of Agile
english -
Kanban Principles for Virtual Teams
english -
Leitfaden für Transparenz und Berichtswesen – der PMO-Flüsterer
germanBieten Sie wichtige Einblicke und stärken Sie den Einfluss des PMO
OKR Software: What It Is and What to Look For
english -
8 Best Practices of Capacity Planning
english -
Exempel på Gantt-diagram
swedish -
Beispiele für Gantt-Diagramme
german -
View from the Top: Leading an Agile Transformation
englishWhat does it take to lead an agile transformation and what can you do to bridge strategy and delivery?
Les quatre éléments essentiels d’un plan stratégique: Les quatre éléments essentiels d’un plan stratégique
french -
5 Ways to Accelerate On-Strategy Delivery in Times of Change: Insights from the State of Strategy Execution Global Benchmark Report
englishMarket disruptions are no longer the exception. Change is the norm.
Comment la gestion de portefeuille dynamique aide nos clients pendant la pandémie
frenchUn wébinaire sur la gestion de portefeuille dynamique en collaboration avec CGI Business Consulting.
Gestion de portefeuilles et de ressources - Démonstration de solution
french -
Planview PPM Pro - Démonstration de produit
frenchVisionnez notre démo à la demande consacrée à Planview PPM Pro pour découvrir les avantages dont votre organisation peut profiter grâce aux capacités suivantes
AgilePlace: Objectives and Key Results Demo: Drive work based on desired outcomes
english -
Produkt-Demo: Moderne Portfolioplanung für neue, hybride Arbeitsweisen
germanVerschaffen Sie sich einen klaren Überblick über strategische Initiativen und steigern Sie Ihre Reaktionsfähigkeit
Tipps zur Pipeline-Optimierung
germanVerbesserung der Kontrolle über Ihre Pipeline durch optimale Priorisierungsprozesse und Bedarfsanpassung.
Coaches Agile : assurez des résultats métiers au-delà des attentes
frenchDécouvrez comment l'action conjuguée d'un coach Agile et de la solution Planview de gestion de programmes Agile peut contribuer à optimiser les résultats des entreprises.
19 Process Improvement Ideas to Add to Your Toolkit
englishIdentify problems, brainstorm solutions, and implement meaningful changes to your process.
Projectplace Solution Demo
englishAll the work for all your projects. Powered by a single solution.
Agile-Programm-Manager und Release Train Engineers
germanOptimale Teamleistung für eine maximale Wertschöpfung
Responsables de programmes Agile et Release Train Engineers (RTE)
frenchOptimisez les performances des équipes pour maximiser la création de valeur.
The Agile Manager's Handbook: How to be an effective Agile leader
englishLearn the essentials of Agile leadership, including the 5 core skills that all Agile managers must have.
Connecting Strategy to Delivery for Digital Speed: Gain a clear view into strategic initiatives and increase responsiveness
english -
Modernisez votre planification de portefeuilles pour les méthodes de travail hybrides d'aujourd’hui
frenchRelier stratégie et réalisation pour opérer à la vitesse du digital
Process Improvement Tools
english -
Business Process Improvement Guide
englishSee how business process improvement can help your organization optimize performance, improve quality, reduce waste, and create more value for customers.
L’architecture d’entreprise, un maillon essentiel de la transformation agile
french -
Taming the Agile Chaos with Agile Program Management: How Planview supports Essential SAFe
english -
30 Days to Deliver Value Faster: Your Planview AgilePlace Trial Handbook
englishUse the activities in this guide to help you drive the most benefit for your team in the first 30 days.
Schnellere Umsetzung Ihrer Unternehmensstrategie
german -
Améliorer durablement l'agilité et la réactivité de votre organisation, aujourd'hui et à l'avenir
french -
Agile Coaches: Drive better business results
englishIt takes more than a mindset shift to realize the full potential of Agile at scale.
AgilePlace for Manufacturing Free Trial
english -
Top 12 Resource Management Best Practices
english -
german -
Was ist Ressourcenmanagement, und warum ist es wichtig?
german -
Der Weg zum Agile Portfoliomanagement
german -
Le parcours vers la gestion de portefeuilles Agile
french -
Ressourcenmanagement-Software und die Arbeitswelt im Wandel
german -
Project Management Office: Die Best Practices für das PPM
german -
Bureau de gestion de projets : bonnes pratiques de gestion PPM
french -
Projektledningstips och -verktyg
swedish -
Tipps und Tools für das Projektmanagement
german -
swedish -
Gantt-Diagramme –ein Leitfaden
german -
Hur man använder ett Gantt-diagram online
swedish -
So verwenden Sie ein Gantt-Diagramm online
german -
Vad är projekthantering?
swedish -
Was ist Projektmanagement?
german -
Agile Program Managers and Release Train Engineers: Optimize team performance, maximize value delivery.
english -
Comment gérer vos Portefeuilles de Projets « hybrides » (Cycle en V, Agile) en environnement incertain ?
french -
Process Design Worksheet Part 2: Testing and Refining Your Process
englishUse the discussion questions and workspaces to test and refine your process in a way that's personalized for your team.
Process Design Worksheet Part 1: Defining your process
englishLearn how to visualize your team’s process on a Kanban board – one step at a time, by using AgilePlace.
How to Achieve Continuous Improvement
englishSee the journey of a digital Kanban board unfold in AgilePlace.
germanDurch visuelles Projektmanagement zu kürzeren Zyklen und gesteigerter Effizienz
KANBANROADMAP für Fertigungsunternehmen
german -
People Leaders: Align strategy and delivery. Deliver better results.
english -
Coaches Agile: Favorisez la diffusion de l'Agile pour des résultats au-delà des attentes.
french -
Agile-Coaches: Bessere Ergebnisse durch Förderung von Agile-Methoden
german -
Simplify the Complexity of Agile at Scale
englishScaling and extending your Agile program across teams isn't easy. Simplify the complexity with the right technology.
The ROI of Agile Scaling and Transformation
englishExploring the dollars and sense to justify your Agile investment.
Kanban Roadmap for Manufacturing
english -
Kanban 101 for Manufacturing
englishManufacturing teams around the world have found a solution. It’s called Kanban.
Planification des ressources: élaborer un plan de gestion des ressources
french -
Ressourcenplanung: So erstellen Sie einen Ressourcenplan
german -
So finden Sie die beste Ressourcenmanagementsoftware: 6 wichtige Funktionen
german -
Trouver le meilleur logiciel de gestion des ressources: 6 Caractéristiques principales
french -
Exemples Kanban
french -
Pourquoi utiliser des tableaux Kanban ?
french -
Agile Coaches: Promote successful Agile adoption. Deliver better results.
english -
Schluss mit dem Blindflug
germanKanbans Rolle bei der Vernetzung Ihres Unternehmens - so steigern Sie Ihre Produktivität!
Sluta flyga i blindo
swedishKanbans roll i att binda samman ditt företag samt driva teamproduktivitet!
Visuelles Projektmanagement für Teams
germanKanban 101: Durch visuelles Projektmanagement zur gesteigerten Teamproduktivität
What Is a Kanban Board?
english -
What Is a Kanban Card?
english -
Gestion de programmes Agile: Visualiser et connecter toutes les activités
french -
Agile-Programm-Management: Arbeit optimal zuordnen, verbinden und visualisieren
german -
A Guide to OKRs: Mastering Objectives and Key Results
english -
Enterprise Kanban: The Key to your Agile Transformation Journey
englishIf your organization is in the midst of transformation and is interested in taking business agility to the next level, this is the webinar for you.
Evolve Beyond Spreadsheets: Establish PPM and Embrace Different Ways of Working
englishSee how a flexible, robust PPM solution helps you evolve beyond the basics of project management in spreadsheets.
Resource Manager for Enterprise One
english -
Amadeus - Transformation d’un programme de Transfo !
french -
Agile Enterprise Partner: De la stratégie aux opérations, Développer votre performance grâce au lean-portfolio management
french -
EDF - Transformation Agile à l’Echelle d’EDF UNITEP avec les solutions Planview
french -
XPO Logistics: Comment XPO a créé sa cellule PMO ?
french -
UNESCO IIPE: Les solutions Planview et la conduite du changement à l’IIPE/UNESCO
french -
Modernize Your Portfolio Planning for Today’s Hybrid Ways of Working
englishLearn how to navigate through today's hybrid reality by adapting team delivery, portfolio planning, capacity planning, and visibility and governance.
7 Principles of Smart Kanban Board Design
englishUse these 7 principles to design a Kanban board that accurately reflects your team’s current process.
IT-Strategieplanung: Management von Änderungen im Bereich der digitalen Transformation
german -
Planification stratégique IT : gérer le changement dans le contexte de la transformation numérique
french -
Aujourd'hui, la gestion stratégique classique n'est plus de mise
french -
Das strategische Management der Vergangenheit hat sich überlebt
german -
Strategieplanung: Eine Roadmap für die Transformation erstellen
german -
Planification stratégique : développer une feuille de route vers la transformation
french -
Logiciels de planification stratégique : aller au-delà des feuilles de calcul
french -
Strategieplanungssoftware: mehr als nur Tabellen
german -
Ein Neustart mit einer neuen IT-Roadmap
german -
Un nouveau départ grâce à une nouvelle feuille de route IT
french -
Développer un nouveau processus de planification stratégique
french -
Entwicklung eines neuen Strategieplanungsprozesses
german -
Strategieplanung: Die Richtung festlegen, um Mehrwert zu erbringen
german -
Planification stratégique : définir la direction à suivre pour générer de la valeur
french -
Strategic Planning: Set the Direction to Deliver Value
english -
frenchDes fiches interactives et une sélection de bonnes pratiques pour vous aider à choisir la solution adaptée à votre équipe et à votre organisation.
german -
Agile Planning: Let's Plan the Plan
englishSee how easy it is to facilitate Program Increment or Quarterly Planning with the Planview Agile Program Management solution.
