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JIRA Integration

AdaptiveWork JIRA integration is a robust and scalable bi-directional service enabling users of both systems to enjoy the benefits of transparently sharing information and data.

About This App

Full Documentation: Visit the AdaptiveWork Success site to learn more about AdaptiveWork JIRA integration.

AdaptiveWork JIRA integration is a robust and scalable bi-directional service enabling users of both systems to enjoy the benefits of the transparent flow of information.

The service can be triggered either by calling it up manually, by using a set of provided calls (AdaptiveWork Custom Actions) or waiting for the advanced scheduled pooling mechanism to be awakened and running a set of update calls on all changes since the last trigger.

This JIRA integration has been developed as a Software as a Service solution (SaaS) by which you can benefit from:

  • Minimal installation
  • Does not require hardware or servers
  • Live and seamless upgrades and bug fixes

The JIRA integration is engineered to be as flexible as possible, allowing you to control the way you want the two systems to integrate.

One of the main use cases this integration was designed for is to support the ability of managing cross-functional projects while the detailed R&D part of the project is managed by developers in JIRA, and the effort and status updates are synced back into AdaptiveWork.

In doing so, project managers, executives or any other stakeholders are provided with a clear view of an entire product launch, regardless of whether part of it is managed in Agile/ Scrum methodologies (the R&D part) or in traditional ‘waterfall’ practices.


Figure 1: AdaptiveWork Multi-functional Roadmap Project View
Figure 1: AdaptiveWork Multi-functional Roadmap Project View

Figure 2: AdaptiveWork Multi-functional WBS Project View
Figure 2: AdaptiveWork Multi-functional WBS Project View

Captures d’écran