385 more results for "lean portfolio management"
10 Agile Things to Do This Summer | Tasktop Blog
Summer is here! That means that the internet will be awash with lists of ‘fun outdoor activities’ that you can do in and around your city, from the fairly unimaginative ‘spend a day at the beach’ to the very weird, there’s no end to the suggestions on what to do with the extra hours in...
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Crowdsourcing Case Study: Polaris Industries - Blog | Spigit
Polaris Industries' crowdsourcing case study is inspiring people both internally and externally—and their story is still relevant today. As a strong believer that the key to success is in the ethics and values of its employees, Polaris has made the creation of great products not just a job, but a way of life.
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Siemens Case Study: Crowdsourcing Solutions to Turn Gridlock into Green Lights - Spigit
Siemens considers innovation “its lifeblood” and produces an average of 38 inventions per day, a number powered by their crowdsourcing solutions.
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Announcing the Tasktop DevOps Integration Hub | Tasktop Blog
Some of the most interesting problems in technology only surface at scale. For the past few years, the majority of Tasktop’s customers have been using Sync to achieve scaled Agile. Without tool chain integration, it is impossible to get hundreds or thousands of IT staff adopting enterprise Agile methodologies such as SAFe, DAD, Scrum.org’s Nexus...
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Identifizieren Sie Ihre Wertströme: Häufig gestellte Fragen - Planview Blog
Mitwirkende: Jon Terry, Susan Gibson, Siraj Sirajuddin Wir haben vor kurzem ein Webinar mit dem Titel "How to Identify Your Value Streams" mit Jon Terry von Planview und Siraj Sirajuddin und Susan Gibson von Temenos+Agility veranstaltet. Während des Webinars sprachen wir darüber, wie wichtig es ist, Wertströme zu identifizieren und wie Sie dies auf verantwortungsvolle und virtuelle Weise tun können. Durchgehend...
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How enterprises can successfully scale Agile development | Tasktop Blog
Are organizations seeing the benefits of Agile at scale? Depends on who you ask. Enterprises in the UK, for example, spend 37 billion pounds ($47 billion USD) a year on failed Agile IT projects. And around a third of Agile transformations partially fail, according to the same report. On the other hand, there are inspiring...
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Planview Copilot: schnellere Transformation und datengestützte Entscheidungsfindung
Nutzen Sie das gesammelte Wissen des Unternehmens, um die Umsetzung von Ideen zu optimieren und das Risiko von Projekt- und Produktinitiativen zu verringern.
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WIP-Grenzen: Wie man sicher ins Unbekannte reist (Teil 2 von 3) - Blog | Planview
Bei der Verwaltung von WIP-Limits sind drei verschiedene Perspektiven zu berücksichtigen: die persönliche, die Team- und die organisatorische.
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Measuring What Matters in Software Delivery: The Tasktop Viz Story | Tasktop Blog
Tasktop Viz is the first ever business-centric way of measuring value in a software product portfolio by tracking Flow Metrics.
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DevOps Enterprise Summit, Europe 2021: Leadership and OKRs | Tasktop Blog
The DevOps Enterprise (Virtual) Summit 2021 was awash with inspiring stories of success and learning from failure and the rising role of OKRs
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