1912 more results for "new product development"

  • Sechs Karrierewege mit einem Abschluss in Projektmanagement

    Vom Bauwesen bis hin zu Software und Technologie - hier sind sechs mögliche Karrierewege, die Sie mit einem Abschluss in Projektmanagement einschlagen könnten.

  • An Overview of Kotter’s 8 Steps of Change Management

    LinkedIn0Share0Tweet0Pin0Email0 While countless tools, tactics, methods and strategies have changed over the years, nearly two decades after its introduction in 1996, organizations of all sizes continue to rely upon Dr. John Kotter’s 8-step process for Change Management. Given its prominence, value and, frankly, its remarkable durability in a rapidly shifting business world, we thought it […]

  • How PMOs can future-proof their role in the office of tomorrow

    LinkedIn0Share0Tweet0Pin0Email0 The digital revolution is changing every aspect of the workplace, but few jobs will be reshaped as fundamentally as those in the project management office. The research firm Gartner predicts that by 2030, as much as 80% of the traditional work of the PMO (data collection, tracking, and reporting) could be performed by AI. […]

  • Was genau ist also Ressourcenmanagement?

    Die Ressourcenverwaltung spielt in vielen Unternehmen eine wichtige Rolle, um den Überblick über das System der Mitarbeiterzuweisung, die Zeitauslastung und die Leistung zu behalten.

  • Was sind die Ziele des Change Managements?

    Wenn Sie neugierig auf Change Management sind, wird Ihnen dieser Überblick helfen zu verstehen, warum Unternehmen überhaupt in Change Management investieren.

  • Emotionale Intelligenz im Projektmanagement

    Das Konzept der emotionalen Intelligenz (EI) ist das wichtigste Element der Führungsqualitäten, die ein erfolgreicher Projektmanager benötigt. Diese Theorie wurde erstmals in den frühen 1990er Jahren von John Mayer und Peter Salovey vorgestellt, bevor sie in Daniel Golemans Buch "Emotionale Intelligenz" in 1995 als theoretische Grundlage diente.

  • Was ist der Lebenszyklus des Projektmanagements?

    The project management life cycle is a series of activities that are necessary to fulfill project management cycle goals or objectives.

  • Was ist ein RACI-Diagramm im Projektmanagement?

    RACI chart is a responsibility chart which designates the level of input a team member or stakeholder is to have on any given project area. An RACI chart does this by using four letters to designate differing levels of responsibility.

  • What is Agile Marketing (and Why Does it Matter)?

    Agile as a project management methodology has become hugely popular around the world. Agile marketing has become a hot topic, considering the natural synergies between how marketing and agile processes work. So, what is agile marketing all about, and how can you start making its advantages work for your team? Let’s take a look.

  • 7 Project Management Trends that Impact the Way We Work

    As we focus on the current state of Project Management,here are seven Project Management Trends that have already impacted such as Expanded Use of Digital Tools, Rise of Business Agile, Growth of Remote Working, Elevated PMO, Customized Dashboards, Clearer Prioritization, Changing Collaboration.


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