Quand le PMO devient un partenaire stratégique multifacette: Maîtrisez les 4 compétences du PMO avisé
french -
Agile Program Management: Eating the cake too!
englishWatch on-demand to see the benefits of the Planview Agile Program Management solution.
Lean and Agile Metrics: Oh, my!
englishLearn how you can manage WIP limits, size features, view velocity, burndown and so much more with the Planview Agile Program Management solution.
Taming the Agile Chaos: Who’s Who in Your Zoo?
englishLearn how easy it is to integrate all of your disparate Agile tools and build your Agile Program Management foundation.
PPM Pro for the Project Manager
english -
Alle er prosjektledere
norwegian -
4 fordeler ved å bruke Kanban til milepælsbasert arbeid
norwegian -
Projektledning inom byggbranschen har aldrig varit enklare
swedish -
Fyra fördelar med Kanban när man jobbar med milstolpar
swedish -
Visuell projektledning för team
swedish -
Flexibilitet att anpassa sig till ett föränderligt arbetsliv: Planview FLEX
swedish -
IT Strategic Planning: Managing Change in the Realm of Digital Transformation
english -
What is Project Management?
english -
Checklist de priorisation du PMO avisé
french -
Strategic Management as Usual Is Inadequate Today
english -
Arrêtez de planifier vos projets, planifiez plutôt vos portefeuilles !
french -
Introduction to Kanban
english -
french -
german -
Checklist de priorisation du PMO avisé
french -
Checkliste zur Priorisierung
german -
FÅ JOBBET GJORT SNABBARE: 6 steg till snabbare projektplanering och leverans
swedish -
Les 2 types de flux de valeur: placer la valeur au centre de l'organisation
french -
Identifier ses flux de valeur: la valeur, élément vital de votre activité
french -
Zwei Arten von Wertströmen: Wert als Richtschnur für Unternehmen
german -
Wertströme identifizieren: Werte, die Ihr Unternehmen ausmachen
german -
Online Kanban Software Buyer's Guide
englishInteractive worksheets and curated best practices to help you choose the right solution for your team and organization.
What is Scrum?
english -
Planview Enterprise Agile Planning Lösung
german -
Aligning Around Customer Value: From Outputs to Outcomes
englishIf your Agile teams are busy, but you can’t fully realize their value, it might be time to take a step back and inspect your Agile transformation.
Gantt Chart Examples
english -
How to Use a Gantt Chart Online
english -
Agile Metrics vs. Lean Metrics
english -
Agile Teams: Dependency Management and Visualization
english -
Dynamic Planning Capability
english -
Meeting Strategic Initiatives with Dynamic Planning
english -
Enterprise Agile Planning Demo
english -
Agile Program Management from the Trenches
englishHelp your organization better visualize, plan, coordinate, and deliver on the most important business objectives with Agile Program Management.
Checkliste: Grundlagen des virtuellen Program Increment (PI) Plannings
german -
Alla är projektledare
swedish -
Capacités d'intégration Agile Planview
french -
Planview Agile Integration Capabilitys
german -
How to Identify Your Value Streams
english -
Checklist : Les clés d'un PI Planning virtuel réussi
french -
Agile Program Management Solution Demo
english -
Unlock Enterprise Agility: Drive Strategic Delivery for The Business
englishSantander UK's Executives and Technology teams connect strategy to delivery with Planview solutions to gain transparency and simplify processes.
What is Lean Manufacturing?
english -
Was ist Agile Programm-Management?
german -
What is Agile Program Management?
english -
Logiciel Kanban pour le cadre Scaled Agile Framework
french -
Kanban Software für das Agile-Skalierungsframework
german -
Agile-Skalierung: So bewältigen Sie 3 häufige Herausforderungen
german -
Déploiement Agile : comment surmonter 3 problèmes courants
french -
Agile-Skalierung: So bewältigen Sie 3 häufige Herausforderungen
german -
german -
Frameworks Agile
french -
Métriques Agile et métriques Lean
french -
Agile-Kennzahlen versus Lean-Kennzahlen
german -
Lean-Kennzahlen zur Verbesserung des Flows
german -
Métriques Lean pour optimiser le flux
french -
Équipes Agile : gestion et visualisation des dépendances
french -
Agile-Teams: Management und Visualisierung von Abhängigkeiten
german -
Was sind Agile Release Trains?
german -
Que sont les Agile Release Trains ?
french -
Qu'est-ce que la gestion de programme Agile ?
french -
PPM Pro für Ressourcenmanager
germanErfahren Sie, wie Sie in dieser kurzen Demonstration, wie Sie mit PPM Pro als Ressourcenmanager optimal arbeiten können.
Pourquoi les organisations avec une gestion de portefeuilles réussissent malgré tout ?
frenchRejoignez-nous à cette démo en ligne pour découvrir comment les solutions Planview peuvent faciliter vos prises de décisions dans ce domaine.
Planview Agile Program Management
english -
Kanban 101: Durch visuelles Projektmanagement zur gesteigerten Teamproduktivität
german -
german -
Scaling Agile mit Planview
german -
Accelerate Agile Transformation
englishThere is a need to transform at warp speed. Don’t miss this webinar to learn how to do it with a framework and product that can.
Gantt Chart Guide
english -
What are Agile Release Trains?
english -
Gestion de programmes : la clé de l'exécution stratégique
french -
Enterprise One for the Portfolio Manager
english -
Enterprise One for the Program Manager
english -
Program Management: The Key to Strategic Execution
english -
Packages Planification Planview PPM Pro
french -
Packages Planification Planview Portfolios
french -
Kanban Software for the Scaled Agile Framework
english -
Dynamic Planning: Rapidly Refocus, Reprioritize, and Reallocate
englishDrive decisions and change by combining adaptive portfolio management with flexible funding models.
Checkliste zur Priorisierung
german -
Moderne PMOs
german -
Kundenvideo Endress+Hauser
german -
10 exemples de tableaux Kanban
french -
10 Kanban-Board-Beispiele
german -
Was ist ein Online-Kanban-Board?
german -
Qu'est-ce qu'un tableau Kanban en ligne ?
french -
Principes Kanban pour les équipes virtuelles
french -
Kanban Prinzipien für virtuelle Teams
german -
Wie Kanban Tools die Produktivität verbessern
german -
Comment les outils Kanban améliorent la productivité
french -
Guide de gestion de projet Kanban pour les équipes virtuelles
french -
Leitfaden zum Kanban Projektmanagement für virtuelle Teams
german -
Re-Wire: Planview’s Internal Agile Transformation Story
englishIf a 30-year-old company can transform and embrace a full re-wire of the business, culture, measurement, performance, and way of working, then you can, too.
Planview Lean and Agile: Nos offres pour les équipes d'équipes
french -
Strategies for Thriving in a Remote World
englishTeams experiencing a sudden shift to remote work may find it difficult to maintain the same productivity and pace they may have had in the office. Learn about real-life solutions from global teams at Planview.
Comment calculer le ROI d'une démarche PPM ?
frenchDécouvrez dans ce wébinaire comment justifier cette démarche.
Guide to Kanban Project Management for Virtual Teams
english -
Calcul et comptabilisation des coûts de l'Agile
french -
Agile Kostenkalkulation und Kapitalisierung
german -
Why Crowdsourcing Challenges Succeed: 7 Best Practices Every Company Should Know
english -
5 Ways to Transform Project Collaboration in Marketing
english -
Visibilité et Reporting - le guide du PMO avisé
french -
Le Lean Portfolio Management: De la stratégie aux opérations, développer votre performance grâce au Lean Portfolio Management
french -
Rewire Strategy to Delivery with Planview
english -
The Journey from Traditional to Agile in Marketing
englishLearn how organizations are embracing new ways of working in marketing to eliminate waste and deliver faster.
Planview PPM Pro pour la gestion des ressources
french -
Kanban 101: Supercharge your team's productivity
englishBy encouraging teams to identify, prioritize, and intentionally complete work items one at a time, Kanban can help combat the damaging effects of multitasking in a hyper-stimulated world.
Process Improvement: 7 Tips for Managing Flow
english -
La planification des ressources: Affectez les bonnes personnes aux bonnes tâches, au bon moment.
french -
Planview® Lean Agile Umsetzung Produkttour
german -
Solution Lean Agile Delivery (Agilité à l'échelle)
french -
Agile Costing and Capitalization
english -
Embracing Agility with Agile Project Management
englishHow Planview’s Digital Marketing Team Is Accelerating Their Time-To-Market
Accelerate Your Agile Marketing Journey
englishHow Enterprise Kanban Ensures Planview’s Organizational Alignment
Get Work Done Faster: 6 Steps to Accelerate Project Planning and Delivery
english -
Maximizing IT productivity and Agile team software labor capitalization
englishNo matter where you are in your Agile transformation journey, you can benefit from understanding the ideal future state.
Le parcours du PMO vers l'Agilité à l'échelle
french -
Priorisez les tâches et concentrez-vous sur l'essentiel !
frenchDans cette démo en ligne, nous démontrerons quelques éléments clés provenant de notre base de clients et illustrerons comment ce défi commun peut être abordé avec Planview PPM Pro.
It’s the end of the portfolio management world as we know it ... and I feel fine
englishLearn more, watch this webinar and be ready to handle the end of the portfolio management world as we know it.
The Challenges of Agile Software Development Costing and Capitalization
english -
So you’ve got teams. So what?
englishBy following the five guidelines presented in this webinar, PMOs at every level can enhance resource capacity planning and management to accelerate business growth.
How Automation and AI Can Boost Collaborative Work
englishPut AI to work in your organization as a virtual team member.
Planview's Innovation Management Solution
englishCreating a Culture of Innovation
Agile or Waterfall - Choose the Right Methodology for Success
englishReview what an Agile way of working means and how it differs from traditional waterfall way of working.
Get Work Done Faster: 6 Steps to Accelerate Project Planning and Delivery
englishGain practical tips and tools that will help you plan, track, and deliver more efficiently.
