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Gestionnaire de notifications par e-mail

Permet d'envoyer des notifications par e-mail dans le cadre de différents scénarios : tâches en retard sur le calendrier, affectation de ressources, annulation d'affectations ou suppression d'éléments, par exemple.

About This App

Allows sending email notifications under several scenarios such as tasks running behind schedule, resource assignment, unassignment or items being deleted, etc.

Note: Many of the capabilities of this App, and more, are offered by the Activity Stream app – using both is not advisable as it may cause multiple copies of similar emails to be sent to users.

Installing on Sandbox?

Workflow Rules List

Entity TypeRule NameDescription
Work ItemSend Email Upon reaching 75 %The following workflow rule sends out an email to work item’s manager and appropriate project manager, whenever a work item %completion was reached at 75 % or higher (email includes hyper-link to the work item)
Work ItemEmail Project Manager whenever a work item is deletedThe following workflow rule sends an email to the project manager whenever a work item is deleted
Work ItemAlert PM whenever dates of top level
items are updated
This workflow rule sends out automatically an email to the project manager, whenever one of the top level project’s items
dates is updated. It doesn’t send an email if any work item’s date beneath that level was updated and didn’t impact the top level items date
Work ItemSend Email to Team & PM whenever a task was set to off trackThe following workflow rule sends out an automatic email whenever a task is set to off track (typically due to failure of meeting with the deadlines)
Work ItemSends out an email automatically whenever a scheduling conflict appearsThe following workflow rule sends out automatically an email to work item manager and project manager when a scheduling conflict is created (impacted or impacting)
AssignedSend a notification to a resource upon assignment to an active taskThe following workflow rule sends out an email to a resource whenever assigned to an active task
AssignedSend a notification to a resource manager upon assigning to a draft or active taskThe following workflow rule sends out an email to a resource manager whenever assigned to an activedraft task
AssignedSend a notification to a resource when unassigned from an active taskThe following workflow rule sends out an email to resource whenever unassigned from an active task