
Benachrichtigen Sie eine Ressource, wenn Sie einer Aufgabe zugewiesen oder davon abgezogen wird und senden Sie bei der Zuweisung direkt eine Benachrichtigung an den Vorgesetzten der Ressource.

About This App

Notifies a resource via email when they are assigned or removed from a task as well as sends notification to resource’s direct manager upon assignment.

Note: Many of the capabilities of this app are part of the Activity Stream app – using both apps will cause multiple versions of similar emails to be sent to users.

Workflow Rules List

Entity TypeRule NameBeschreibung
Assigned Resource LinkSend a notification to a resource upon assignment to an active taskThe following workflow rule sends out an email to a resource whenever assigned to an active task
Assigned Resource LinkSend a notification to a resource manager upon assigning to a draft or active taskThe following workflow rule sends out an email to a resource manager whenever assigned to an activedraft task
Assigned Resource LinkSend a notification to a resource when unassigned from an active taskThe following workflow rule sends out an email to resource whenever unassigned from an active task