Collaboration Software: Improving Team Efficiency
englishSee how collaboration software can keep distributed teams from becoming disconnected and contributing to issues like project delays and customer dissatisfaction.
Project Management Office: PPM Best Practices
english -
Toute la flexibilité requise pour s'adapter à un monde du travail en perpétuelle mutation: Planview FLEX
french -
Lean Principles 101 Guide
english -
Leitfaden für die Priorisierung - der PMO-Flüsterer
german -
Program Increment-Planung (PI-Planung)
german -
Planification par incréments de programme (Planification PI)
french -
Inspecter et Adapter dans le framework SAFe
french -
Inspizieren und Anpassen in SAFe
german -
Essenzielles SAFe®
german -
Essential SAFe®
french -
Qu'est-ce qu'un cadre SAFe ?
french -
Was ist ein SAFe-Framework?
german -
Was ist SAFe®?
german -
Qu'est-ce que SAFe® ?
french -
german -
Scaled Agile Framework
french -
Scaled Agile Framework : comment la technologie favorise l'agilité
french -
Framework für Agile-Skalierung: Wie Technologie Agilität fördert
german -
Scaled Agile Framework: How Technology Enables Agility
english -
Kanban vs. Scrum: What are the Differences?
english -
Éléments clés de la gestion de portefeuille de projets
french -
Schlüsselelemente des Projekt-Portfoliomanagements
german -
PPM-Tool-Vergleich: So wählen Sie das richtige aus
german -
Comparaison des outils PPM : Comment choisir la bonne solution
french -
Gestion de projet, gestion de programme ou gestion de portefeuille
french -
Project Management vs. Program Management vs. Portfolio Management
german -
Was ist eine Projekt-Portfoliomanagement-Software?
german -
En quoi consiste un logiciel de gestion de portefeuille de projets ?
french -
Leitfaden für das Bedarfsmanagement - der PMO-Flüsterer
german -
Warum der Umstieg auf Lean/Agile scheitert
german -
Leitfaden für Ressourcenplanung - der PMO-Flüsterer
german -
Planification des ressources - le guide du PMO avisé
french -
Continuous Improvement Tools and Techniques
english -
Resource Management Software and the Changing World of Work
english -
PPM Solution Guide for Beginners
english -
Leitfaden für PPM-Lösungen für Einsteiger
german -
Solutions PPM : le guide du débutant
french -
Lean Budgeting: Incremental Funding to Support Continuous Planning
english -
Budgétisation Lean : financement incrémentiel pour favoriser la planification continue
french -
Introduction à une démarche Lean
frenchQu'est-ce que le Lean ?
Calcul et comptabilisation des coûts du développement logiciel Agile
french -
Reproduire les succès des équipes Agile à grande échelle
frenchSept recommandations pour favoriser la coordination entre les équipes et amplifier les capacités de livraison Agile
La délicate transition culturelle vers le Lean-Agile
frenchLes différences culturelles entre entreprises Lean-Agile et entreprises traditionnelles
Lean-Agile: Les 5 changements culturels nécessaires à une agilité organisationnelle pérenne
french -
How to Embrace Digital Disruption in Financial Services
englishEnterprise agility – the ability to respond rapidly to opportunities and disruption
How Automation and AI Can Boost Collaborative Work
english -
Priorisation - Le guide du PMO avisé
french -
Gestion de la demande : Le guide du PMO avisé
french -
Eine Arbeitswelt im Wandel: Entwickeln wir uns weiter oder bleiben wir auf der Strecke?
german -
Les clés pour constituer des équipes Agile et des Agile Release Trains hautement performants
french -
Herausforderungen bei der Kapitalisierung agiler Softwareentwicklung
germanWie Sie die größten Hürden bei der Skalierung agiler Modelleerfolgreich überwinden
7 Schritte zum Erfolg mit Lean Budgeting
german -
Portfolio and Technology Management with Planview Portfolios
englishLearn how Planview can support strategy to delivery in a changing world of work.
Scaling Agile - How Planview's solution can support your organisation
englishLearn how Planview supports organisations throughout the transitioning from traditional to a more Lean and Agile Delivery.
From Spreadsheets to PPM: Taking the first steps on your portfolio management journey
englishCommon challenges maturing organisations face in their project and portfolio management procedures
Driving Value Through a Culture of Innovation
englishHow Planview can help you deliver impact by engaging your crowd
From Idea to Launch
englishSee how Planview solutions will help you ensure you get the best ideas taken through the development process to a successful launch.
Ensuring Strategic Delivery with Your Resources
englishSee how Planview solutions will help you ensure you have those resources available when you need them.
Mid Range Planning Made Easier
englishHow Planview’s solutions can help you ensure your organisation is working on the most important things and delivering on the right outcomes.
What’s in Pipe?
englishHow to effectively gain control over your intake process and make sure you prioritize the right work.
Agile Methodologies: A Beginner's Guide
english -
Uncovering the secrets of an agile transformation through the experience of RBS
english -
Unternehmensarchitektur: unverzichtbar für die digitale Transformation
german -
Architecture d'entreprise : essentielle pour la transformation numérique
french -
The Journey to Agile Portfolio Management
englishSee why going agile is not a one-time event, but a journey toward more agile portfolio management across the enterprise, and learn how to define success.
The PMO Leader for Planview Portfolios
englishRegister now to take a look at the PMO LEADER experience – and the solutions you have within Planview Portfolios.
Enterprise Architecture: Essential for Digital Transformation
englishSee why considering enterprise architecture in strategic planning keeps digital transformation efforts from spiraling in the wrong direction.
What is Agile Project Management for Marketing?
englishSee why going agile is not a one-time event, but a journey toward more agile portfolio management across the enterprise, and learn how to define success.
Les secrets d’une transformation Agile à travers l’expérience de Royal Bank of Scotland
french -
Agile: Pour sortir par le haut de la disruption du marché des services financiers
frenchDécouvrir comment établissements ont décidé de réagir en s’appropriant la culture et l’état d’esprit Lean-Agile
Planview CITF Webinars - Delivering Value through Strategic Innovation
englishJoin Virginia and Carrie's lively session on findings from the 2019 State of Crowdsourced Innovation.
Planview CITF Partner Webinars - Moving at the Speed of Change
englishLearn how simple it is to implement continuous planning and get on track to align, shift, prioritize.
Planview CITF Partner Webinars - Scaling Agile within your Organisation
englishJon Terry and Tony Gilling talk about how to start scaling agile in your organisation.
Planview CITF Partner Webinars - Planning Deconstructed
englishBenefits of a continuous and agile approach to planning.
Mehr Erfolg für agile Teams
germanSieben Tipps für eine optimale teamübergreifende Koordination und eine skalierbare Bereitstellung
7 étapes d'une budgétisation Lean réussie
frenchDans ce guide, nous vous expliquerons en quoi la budgétisation Lean représente un maillon essentiel du LPM
Fünf Änderungen der Unternehmenskultur für den Umstieg auf Lean-Agile
german -
Von der Traditionsbank zum agilen Unternehmen: Wie sich der Umbruch in der Finanzbranche meistern lässt
german -
Erste Schritte mit Lean
german -
So bauen Sie leistungsstarke agile Teams und Agile Release Trains auf
german -
La planification stratégique: Comment s'assurer de la bonne exécution de votre stratégie ?
french -
Kanban for the Rest of Us: Applying Project Management Principles
englishSee how Kanban meets the need in many different departments for a tool to track the process of a project or product through a series of steps to completion.
Innovation Management: Cultivating Fresh Ideas to Accelerate Your Business
englishSee how innovation management helps successful companies stay ahead of the curve by bringing products to market to ride waves of public interest or generate new ones.
Le monde du travail se transforme: Saurez-vous évoluer pour ne pas vous faire distancer ?
french -
Le Lean Portfolio Management pour l'entreprise
french -
5 Factors to Turn Ideation into Impact
english -
Solutions logicielles Lean et Agile : Le guide ultime de l'acheteur
french -
Der ultimative Käuferleitfaden: Software für die Lean-Agile-Transformation
german -
Advance Project Portfolio Management: Break Down PMO and EA Silos
englishSee how you can advance project portfolio management by bringing PMO leaders and enterprise architects together to connect strategy to delivery at speed.
Gestion des ressources et de la capacité
frenchLa gestion d'un portefeuille de projet efficace passe forcément par une gestion des ressources travaillant sur les projets, et par le contrôle de la capacité à intégrer de nouveaux projets.
2019 State of Crowdsourced Innovation Webinar: Research Findings from Spigit’s Fourth Annual Study on Innovation Management
english -
2019 State of Crowdsourced Innovation Report: Findings from the Fourth Annual Planview IdeaPlace Benchmark Study
english -
Créer de la valeur grâce à une culture d’innovation
frenchComment Planview peut vous aider à engager vos employés.
Comment liez-vous le portefeuille de projet et l'architecture d'entreprise à votre stratégie ?
french -
Planview PPM Pro and FLEX
english -
Planview Portfolios and FLEX
english -
Le Lean Portfolio Management pour le PMO
french -
Les 7 avantages de l'Agile à l'échelle
french -
Lean-Portfoliomanagement für Unternehmen
german -
Werden Sie zum Agile-Experten Ihres Unternehmens
german -
Lean-Portfoliomanagement für das PMO
german -
Enterprise Kanban für die Skalierung agiler Teams
german -
Agile Program Management: Make Work Connected and Visible
englishLearn the challenges facing organizations undergoing transformation and how enterprise Kanban software can help you effectively practice Agile Program Management.
The Complete Agile Software Buying Guide
englishCriteria for Team, Program, and Portfolio Level Solutions
We Survived Virtual PI Planning!
englishIf your organization is holding off on doing a virtual PI Planning event or attempted to have one but didn’t have success, don’t miss this webinar.
