1917 more results for "new product development"
Why Do Software Lifecycle Integration Projects Fail? | Tasktop Blog
Most software lifecycle integration (SLI) projects fail because organizations underestimate just how difficult integration is and are unaware that software development and delivery tools are not designed to integrate. The APIs in endpoint tools were built by their vendors to create a tiered architecture and not necessarily for third party integration. The tools are built...
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Software-Defined: DevOps Automation using Infrastructure as Code | Tasktop Blog
How Infrastructure as Code is used to automate operations in software delivery, allowing a shift from ITSM to DevOps. In my previous article, we looked at several examples of technologies that have become software-defined, and determined that adoption demands a significant shift in how a business organizes its value stream. We examined at some of the key concepts underscoring software-defined...
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A Day in the Life of a ... Value Stream Architect | Tasktop Blog
A day in the life of a Tina Dankwart, a Value Stream Architect at Tasktop, who discusses the importance of building good business relationships.
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Obtaining a Unified View of Wait States across Multiple Workflows | Tasktop Blog
Flow state modeling can provide a consolidated business view of active and wait time to help you measure value flow across multiple team workflows.
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Förderung der Unternehmensflexibilität in 2021 - Planview Blog
Advance enterprise agility in 2021. This blog features thought leadership matereral to help you brush up on best practices and advance Agile transformation.
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Tools zum Verwalten von Projekten
Die Projektmanagement-Lösung fördert den Erfolg und vermeidet Rückschläge. Lesen Sie mehr über die wichtigsten Projektmanagement-Tools und -Techniken, die bei diesem Projekt zum Einsatz kommen.
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Führungslektionen von Planview CFO Chris Nester
Here are some key insights for those interested in advancing their careers, preventing burnout, and inspiring their teams.
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Resource Management Q&A - Planview Blog
In our recent webinar, Getting the Most Value of Your Project Resources, we had the chance to really dive deep into Q&A, and get some good insight from our audience about resource planning and management. What is the advantage of managing projects in a tool over a spreadsheet? Of course, if you are a one-person show...
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Wie Sie die Zustimmung der Geschäftsleitung für ein Crowdsourced Innovation Program erhalten
Was ist das Geheimnis für die Schaffung und Aufrechterhaltung eines erfolgreichen Innovationsprogramms? Das fängt damit an, dass sich die Geschäftsleitung einbringt.
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What's the difference between release automation and toolchain integration?
Not sure whether you need release automation or tool integration to enhance your enterpise software delivery? The answer is both. Here's why.
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