272 more results for "product lifecycle management"
CA World Building bridges between development and the PMO by scaling Agile | Tasktop Blog
Two weeks ago I spent three days in sunny, yet chilly Las Vegas at CA World (yes Vegas was suffering from a cold spell). CA World is the premier event for CA customers, a chance to hear what is new with CA technologies, share customer experiences and connect with product management and CA leadership on...
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Why Do Software Lifecycle Integration Projects Fail? | Tasktop Blog
Most software lifecycle integration (SLI) projects fail because organizations underestimate just how difficult integration is and are unaware that software development and delivery tools are not designed to integrate. The APIs in endpoint tools were built by their vendors to create a tiered architecture and not necessarily for third party integration. The tools are built...
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Frohes neues Jahr! Eine Zusammenstellung der Top Blogs von 2017 - Blog | Planview
To ring in the new year, we have compiled a list of the top 10 blogs of 2017. Take some time to read through them and learn something new.
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What is traceability in enterprise software development and delivery?
What does traceability mean in software development? And what's the best approach to optimize the process?
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Innovation and Portfolio Management - Blog | Planview
Das Portfolio ist das Werkzeug, das die Elemente der Innovation zusammenhält. Erhalten Sie acht Tipps für ein effektives und effizientes Innovations- und Portfoliomanagement.
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Innovation and Product Portfolio Management | Planview
Learn from our "Coffee Talk" video series - all about the latest news and trends taking place in innovation and Product Portfolio Management.
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What is a Program Manager - Blog | Planview
The responsibilities of a “program manager” are a huge undertaking. But what is a program manager? Get the definition and more from our blog!
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Die Relevanz des PMO in Zeiten des Wandels erhalten - Blog | Planview
Sehen Sie sich den Hauptredner von Planview Horizons, Chris March, an, der einige der Ansichten von 451 Research darüber teilt, wie man sich dem Wandel stellen und das PMO relevant halten kann.
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Reimagining Software Integration | Tasktop Blog
For too long, software lifecycle integration has been viewed as the red-headed stepchild at organizations – an unglamorous chore that is often considered a developer issue and a developer issue alone. That perception must change – it’s actually a critical organizational issue and this misconception is why Tasktop is leading the charge in rebranding integration....
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What is Portfolio Management & Why Do You Need It? |Planview
Was ist Portfoliomanagement & Warum brauchen Sie es? Erfahren Sie, wie sich das Portfoliomanagement vom Projektmanagement unterscheidet und welche Vorteile das Portfoliomanagement bietet.
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