Scaling Agile Delivery Demo
englishConnect disparate Agile planning and work tracking tools into a single consolidated system for better cross-team planning, coordination and dependency management. Or use our robust Enterprise Kanban solution for better team-level Agile planning and delivery.
Quantifying a Culture of Innovation: A Rigorous, Quantitative Analysis of Corporate Innovation Cultures
english -
Getting Started with Lean
englishLean is a mindset that helps you make smarter decisions about how to invest your time, energy, and money.
Enterprise Agility: How to transcend disruption in the financial services industry
english -
Costing Agile: Win the Timesheet Debate with Finance
englishAgile Development Costing and Automation of Actuals
Planview® Lean-Agile Delivery (LAD) Product Tour
englishLean into the Changing World of Work
Lean Portfolio Management for the Enterprise: What Is It and How Is It Changing Value Delivery?
english -
How to do Virtual PI Planning: An Essential Checklist
english -
How Transformed Are You Really?
englishMake sure your organization is prepared with the tips and tools that will keep you ahead of the market and your competition.
Planview AgilePlace: Outil Kanban d'entreprise pour les ingénieurs
frenchÀ mesure que les marchés gagnent en maturité, les entreprises entreprennent des transformations Lean et Agile
The 2 Types of Value Streams
englishLearn more about Defining Objectives and Key Results in the eBook, Two Types of Value Streams
Becoming a Lean-Agile Enterprise: End-to-end Lean and Agile Delivery
english -
#ShiftHappens: Making the Product Shift for Business Agility
englishThe ultimate goal is business agility, but this isn’t an overnight transformation.
The 7 Must-Haves for Achieving Scaling Agile Success
englishGet the Must-Haves and Pro-Tips Needed to Scale Agile
Construction Project Management Made Simple
english -
Fuel Enterprise Innovation Management
englishDeliver on your innovation strategy from idea to impact
ROI - Les bénéfices d'une démarche PPM
french -
Employee Engagement: From Idea to Impact
english -
Lessons Learned: The Journey to An Agile Organization
englishReview common cultural obstacles seen within Agile transformations and different ways to consider overcoming those challenges.
7 Stages to Lean Budgeting Success
englishStep-by-step guide to successfully adopt Lean budgeting practices in your own organization.
Lean Portfolio Management for the PMO
englishLearn the best practices for how a PMO shepherds the enterprise-wide shift from traditional portfolio management to Lean Portfolio Management.
Stop Flying Blind: Kanban's Role in Connecting Your Business and Driving Team Productivity
englishUnlock new levels of visibility, optimization, and collaboration for every team across the company.
Agilité à l’échelle / SAFe: Comment pilotez-vous votre transformation agile ?
french -
How to Do Virtual or Remote PI Planning
englishThe blueprint you need to keep your teams of teams aligned to the ever-pivoting business outcomes of today’s volatile world.
Teams of Teams: How Planview provides visibility across the Agile Release Train
english -
Amplify and Expand Agile Team Success
englishIf you’re scaling Agile across multiple teams and initiatives, you’ll need to ensure synchronization. Download this eBook and get seven recommendations to promote cross-team coordination and scale Agile delivery.
From PPM Toward Scaled Agile Across the Enterprise
englishView Royal Bank of Scotland's Horizons 2019 Customer Keynote.
Devenez le leader agile dont votre organisation a besoin
french -
Comparing Traditional Portfolio Management and Lean Portfolio Management
english -
Lean Portfolio Management: What Is It and How Is It Changing Value Delivery?
englishLearn how Lean Portfolio Management is changing planning and funding within the enterprise.
Use Cases for Marketing
englishHow can marketers leverage project collaboration to elevate organizational performance?
Use Cases for Manufacturing
englishHow can the manufacturing industry leverage project collaboration to elevate organizational performance?
Become the Agile Leader Your Organization Needs
englishFour areas of improvement for scaling agile across the organization
Neuvernetzung von Strategie und Umsetzung mit Planview
german -
Le PMO agile: Cinq étapes pour favoriser le déploiement de l'agilité à grande échelle
french -
Why Lean-Agile Culture Shifts Fail
englishLearn to shift your mindset, not just practices and processes.
Steer Your Organization with Strategic Planning
englishLearn how to elevate into the position of an enterprise PMO to craft and create a strategy that can be achieved organization-wide across all portfolios.
5 Lean-Agile Culture Shifts Needed to Achieve and Sustain Organizational Agility
english -
Strategic Planning: How to Build a Roadmap to Transformation
englishStrategy is the method for achieving a goal; planning makes strategy come to life. See how to use strategic planning to build a roadmap for transformation.
Enterprise Kanban for Scaling Agile Teams: 5 Benefits of Expanding Kanban Across Teams for Your Agile Transformation
englishLearn how enterprise Kanban software can promote the visibility and connectedness of teams and their work while increasing productivity, reducing waste, and improving agility across your organization.
How to Identify Your Value Streams
englishA blueprint for you to take back to your organization to get on the path to a more Lean-Agile enterprise.
The Agile PMO: Leading Change in the Enterprise
englishSee how the agile PMO is able to translate enterprise-wide agility to accelerate time to market, drive innovation, and achieve higher returns on investment.
Transforming RBS: From PPM Toward Scaled Agile Across the Enterprise
englishHear how Lean Portfolio Management has helped RBS rethink priorities, empower value streams, and enable continuous planning and funding for faster delivery.
Préparez-vous à devenir Agile grâce à la gestion de portefeuilles de projets
french -
Gestion des ressources : gérer les équipes et la planification pour combler tous les besoins
french -
Ressourcenmanagement: Teams managen und Engpässe einplanen
german -
Resource Management: How Organizations Effectively Leverage People and Budgets
englishSee how resource management within the context of project portfolio management enables organizations to gain control of the basic resources needed for projects.
Get Ready for Agile with Project Portfolio Management
englishAn Agile approach to project portfolio management is vital to meet market and customer demands. See how to get ready for Agile with Project Portfolio Management.
Resource Management: Managing Teams and Planning for Shortages
englishSee how resource management addresses the issue of not knowing what people are working on and whether there are sufficient resources to complete high-priority work.
Key Project Portfolio Management Capabilities for Today’s Changing Business Needs
englishLearn about Project Portfolio Management for today's businesses and how it helps prioritize projects and programs that hold the most value for the enterprise.
Planview Enterprise Agile Planning Solution
english -
Product Innovation Begins with Employee Engagement
english -
Planview Lean and Agile: Nos offres pour les équipes d'équipes
english -
Planview Lean und Agile: Teams von Teams-Bundles
german -
The 5 Whys of Lean
englishSee how the 5 Whys of Lean help teams move past blame, think beyond the specific context of a problem, and identify a sustainable solution to resolve the issue.
Planview AgilePlace: Optimize your business flow to deliver more value
englishWatch the demo to see how AgilePlace can help you see the big picture, drive agility, integrate applications, and improve continuously.
Planview AgilePlace
englishAgilePlace by Planview helps engineering organizations see the work happening across teams.
What is SAFe?
englishThe world of software development is fast-paced and results-driven. Learn what SAFe is and get helpful information on migrating your growing team to SAFe.
Agile Costing Demo with Automated Actuals
english -
Planview Agile Integration Capabilities
englishScale Agile by coordinating planning and managing dependencies across teams and tools
Das agile PMO: fünf Schritte für eine bedarfsgerechte Umsetzung von Agilität
germanDie Bedeutung von PMOs in den agilen Unternehmensstrukturen von heute
5 Ways to Transform Project Collaboration in Marketing
english -
Program Increment Planning (PI Planning)
englishProgram Increment (PI) Planning is the heartbeat of the Agile Release Train. Learn how to manage Program Increment Planning with a multi-locational team.
Building High-Performing Agile Teams and Release Trains
englishLearn how to develop how to build high-functioning, successful Agile teams and get answers to important questions.
What is a SAFe Framework?
englishSee how the SAFe framework helps businesses address the challenges of developing and delivering enterprise-class software and systems in the shortest lead time.
Flexibility to Adapt in the Changing World of Work: Planview Team Member Flex
english -
Concrétisez Rapidement votre Stratégie de Transformation Numérique
french7 recommandations essentielles pour préparer votre organisation á l’ère du numérique
Map Your Product Portfolio Toward Success
englishResults from the Sixth Product Portfolio Management Benchmark Study
Essential SAFe®
englishEssential SAFe® is a lightweight but comprehensive version of SAFe® that will still ensure sustainable success. Learn the essential elements of any SAFe® system.
11 Things you need to know about DevOps
englishby Gene Kim, Coauthor of The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, The Visible Ops Handbook and the upcoming book, The DevOps Cookbook
Heraus aus dem PMO-Zombie-Status
germanEin Leitfaden für Überlebenstipps, um der PMO-Zombiefalle zu entgehen und sich zum flexiblen PMO zu entwickeln
Agile Best Practices for More Effective Teams
englishThe most effective software development teams utilize collaboration and other Agile best practices. Learn more about Agile best practices for more effective teams.
Die sieben Vorteile der Agile-Skalierung
german -
Four Benefits of Using Kanban for Milestone-Driven Work
englishLearn how using a visual workflow management tool can boost efficiency, collaboration, and morale.
Achieving Success in Digital Transformation
englishShawn Fitzgerald, IDC Global Research Director, offers considerations to help you advance your DX efforts.
L'invasion des PMOs zombies
frenchGuide de survie pour éviter les pièges et apprendre à s'adapter
Five Things Top Performers Do Differently to Deliver Profitable, Innovative Products
english -
The Business Transformation Required to Innovate in the Digital Era
englishFindings from the 6th Product Portfolio Management Benchmark Study
Project Planning in the Agile Method
englishThere are many advantages of the Agile method in project planning over more traditional methods of project management. Learn more about project planning in Agile.
Work and Resource Management
englishConnecting strategy and delivery enterprise-wide
Optimize Your Product Pipeline
englishOptimize your product pipeline and achieve greater returns with Planview’s integrated and configurable Product Portfolio Management solution.
