1923 more results for "new product development"
Tied Up in Knots: Wasted Effort in R&D Portfolio Management - Enrich Consulting
“We can’t talk about the portfolio until you explain why Varmenase revenue is 5% less than last year’s forecast!” In almost every large organization a huge percentage of the effort in the “portfolio” process is spent “tying out” the new project valuations with the old ones. Teams ardently create reports to explain why the net present...
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What’s in your wheelhouse? Integrating ServiceNow with Jira | Tasktop Blog
With Tasktop’s ServiceNow Jira Integration, you can rest assured that your spoke’s lacing patterns not only support one-way (unidirectional) and two-way (bidirectional) integration from ServiceNow to Jira – but that you receive the widest available support for previous versions of both ServiceNow and Jira.
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Comment l'expérience utilisateur influe sur la prestation de services
The user experience of your services automation software is critical to services delivery.
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New in Application Portfolio Management - Blog | Planview
With the release of Troux 12, take advantage of what we’ve learned in the field about what's new in application portfolio management.
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Has Productivity Software Reached the End of the Road? - Planview Blog
Atteignons-nous les limites des mesures d'efficacité et des outils de collaboration de projet pilotés par des logiciels ? En combinant une nouvelle approche de la gestion des tâches, une conception centrée sur l'utilisateur et l'exploration de nouveaux modèles commerciaux, la collaboration et la gestion de projet en ligne pourraient bien connaître un essor considérable. Samuel Cyprian en explique plus dans cette interview. Samuel Cyprian occupe le poste de vice-président de la croissance...
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2022 Prix de la vision - Planview Blog
Apprenez-en davantage sur les gagnants des 2022 Vision Awards de Planview et sur la manière dont ces clients utilisent nos solutions pour leur réussite.
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Upcoming Innovation and PPM Conferences - Enrich Consulting
It's time to network and share best-practices! The next six months is high season for conferences, and Enrich is excited to sponsor eight different events across North America and Europe between now and March 2017.
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Learning From Our Forecasting Foibles - Enrich Consulting
The prevalent tendency to underweight, or ignore, distributional information is perhaps the major source of error of intuitive prediction...The analyst should therefore make every effort to frame the forecasting problem so as to facilitate utilizing all the distributional information that is availab...
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Portfolio Management, By the Numbers - Enrich Consulting
I was speaking with a client at a large government-supported research lab the other day, and he reminded me of the success we enjoyed deploying the Enrich Portfolio System to support their annual portfolio process.
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Embrasser l'incertitude - Jour 1 Récapitulation
Aujourd'hui, c'était le premier jour de notre sommet virtuel sur le thème "Embrasser l'incertitude : comment les entreprises peuvent prospérer grâce au changement continu". De nos jours, les défis commerciaux se présentent sous diverses formes et tailles : incertitude de l'économie en général pour les industries particulièrement touchées ou celles qui voient une demande accrue pour leurs produits. Ce sommet a pour but de partager des exemples concrets de ce qu'il faut faire pour s'adapter rapidement face à l'imprévu.
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