Zugehörige Probleme automatisch aktualisieren

Update work item’s related issues when it’s changed. Marks issues that are linked to a work item as "resolved" when the work item is complete. Update issues’ due date when the work item’s date is changed.

About This App

Update work item’s related issues when it’s changed:

  • Marks issues that are linked to a work item as ‘resolved’ when the work item is complete.
  • Update issues’ due date when the work item’s date is changed.

The work item changes will affect active issues only (Submitted, open, in work).

If you prefer using only one of the options, you may remove the action you don’t need by customizing the workflow rule.

Note: This will work for issues that were linked to a work item directly. Completing a project won’t automatically resolve all issues that are to be resolved in that project. This is because only the work item’s manager determines if a work item is linked to (thus resolving) an issue.


EntityAction Name
Work ItemUpdate Related Issues