WRM is Now
englishThe world and business climate has changed and the pace of disruption is demanding that
The Surprising Secrets to Delivering Smarter, More Connected Products: Findings from the 6th Product Portfolio Management Benchmark Study
englishExplore the impact of smart, connected products on your portfolio, reveal industry trends, and highlight best practices from top performers.
Was ist die digitale Transformation?
german -
7 Ways to Deliver Your Digital Transformation Strategy at Speed
englishCheck out the infographic to discover tips, industry stats, and what you need to do to advance your strategy.
Charting Your Journey to Success
englishUnderstand what's going on and where to focus your energy in order to navigate your journey to success.
What is Digital Transformation?
english -
Planview's Product Portfolio Management Solution
englishSee how Planview can give your organization the confidence you need and visibility into the product pipeline to ensure on-time and on budget product delivery.
5 Lean Manufacturing Principles
english -
Eight Reasons Your Business Strategy Might Just Fail
englishMarket forces are working against you. Discover the 8 forces featured in the infographic.
An Executive Guide to Accelerating Digital Transformation
englishDiscover the seven recommendations that will help you achieve the results your customers, investors, and board are demanding.
Généralisez l'approche agile dans vos équipes avec la méthode Kanban d'entreprise
french -
Deliver Digital Transformation at Speed: 7 Key Elements to Rewire for the Digital Era
englishThese seven recommendations will help you achieve the results your clients, investors and board are demanding.
Flexibilität in einer sich permanent verändernden Arbeitswelt
german -
What is Work Breakdown Structure?
englishProject management requires keeping everyone accountable to a single goal. See why one of the best approaches for large, complex projects is work breakdown structure.
Pick the Right Investments, Accelerate Time to Market, and Drive Revenue
englishDiscover how leading manufacturers are using Planview to help them deliver strategic initiatives.
Learning to Manage Your Product Portfolio in the Digital Era
englishLearn best practices on managing complex products and portfolios to deliver against strategy.
Are You Really Innovating? Five Signs You Might Be Faking It
englishThis article challenges companies to take an honest look in the innovation mirror to determine whether they’re truly making it or perhaps faking it when it comes to bringing innovative products and services to market.
Get the Right Ideas to Market Fast
englishMaturing Your New Product Development Process with Planview PPM Pro
Tech Clarity: Top 5 Ways to Measure Product Innovation
englishChoosing Metrics to Drive Innovation Performance
Tout le monde est un responsable de projet
frenchÉtude 2018 sur les projets collaboratifs dans les équipes diversifiées d'aujourd'hui
Planview AgilePlace Unternehmensweites Kanban für Entwicklungsingenieure
germanBeschäftigen sich Unternehmen verstärkt mit der Transformation in Richtung „Lean und Agile“
Ihr PMO @ Hyper-Speed:Schnellere Strategieumsetzung und digitale Transformat
german5 Maßnahmen, um Ihr PMO auf Hyper-Speed zu bringen
Accélérer la mise en œuvre Lean et Agile
frenchAfin d'offrir plus rapidement de la valeur à leurs clients, les dirigeants tentent d'appliquer les méthodes Lean-Agile
Beschleunigung von „Lean und Agile“ - Bereitstellung
germanBedarfsgerechte Agile-Steuerung – von Teams bis zur gesamten Unternehmensorganisation
Kanban Teams: Supporting Collaboration
englishDespite good intentions, not all collaboration adds value; it's easy to stray into low-value territory. See how Kanban teams can focus on collaboration that matters.
Maximizing the Value of Your NPD Portfolio
englishLeveraging the full potential of your resources to deliver products on time
Les 5 principes du Lean Manufacturing
frenchLe Lean Manufacturing aujourd'hui
Three Deliverables Every PMO Leader Should Be Getting From Their EA
englishWorking together regularly with your enterprise architecture colleagues facilitates better business outcomes.
Agile Project Management Challenges
englishSee why becoming an effective Agile project team requires project managers to become champions of change and overcome common Agile project management challenges.
Creating Innovation Capacity to Accelerate Time to Market
englishBased on the 2016 Resource Management and Capacity Planning Benchmark Study
Leitfaden für Projektmanager: Aufgaben erfolgreich erledigen - Teil 2
german -
Leitfaden für Projektmanager: Aufgaben erfolgreich erledigen - Teil 1/2
german -
Guide du responsable de projet pour faire avancer les choses - Partie 2
french -
Guide du responsable de projet pour faire avancer les choses - Partie 1
french -
Tracer votre voie vers le succès
french -
Ihr Weg zum Erfolg
german -
Gestion des activités et des ressources
frenchAssocier la stratégie à l'exécution dans toute l'entreprise
Avoid the Top 5 Product Portfolio Pitfalls and Maximize Product Development Success
english -
Damit Ihre Ressourcen nicht durch das Raster fallen
germanEin intelligenterer Ansatz für Ressourcenprognosen,-management, und -verantwortung.
Vos ressources sombrentdans l’abîme
frenchUne approche plus judicieuse en matière de prévision, de gestion et de responsabilisation des ressources.
Scrum Best Practices for Teams
englishScrum, a Lean / Agile approach, assumes change is inevitable. Learn Scrum best practices for teams, its origins, and how teams use it to develop products.
Elevating an Enterprise Architect's Strategic Impact in Transforming the Business: Six recommendations to develop your strategic edge
english -
A New Framework for Assessing Your Innovation Program
englishIntroducing The Innovation Management Maturity Model™ by Planview
Strategic Planning Software vs. Excel Spreadsheets
englishStrategic planning must be fueled by continuous, real-time information. Learn about strategic planning software vs. Excel Spreadsheets.
What is Continuous Improvement?
englishWhat is Continuous Improvement? Learn more about this method for identifying opportunities for streamlining work and reducing waste.
Product Portfolio Management for New Product Development
englishSuccessful businesses accept change and seek out solutions. Revitalize the NPD process by adopting a Product Portfolio Management practice that works.
How to Use Kanban for Project Management
englishNinety-seven percent of organizations believe project management is critical to business success. See how to use Kanban for project management.
Fünf zentrale Prinzipien des Lean Manufacturing
germanMit Lean-Ansätzen mehr erreichen
Accélérer l'innovation Produit et la transformation numérique
frenchLes solutions Planview pour l'industrie manufacturière
Die 5 besten Möglichkeiten,um den Erfolg von Produktinnovationen zu messen
germanWählen Sie die richtigen Kennzahlen, um Ihre Innovationsleistung zu optimieren
Votre PMO à la vitesse supérieure
frenchAccélérer l’exécution et la transformation stratégique
The Four Key Elements of a Strategic Plan
english -
10 Steps to Get Smart About Launching the Right IoT Products
englishLearn how to create differentiated, revenue producing products.
Everyone is a Project Manager
englishYour one stop to get everything you need about the latest project collaboration report.
Essential Checklist for Scaling Kanban Across Teams: A Guide From Your Friends at LeanKit
english -
The Savvy PMO's Guide to Prioritization
englishGetting started with scoring
Inspect and Adapt in SAFe
englishLearn about Inspect and Adapt in SAFe, a significant event where the development team demonstrates and evaluates the state of a software product in development.
Wir sind alle Projektmanager
germanStudie 2018 zur Projektzusammenarbeit zwischen unterschiedlichen Teams im modernen Arbeitsumfeld
Vad är ett projektmöte? Tips och typer
swedish -
Was ist eine Projektbesprechung? Tipps und Typen
german -
Why Use a Project Collaboration Tool?
englishWhy use a project collaboration tool? See how they can help project managers and teams manage change, communicate, and save time while increasing effectiveness.
What is a Project Meeting? Tips and Types
englishThe project manager's top responsibility is communication. Get tips on facilitating the best project meeting possible, the key to success of the overall project.
7 Criteria for Selecting the Best Project Management Software and Collaboration Tool
englishProject management sees a project from concept to delivery, ensuring it's on time and on budget. Learn 7 criteria for selecting the best project management software.
What is Value Stream Mapping?
englishWhat is value stream mapping? Learn more about the Lean tool Toyota used to define and optimize the steps for getting a product or service from start to finish.
Mettez l’innovation à profit
french -
Capacités avancées et technologie
french -
Fortschrittliche Fähigkeiten und Technologie
german -
Transformez votre stratégie en réalité
french -
Planview Integration-as-a-Service: Custom integrations at an out-of-the-box price
englishIntegrate your core applications with Planview® solutions
Using Kanban for IT Operations
english -
Why Agile Transformations Fail
english -
Ein Argument für das Projektportfolio-Management (PPM): Neue Möglichkeiten für alle Unternehmensebenen
german -
Établir une étude de cas pour la gestion de portefeuille de projets (PPM): Impliquer tous les niveaux de l'organisation
french -
Agile Project Management and Scrum
englishSee how Agile project management and Scrum offer companies the opportunity to quickly and effectively meet the needs of customers and stakeholders.
Developing a New Strategic Planning Process
englishSee why you need an agile strategic planning process that allows you to pivot on strategic initiatives capable of delivering the most value toward strategic goals.
Continuous Planning: Shift Into Higher Gear @ Hyper-Speed
englishTo get beyond annual planning, PMOs must have the agility to plan quarterly, monthly, or continuously as needed. As priorities change, conditions fluctuate, and new opportunities arise, you’ll need to remain flexible. This requires constantly iterating, revisiting your assumptions, and optimizing your plans to fit the needs of the business.
Join us for this webinar where we'll show you how simple it is to implement continuous planning and get on track to easily align, shift, and prioritize your investments and resource capacity with the best work.
What is Project Planning?
englishPart of planning is knowing where you are going and how you intend to get there. See why that’s not only true for planning in general, but for project planning.
Everyone is a Project Manager - Survey Findings Infographic
english -
Deliver Your Digital Transformation Strategy at Speed: An Executive Guide
englishThis eBook provides 7 key elements to rewire your organization for the digital era.
