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Warum Sie agiles Portfoliomanagement einführen sollten - Blog | Planview
Wenn Unternehmen mit dem agilen Portfoliomanagement beginnen möchten, ist es wichtig, die Kosten und Vorteile zu verstehen, die Ihnen zum Erfolg verhelfen werden.
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Chief Project Officers & Die Weiterentwicklung des Projektmanagements
Da der Bereich des Projektmanagements immer weiter wächst, gehen viele Unternehmen einen Schritt weiter und schaffen Positionen für das Projektmanagement.
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Upcoming Conferences on PPM and Innovation - Enrich Consulting
Fall and winter is high season for conferences, and we're excited to be sponsoring five different events across North America and Europe between now and March 2016.
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Innotas Product Release: Extending Enterprise Resource Management - Planview Blog
Over 60% of organizations say they do not have enough resources to manage incoming project and work demand from their stakeholders. Innotas has been solving this problem for years and in this product release, we focused on extending our enterprise resource management solutions in three key areas: Predictive resource planning Centralized staffing Redesigning the mobile...
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Wie PMOs mit Portfolio-Dashboards Einblicke gewinnen - Blog | Planview
Verschaffen Sie sich mit Echtzeitanalysen und -berichten einen Überblick über Ihr Portfolio und Ihre Führungskräfte. Das Savvy PMO macht den Zugang zu hochgradig visuellen, nützlichen Daten zu einem Muss, indem es umfassende Portfolio-Dashboards bereitstellt.
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Wie man geschäftliche Agilität fördert, ohne Veränderungsmüdigkeit auszulösen
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R&D Portfolio Management Software Buyer's Guide - Enrich Consulting
It's that time of year again: We find more requests for proposals (RFPs) in our inbox during the late summer and early fall than any other time of year. RFPs vary dramatically in length, complexity, and level of ambition.
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In R&D Portoflio Management, Failure is an Option - Enrich Consulting
Innovation is inherently risky. By definition, you're doing something that you haven't done before so there are no guarantees it will work. The mindset in many organizations is to minimize risk as if it were a disease, but it isn't that simple.
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Avoid the Haircut: Sustaining R&D in Difficult Times - Enrich Consulting
They are dark times indeed when each day brings another tale of an industry stalwart shedding 1,000, 2,000, or even 10.000 jobs. It is especially daunting when companies are forced to make those cuts within research and development, the lifeblood of innovation and long-term survival.
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Resource Alignment: Learn from Napoleon - Blog | Planview
See how to apply Napoleon's strategies, organizational principles, and operational tactics to resource alignment, team enablement, and communication.
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