Lean Thinking: The Foundation of Lean Practice
englishThere is no single definition of Lean, but there are a few concepts that guide most Lean practices. Learn about the collection of concepts known as Lean thinking.
Agile and Lean
englishSee why Agile and Lean methodologies help businesses move faster and produce higher quality offerings in sustainable, healthy work environments.
german -
What is Agile?
englishAgile helps businesses move faster and produce higher quality offerings in sustainable work environments. Learn basic Agile principles and practices.
What is Lean?
englishWhat is Lean? Learn more about this methodology that’s gaining popularity for its ability to help businesses achieve their goals in a smarter, more sustainable way.
What is Project Portfolio Management?
english -
Product Portfolio Management for the C-Suite
english -
En quoi consiste la gestion de portefeuille de projets ?
french -
Was ist Projekt-Portfoliomanagement?
german -
Advance Capabilities and Technology
english -
Lean Principles 101
englishUnlike many business methodologies, Lean is not a prescriptive practice that comes with hard-and-fast rules, tools, and practices. Learn the seven Lean principles.
What is the Scrum Master?
englishLearn more about the Scrum Master and their role in assisting their team in following the rules, practices, and values of Scrum.
Agile Roles in Software Development
englishThe Agile method is gaining ground as companies look to accelerate processes while enhancing product quality. Learn more about Agile roles in software development.
Planview Portfolios
germanSchnellere, unternehmensweite strategische Umsetzung über alle Arbeitsbereiche und Res...
Arbeiten Sie produktiv zusammen
germanErhöhen Sie die Effizienz Ihrer Teams
Work- und Ressourcen-Management
germanAcht Gründe, Ihre Unternehmensvorgänge
Insurance of Tomorrow: How Lean Can Future-Proof Against Destruction
english -
Three Essential Deliverables Every Enterprise Architect Needs from the PMO
englishThis ebook outlines three items you need to request from the PMO so that together you can...
Best Practices for Launching an Agile Development Strategy
englishMany organizations are deploying the Agile approach to enhance development of new software products and features. Learn best practices for an Agile development strategy.
Optimiser le succès du PMO Gestion des portefeuilles et des ressources
frenchLa solution optimale pour les PMO d’aujourd’hui
4 Process Improvement Examples to Jumpstart Your Business
englishIdeally, process improvement should lead to more effective workflows as well as more efficient ones. Here are 4 process improvement tips to get you started.
How to Make an Agile Team
englishAgile teams aren’t simply otherwise “normal” teams who decide to be Agile. Learn more about how to make an Agile team.
Work- und Ressourcen-Management
germanUnternehmensweite Verknüpfung von Strategie und Umsetzung
Übernehmen Sie die Vorreiterrolle bei Ihrer Unternehmenstransformation
germanÜberdenken Sie Ihre Unternehmensarchitektur und stellen Sie Ihr Unternehmen neu auf
Benefits of Agile Development
englishLearn benefits of agile development, including helping teams manage work more efficiently and effectively while delivering the highest quality product within budget.
Planview Portfolios
frenchAccélérer l’exécution stratégique dans toute l’entreprise en unifiant toutes les activités et
Kanban Glossary
englishKanban is a workflow management method used to visualize work, limit work-in-process, and foster continuous improvement. Learn key terms from our Kanban glossary.
Strategy, not Technology, is the Future State for Enterprise Architects
english -
Flexera Data Platform
english -
Kanban for DevOps: 3 Reasons Why IT Ops Uses Lean Flow
english -
Top 10 Application Portfolio Management Best Practices
english -
The Power Of Capability and Technology Management
english78,000+ relationships which can be traversed, joining previously unrelated data elements to derive greater insight
8 causes d'échec potentiel de votrestratégie économique
frenchL'évolution rapide des tendances du marché vous dessert, tandis que les enjeux n'ont jama
Orchestrez la transformation de votre activité
frenchLa solution optimale pour l’architecte d’entreprise d’aujourd’hui
Innovationsergebnisse erzielen
germanBringen Sie erfolgreiche Produkte schneller auf den Markt
Strategien wirklich umsetzen
germanTransformativen Wandel generieren
Höhere Erfolgsquoten für das PMOPortfolio- und Ressourcenmanagement
germanDie richtige Lösung für das moderne PMO
Le changement est positif
frenchL’architecture d’entreprise peut prospérer à l’ère du digital
Accelerate Change with Capability and Technology Management
englishWhy CTM is a critical discipline for those who want to accelerate delivery of technology strategy
Lean Methodology
english -
Why Use Kanban Boards?
englishWhy use Kanban boards? See how Kanban boards help visually manage your work and why the answer to so many questions can be found on the board!
AgilePlace and the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe)
english -
10 Kanban Board Examples
english -
How Lean Project Management Helps Organizations Optimize for Value Delivery
englishSee how Lean project management helps organizations optimize for value delivery and empowers project managers to deliver projects on time and on budget.
Scaling Kanban Across Teams: The Essential Checklist
englishScaling without the right foundation could put your Kanban initiative at risk. Learn from the essential checklist for scaling Kanban across teams.
The History of Agile
englishHow can knowing the history of Agile help us better understand the methodology and its positive impact on today’s development world? Let’s take a look.
What is a Self-Organizing Team?
englishWhat exactly is a self-organizing team? How do you create one, and why is having one so important to creating an Agile environment? Let's take a look.
Lean Business Development: How 7 Lean Principles Guide Sustainable Growth
english -
How to Implement Lean Manufacturing
english -
Die 10 wichtigsten Praxistipps unserer Kunden
germanEntdecken Sie das Erfolgsgeheimnis unserer Kunden: 10 Praxistipps, wie sie ihr Investment erfolgreich eingesetzt haben.
Planview’s Collaborative Work and Project Management Solution
englishSee how Planview can help you drive business strategy throughout your enterprise.
Planview’s Enterprise Architecture Solution
englishSee how Planview’s enterprise architecture solution enables you to advance business capabilities and realize strategies by making better decisions to optimize application and technology portfolios.
5 Entscheidende Fragen an Ihren PPM-Lösungsanbieter
germanIhr Leitfaden für die Anschaffung einer neuen IT PPM Lösung
Les 7 rapports les plus utiles pour la gestion de projets informatiques
frenchInformer votre direction, vos membres du conseil d'administration, vos actionnaire de façon convaincante et vouverte
4 Entscheidende Elemente für einen strategischen Plan
germanWissen Sie, warum strategische Pläne in Ihrer traditionellen Form zu keiner strategischen Umsetzung führen?
Planview PPM Pro
german -
How Kanban Tools Improve Productivity
englishSee how Kanban tools improve productivity by identifying areas of inefficiency and promoting team collaboration.
7 Top-Berichte für IT PMO's
germanInformieren Sie Ihre Geschäftsleitung, Vorstände und Aktionäre regelmäßig, überzeugend und offen
Planview PPM Pro
french -
Les 5 principaux critères d’évaluation pour votre portefeuille de produits
frenchOptimisez votre processus Stage-Gate grâce à la gestion de portefeuilles.
Cinq questions essentielles à poser à votre éditeur spécialiste du PPM
frenchAchat d’une nouvelle solution de gestion de portefeuilles de projets informatiques
How the Agile Method Transforms Software Testing
englishTesting is a key part of the software development lifecycle, but the approach is changing. Learn about leveraging the Agile Method for the testing process.
The Basics and Benefits of the Agile Method
englishLearn the basics and benefits of the Agile method. What is this development methodology, and is it something your organization should adopt?
What is Agile Development?
englishAgile teams move faster with greater discipline than traditional software teams. Learn about Agile development practices and how they can benefit your teams.
Three Deliverables Every Enterprise Architect Should Be Providing to the Project Management Office
englishThis ebook outlines why the EA and the PMO should be collaborating more effectively.
3 Steps To Establish an EA-to-Business Communication Framework
englishEAs are not getting invited to the strategic planning table and enterprise architecture frameworks alone aren't helping
What is an Online Kanban Board?
englishLearn what an online Kanban board is and how it can help you visualize your work and workflow, as well as optimize the way work gets done.
An Enterprise Architecture Communication Framework
english3 Ways To Have Business Conversations About Technology
Planview Managed Services
englishA global service offering that gives customers the opportunity to offload the day-to-day administration of Planview
The Planview Customer Success Center: Planview at Your Fingertips
englishPlanview Customer Success Center multilingual platform with content, E-learning videos, How-to articles, Best Practices
La planification des capacités accentue la rapidité d’innovation
frenchUne étude confirme que les entreprises orientées capacités sont moins exposées aux risques de retard de commercialisation
What is Agile Project Management?
englishLearn the basic principles and practices of Agile project management and how to build structure, accountability, and quality into team workflow.
The Future of Insurance Ops
english -
Planview's EA Solution Approach: Business Outcome First Mind Map
englishHelp your organization make better decisions about their transformational initiatives.
3 Lean Concepts: That Can Help Insurers Embrace Agility and Create More Value For Their Customers
english -
Common Challenges Insurance Companies and The Teams Within Them Face: And How AgilePlace Equips Teams with What They Need to Keep Progress Moving
english -
Kanban Roadmap: How to Get Started in 5 Easy Steps
englishDownload this free guide to learn how Kanban works, how to map your team’s workflow, and more.
Survival Guide for Managing Projects and Working in Teams
englishJoin Projectplace Sr. PM Zach McDowell, for an overview on how to avoid chaos and promote stability in your workplace.
Guide de survie pour une gestion efficace du travail collaboratif
frenchSept méthodes pratiques pour éviter le chaos au sein de votre environment professionnel.
Überlebenstipps für ein erfolgreiches Collaborative Work Management
germanSieben praktische Tipps, um Chaos am Arbeitsplatz zu verhindern.
Un encadrement efficace crée des équipes inspirées par des valeurs
frenchEn tant que leader, vous jouez un rôle clé de motiver votre personnel et de façonner son comportement
Secrets of an Elite Project Manager
englishExpert tips for you and your team to get things done
PM's Guide to Getting Things Done - Part 2
english9 tips on how to manage your team's workload
Survival Guide for Successful Collaborative Work Management
englishSeven practical ways to beat the workplace chaos
Nie wieder chaotische Arbeitsweisen: Survival-Guide für Projektmanager
germanErhalten Sie einen Überblick, wie Sie an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz Chaos vermeiden und statt dessen Stabilität schaffen können.
PM's Guide to Getting Things Done - Part 1
english13 tips on how to set goals, organize teamwork, and measure success
How Collaboration Tools Can Help You Report to the Business
englishThree features you can use to track your progress
How to Become Agile Using Kanban
englishFour ways to visualize work and help your team become more productive and adaptable to change
How to Create a Virtual Office
englishTips for fostering a collaborative work environment
How to Turn Your Strategy Into Reality
english5 tips that will help you avoid the disconnect between strategy and tactics
One Tool That Does More, Not More Tools
englishTips for how to find one solution that works for your team
How to Work Smarter, Not Harder
englishTips to help you think differently and beat the chaos
How to Stop Juggling Too Many Tasks
english5 tips to help stop the chaotic ways of working
Everyone is a Project Manager
englishA study and guide to successful project collaboration
Beyond the Project: Unlocking the Solutions to Collaboration Chaos
englishInsight into the value and utility of Projectplace's new "Worksplaces for all types of work".
Effective Leadership for Value Driven Teams
englishAs a leader you play an important role when it comes to motivating your staff and shaping their behavior.
Lead Transformation for Your Business
englishPlanivew solution for enterprise architecture allows enterprise architects to reinvent to enterprise.
Collaborate and Get Work Done
englishThe Planview solution for collaborative work management empowers your teams to work together to achieve goals.
Make Your Strategy Real
englishPlanview solution for strategic planning is a comprehensive approach that accelerate the delivery of strategy
The Cost of Collaboration Inefficiencies
englishWhy outdated ways of working hurt your business
Make better business decisions using the right collaboration tool
englishFeatures and metrics that organize and prioritize work to achieve the best results.
Experten Tipps für effektives Projektmanagement
germanIn diesem Webinar geben wir Ihnen Tipps wie Sie ein Projekt effektiv planen und Ihre Ressourcen verteilen können.
Your Guide to Kanban
englishVisualize teamwork, boost project simplicity and get things done
7 Project Management Tips
englishHow to manage projects within a fragmented workforce
Business Capability Model Mind Map
englishThe best way to start business capability planning is to create a capability model, start with this industry standard.
Ne bâtissez pas un château de cartes-Les 5 piliers de la gestion de portefeuilles de projets
frenchVotre portefeuille est-il construit sur des bases solides ou est-il un château de cartes prêt à s'effondrer ?
Sortez de l'impasse des feuilles de calcul- Il existe autres voies pour gérer le travail et les projets
frenchDécouvrez dans ce livre blanc des méthodes alternatives pour gérer vos tâches et vos projets.
Turn Project Chaos into Harmony
englishLearn how you can make the most of the latest technology trends and avoid project chaos
Ihr Leitfaden für Kanban
germanVerschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick über die Teamarbeit, vereinfachen Sie Ihre Projekte - und erledigen Sie die Dinge.
Managing The Chaos Of Work
englishUsing Collaborative Work Management To Get Things Done.
Powering Productivity
englishHow business leaders are using technology to drive efficiency
3 Key Concepts of Lean Process Improvement
english -
ITSM Kanban Board Templates
english -
7 Tipps für Projektmanagement
germanProjekte innerhalb einer fragmentierten Arbeiterschaft
7 conseils pour une meilleure gestion de projet
frenchComment gérer des projets dans un univers professionnel fragmenté.
Changing Perceptions of Enterprise Architects
english3 Ways EAs can get recognized as key contributors to success
6 Business-Centric Reports That Empower Enterprise Architects
englishReports that help you speak the language of the business and drive business transformation
Achieving Best-in-Class APM
englishLook Beyond One-Time Cost Savings to Continuous and Fundamental Improvement
Bridging the Gap: Turning Strategy into Reality
englishThe report, written by Economist Impact and supported by Planview, reveals five recommendations for executives who want to maximize the return on their company’s digital investments.
The State of Strategy Execution: Embracing Uncertainty To Adapt at Speed
english -
État des lieux de l'exécution de la stratégie: Accepter l'incertitude pour s'adapter plus rapidement
french -
Strategieumsetzung – eine Bestandsaufnahme: Wie Unternehmen sich schneller anpassen in einer Zeit permanenten Wandels
german -
Pharma Company Taps Planview Advisor For A Centralized Source Of Data, Advanced Analytics, And Portfolio Prioritization
english -
Lean Culture: Fostering an Environment of Innovation
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Kanban Online: Kanban Digital Board Benefits
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AgilePlace vs Trello
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The Internet of Things
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Top Kanban Blogs
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Disruptions Are the New Reality: How Fast Can You Maneuver?
english -
PPM Pro Planungspakete von Planview
german -
Planification Dynamique
french -
Dynamische Planung: Rasch umplanen, Prioritäten anpassen und effektiv umsetzen in 5 Schritten
german -
Enterprise One Planungspakete von Planview
german -
Planview PPM Pro Planning Packages Infosheet
english -
Planview Portfolios Planning Packages Infosheet
english -
Evolve into a Multi-Faceted Strategic Partner: Master the 4 competencies of a Savvy PMO
english -
The Savvy PMO's Guide to Prioritization
englishDo the Work that Counts
Prioritization Checklist for the Savvy PMO
english -
Entwickeln Sie sich zu einem facettenreichen, strategischen Partner
german -
The Savvy PMO's Guide to Resource Planning
englishDownload now to learn how to align your people to the highest value work, and re-balance roles, people, and team assignments across your strategic and run-the-business initiatives.
The Savvy PMO's Guide to Demand Management
english -
The Savvy PMO’s Guide to Visibility and Reporting
english -
Cinq questions essentielles à poser à votre fournisseur de solutions PPM
french -
Five Critical Questions to Ask Your PPM Vendor
englishUse these thought provoking questions to evaluate IT PPM vendors and their solutions to choose the right solution
5 Fragen, die Sie Ihrem PPM-Anbieter stellen sollten
german -
Driving Work Transformation with Planview
englishTo achieve innovation, growth, and exceptional customer experience faster
Surviving the Zombie PMO Apocalypse
english -
The Agile PMO: 5 Steps to Driving Agility at Scale
english -
Planview's Resource Management Solution
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Your PMO at Hyper-Speed Workshops
englishCheck out the five on-demand workshops to learn how to improve your PMO.
Continuous Planning: Shift Into Higher Gear @ Hyper-Speed
englishEasily align, shift, and prioritize your investment and resource capacity.
Planning Deconstructed
english5 Types of Planning Crucial to Delivering on Strategy with a Dynamic and Continuous Approach
Steer Your Organization With Strategic Planning
englishWatch now to learn how to craft and create a strategy across portfolios.
PPM Tools Comparison: How to Choose the Right One
english -
Reporting and Analytics: Fuel Decisions with Data
englishWatch now to learn how the right data will allow leadership to evaluate growth and innovation investments.
The Top 7 Reports For IT PMOs
englishDrive actionable decisions quickly and prove your PMO’s value decisively to your CIO
Project Management vs. Program Management vs. Portfolio Management
english -
Elevate PMO Success
englishPlanview solution for portfolio and resource management integrates strategy, planning, and delivery.
The Agile PMO: 5 Steps to Driving Agility at Scale
englishBe the PMO for today's Agile enterprise.
Avoiding the Pitfalls of a Zombie PMO
englishWatch now to learn best practices for today's PMO and how to survive in the era of digital business.
The Zombie PMO Outbreak
englishA survival guide for evading the pitfalls and evolving to become an Adaptive PMO
Renforcer le lien entre stratégie et réalisation avec Planview
french -
Planview Portfolios
englishIntegrate Strategy, Planning, Execution, and Delivery with Planview Portfolios
Planview PPM Pro
englishInnotas Cloud Portfolio Management solutions enables PMOs, IT managers, and CIOs to contribute more value to their organizations.
Planview Portfolios
englishAccelerate strategic execution enterprise-wide across all work and resources
Planview PPM Pro
englishLearn how to get started with project portfolio management or how to advance your PMO to the next level with PPM Pro.
Project Portfolio Management Process
englishSee how project portfolio management process is the key to success in prioritization, resource allocation, budgeting, scheduling, and other project components.
The Project Manager Communication Challenge: Try Office Timeline for free
englishManage your Planview timeline inside PowerPoint
The Cost of Poor Resource Management
englishLearn about the cost of poor resource management, including unsatisfactory department performance, unexpected project setbacks, and budget problems.
10 Tips For Better Resource Planning
englishDownload this whitepaper to learn the 10 most important things you should include in your resource planning strategy
The Planview Solution for Services Resource Planning
englishIncrease visibility from pipeline to invoice, managing projects and resources in flight
Linking the IT PMO to the Business
englishLearn the reason behind misconceptions within your organization and begin to change the view of the PMO
Your Resources are Falling Through the Cracks
englishA smarter approach to resource forecasting, management, and accountability
Building a Business Case for Project Portfolio Management
englishEnabling every level of the organization
Back to Basics
englishA Practical Approach to IT Governance
Your PMO at Hyper-speed: Accelerating Strategic Delivery and Transformation
english -
Project Portfolio Management Defined
englishBy organizing data regarding proposed and current projects, project portfolio managers provide forecasting and business analysis for investing in new projects.
The Business Benefit of Outcome-Driven IT Project Portfolio Mangement
englishKey considerations when evaluating PPM solutions
18 Project Portfolio Management KPIs to Measure PMO Performance
englishLearn how to establish and track 18 project portfolio management key performance indicators to measure project management office (PMO) performance.
What is Project Portfolio Management Software?
englishSee how project portfolio management software provides organizations with a high-level, global view regarding the progress and sustainability of multiple projects.
Gain Insights Across the Enterprise with Project Portfolio Management
englishAgilePlace by Planview is purpose-built for Lean project portfolio management. See how you can gain insights with enterprise project portfolio management.
What is Product Portfolio Management?
englishUse enterprise-wide product portfolio management to manage every product by balancing the product mix, optimizing resources and improving profitability.
Analytics and Reporting in Planview Enterprise
englishEasy one-click access to project and portfolio data to see high level status and performance of KPIs and metrics.
What is a Cumulative Flow Diagram?
englishLearn about the Cumulative Flow Diagram, which comes from the practice of Kanban and is used to determine the efficiency of teams and their workflow process.
Lean Product Management: Get Products to Market Faster
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What is a Lean Business?
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Agile vs Lean
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Lean Leadership Development
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Kanban for IT Support Teams
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What is 5S?
english -
Product Development Process
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Project Management Software
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What is Takt Time?
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Industry 4.0
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Lean and Agile
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Agile-Lean Transformation Case Study
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How to Use Kanban Software
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Project Management Tips and Tools
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Agile Project Management Software
english -
Applying Agile Principles to Daily Work
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Why Business Flow is Critical for Speed
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Metrics to Speed Up Project Delivery
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How to Create Project Management Kanban
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What is a Burndown Chart?
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What is an Electronic Kanban
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Lean Manufacturing Principles
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Agile Methodologies: Which is Right for You?
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Cost of Delay: A Simple Guide
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Kanban Board Examples for IT Operations
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How to Use WIP Limits to Increase Speed
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Top Lean Manufacturing Books
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Lean Metrics to Increase Project Delivery Speed
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What is Velocity in Agile?
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How to Integrate JIT and Kanban
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What is a Task Management Tool?
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Getting Started with WIP Limits
englishAlthough often revered in today’s culture, task switching has less than glamorous effects. Learn about getting started with WIP limits.
Changing Business Requirements in Agile
englishBusy teams know the importance of finding new ways to work smarter. Agile is a practice anyone can learn. Learn more about changing business requirements in Agile.
Kanban and Agile
englishKanban is a set of tools you can use to become more Agile - to get better at Agile, Scrum, or whatever methodology you choose. Learn more about Kanban and Agile.
Project Organization with Visual Task Management
englishEven for well-organized people, keeping up with a project’s status can be mind-boggling. Learn about project organization with visual task management.
Kanban Best Practices
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Lean Product Development
englishToday, we are seeing more businesses using Lean to manage work in product development before it ever hits the shop floor. Learn more about Lean product development.
How to Use Kanban for Support Teams
englishCan you use Kanban in IT support? Yes! Learn how to use Kanban for support teams to improve customer relationships and inform a smarter product strategy.
Visual Management with Agile Software Tools
englishWhile cooperation, communication and adaptation are important to building an Agile team, they only carry you so far. See why many companies add Agile software tools.
What is Agile Software Development?
englishAgile delivers the maximum value while minimizing a project’s overhead cost. Learn about Agile software development, used by IT development teams to manage work.
Lean Management Tools to Help You Grow as a Leader
englishThe two pillars of Lean, respect for people and continuous improvement, are easy to conceptualize, but harder to practice. Learn about Lean management tools.
Top Project Management Tips for Visual Management
englishEver feel like you start lots of projects but never finish any? Or that you’re herding cats? Check out these top project management tips for visual management.
What is Lean Marketing?
englishLean thinking helps teams in all disciplines to create more value and get more done. Learn the core principles of Lean marketing and see if it's right for your team.
Online Collaboration Software for Project Management
englishOnline collaboration software is the number one tool used by distributed project teams. See how it helps project managers increase team effectiveness.
What is Set-Based Design?
englishSet-based design helps teams stay innovative while reducing development costs. Learn basic concepts of set-based design and decide whether it’s right for your team.
How a 2 Bin Kanban System Works
englishLearn how a 2 bin Kanban system works, the pros and cons, and whether this Kanban manufacturing tool might be right for your organization.
Definition of Lean Methodology
englishPeople have taken many different approaches to a definition of Lean methodology. Learn about these Lean definitions and what they might mean for your Lean practice.
Lean and Kanban and How They Work Together
englishEighty-three percent of teams practicing Lean use Kanban to visualize and actively manage their work. Learn about Lean and Kanban and how they work together.
Guiding Principles of Lean Development
englishApplying Lean principles to software development requires a shift in terms of how value and waste are defined. Learn about principles of Lean development.
The Importance of Continuous Improvement
englishWhether your business is a startup or a multinational corporation, see how continuous improvement can help you stay ahead of the competition.
What is a Kaizen Board?
englishLearn about the Kaizen board, a visual project management tool that helps teams and organizations manage their continuous improvement efforts.
Lean Manufacturing in Practice
englishLean manufacturing minimizes waste while staying within margins of control such as productivity and quality. Learn from these examples of Lean manufacturing.
Agile and Lean Project Management
englishLearn how Agile and Lean project management can help you stay up-to-date, make smarter decisions, and add more value to your role as a project manager.
What are Cross Functional Teams?
englishLearn about cross functional teams, groups consisting of people from different functional areas of the company, and why they exist.
What is Scrumban?
englishScrumban is an Agile development methodology that is a hybrid of Scrum and Kanban. Learn which elements of Scrum and Kanban are combined in a Scrumban practice.
What is a Continuous Improvement Model?
englishMany organizations choose to follow a continuous improvement model to provide structure in their practice. Learn about two continuous improvement models.
What is Andon in Lean Manufacturing?
englishLearn about Andon in Lean manufacturing, a system that alerts operators and managers of problems in real time so that corrective measures can be taken immediately.
Why We Need WIP Limits
englishSee how WIP limits help teams identify, then reduce or eliminate the most common sources of process waste, so they can more effectively deliver value to customers.
Disadvantages of Agile
english -
Lean Program Examples
englishLearn more about the structure and goals of a Lean program and how they might vary depending on the nature of the organization implementing them.
What is FDD in Agile?
englishFDD is a favorite method among development teams because it helps reduce two morale-killers in the development world: Confusion and rework. Learn about FDD in Agile.
Visual Project Management Tools
englishVisual project management has emerged as one of the best ways to manage changes within a project. Learn about the benefits of visual project management tools.
Lean Engineering
englishLean engineering helps organizations become innovative and competitive while saving money and optimizing efficiency. Learn principles of Lean engineering.
What is Lean Implementation?
englishSee how transforming your workplace through Lean implementation leads to better outputs for customers through more efficient workflow.
Definition of Agile
englishAgile methodology is a project management philosophy for teams in every sector. But what is the definition of Agile? See why project leaders adopt Agile values.
Kanban Examples
englishKanban is a valuable tool for managing work across a team or organization. Learn the benefits of using a Kanban system from these Kanban examples.
Kanban 101: Learn the Basics
englishLearn Kanban 101 in this introduction to Kanban with an overview of Kanban basics and essentials that can be used for continuous improvement of any process.
How to Use Kanban in Software Testing
englishTaking a Kanban approach to project management helps software testing teams meet today’s high demands with ease. Learn how to use Kanban in software testing.
Kanban and Continuous Improvement
englishKanban encourages an experimental approach where teams improve collaboratively. Learn about Kanban and continuous improvement.
Planview's Product Portfolio Management Solution
english -
What is Kanban Planning?
englishKanban helps break down complex projects into manageable tasks. See how Kanban planning helps you see the big picture while making sure the little things get done.
How to Manage Projects Using an Online Kanban Board
englishKanban boards can be adapted to any business or organization. See how to manage projects using an online Kanban board.
New Product Introduction
englishFor companies seeking to innovate at a rapid pace, an efficient new product introduction process is business-critical. See how to improve your NPI process.
Lean Metrics to Improve Flow
englishOne of the 14 principles of Lean thinking, “flow” refers to the manner in which work progresses through a system. Learn more about Lean metrics to improve flow.
Benefits of Using a Pull System
englishPull systems allow the person doing the work to pull in tasks as they are ready. Learn about the benefits of using a pull system.
Lean and Agile Development
englishAgile development is a process for rapid software delivery that is connected to many Lean principles. Read about the relationship between Lean and Agile development.
How to Implement a Kanban System
englishImplementing a Kanban system can help your team facilitate more effective communication, enabling you to work in smarter. Learn how to implement a Kanban system.
Lean Management Principles
englishLearn how Lean management principles translate into today’s market and how you, as a Lean manager, should apply them to your team.
Useful Lean Manufacturing Tools
englishWhat if you could reduce waste, increase efficiency and deliver more value to customers? Here are some useful Lean manufacturing tools you need to get started.
A3 Process and Problem Solving
englishHow do huge, global companies consistently, rapidly improve? See how the A3 process and problem solving approach helps organizations practice continuous improvement.
Lean Management: The Role of Lean Leaders
englishFor Lean thinking to be truly effective, it needs effective Lean management. Learn more about Lean management and the role of Lean leaders.
Benefits of WIP Limits
englishWork in Process limits help teams manage capacity, practice systems thinking, and identify continuous improvement opportunities. Learn about benefits of WIP limits.
Essential Principles for a Lean System
englishSee how the essential principles for a Lean system can provide businesses with the discipline and focus they need to satisfy their customers’ needs.
What is Just-in-Time Manufacturing?
english -
What is a Task Board?
englishWhat is a Task Board? Task boards are a type of visual management tool that help busy people keep track of their work. See how they help teams work smarter.
Maximize Time and Improve Efficiency with a Kanban System
englishTeams can use Kanban's proven methods to identify opportunities and implement their own unique solutions. See how a Kanban system can maximize a team's efficiency.
Lean vs. Six Sigma
englishThere are distinctions between Lean and Six Sigma, though both aim to improve efficiency and effectiveness in organizations. Learn about Lean vs. Six Sigma.
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