Snabbare och smartare beslutsfattande

with Planview Copilot, the AI-powered assistant for connected work

Harness AI to deliver proactive insights and personalized recommendations, empowering your teams to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and adapt to changes in real-time.

Copilot for Planview Portfolios

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Copilot for Planview AdaptiveWork

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Copilot for Planview Viz

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Copilot for Planview AgilePlace

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Kan du använda AI för att förstå dina data?

Empower your teams with AI-driven insights for faster, smarter decision-making

Planview Copilot is an AI-powered assistant designed to transform work management by enhancing productivity and improving decision-making across enterprises. In an environment where data is abundant but often inaccessible or siloed, Copilot provides an intuitive solution that empowers users to access and interpret data quickly using natural language queries. With Copilot, project managers, portfolio managers, executives, and transformation leaders can navigate complex data, overcome inefficiencies, and drive strategic initiatives effectively.

How can Copilot help you?

Save time on data gathering and analysis

Quickly access project data using natural language, reducing the time spent on manual data gathering and analysis. Focus on high-impact activities, not on administrative tasks.

Proactively identify and address delivery risks

Surface hidden insights and delivery risks in real-time and take action before issues escalate. Maintain control over project timelines and quality, ensuring successful project outcomes.

Adapt in real-time

With actionable insights and context-aware suggestions, Copilot helps you replan and adapt quickly to changing conditions, keeping your projects on track despite uncertainties.

Optimize resource utilization

Gain insights into resource allocation and utilization. This will enable you to make informed decisions about where to invest resources for the greatest impact, ensuring your portfolio is optimized for efficiency and value creation.

Enhanced strategic decision-making

With access to best practices and historical data, Copilot offers data-driven coaching that helps you prioritize investments and align work with strategic objectives, helping you make decisions that drive business value and reduce risks.

Lower barriers to portfolio management

By embedding intelligence and providing intuitive recommendations, Copilot makes portfolio management more accessible, allowing experienced and newer portfolio managers to manage their portfolios effectively and confidently.

Gain holistic visibility across initiatives

Copilot provides real-time visibility into projects, value streams, and resource health across the organization, enabling you to make strategic decisions with confidence and align resources and initiatives with top-level business goals.

Improve organizational efficiency

By automating time-consuming tasks and providing actionable insights, Copilot streamlines workflows across teams. This leads to a more efficient organization, where teams can focus on strategic initiatives rather than getting bogged down in operational details.

Align strategic objectives

Copilot supports you in bringing different parts of the organization together around consistent strategies, OKRs, and projects, ensuring all teams are working towards common goals and improving overall performance and outcomes.

Facilitate organizational alignment

Copilot helps you bring different teams together by providing a consistent set of insights, recommendations, and strategic alignment across projects and value streams. This is especially important for transformation leaders who need to break down silos and drive cohesive change initiatives.

Drive data-driven Transformation

By leveraging decades of Planview best practices and operational data insights, Copilot empowers you to drive data-driven initiatives, ensuring that change efforts are guided by reliable insights rather than guesswork.

What makes Copilot different from generic AI tools?

Natural language interaction with enterprise data

Unlike many other tools, Copilot allows you to interact with complex enterprise data using natural language. This reduces the learning curve and makes data accessible to a broader audience within your organization.

Proactive insights and recommendations

Copilot doesn’t just provide data; it delivers proactive insights and personalized recommendations based on decades of Planview expertise.

Embedded Planview expertise

With access to Planview’s extensive best practices and methodologies, Copilot delivers insights informed by industry-leading knowledge. This makes Copilot a trusted advisor for strategic decision-making, setting it apart from generic AI tools.

See how Copilot enables faster, smarter decision-making

cognizant logo

Learn how Planview helps Cognizant automate program and project management processes to drive internal transformation.

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Learn how Planview is helping Parchment improve flow and efficiency.

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More AI-powered Planview Platform capabilities


Få hjälp på begäran med AI Help. Förändra din upplevelse av Planview-plattformen med AI Help-gränssnittet i appen, som ger svar i klartext på dina frågor. Få tillgång till tusentals sidor med hjälpartiklar från Customer Success Center och annan produkt- eller lösningsspecifik dokumentation utan att någonsin lämna skärmen.


Förstå om en produkt, ett projekt eller ett arbetsobjekt verkligen är på rätt spår genom att analysera den känslomässiga tonen och känslan i kommentarer och statustexter samt den datoriserade lingvistiken bakom aggregerade kommentarer över tid. Använd sentimentpoängen för att avslöja positiva, neutrala eller negativa insikter och ändra planerna eller arbetet innan leveransen påverkas.


Öka effektiviteten och produktiviteten i dina team. Förvandla dagliga och veckovisa rapporteringssysslor till automatiskt genererade insikter. Använd AI-sammanfattningar för att spara tid, öka kunskapen och tillhandahålla handlingsbar information genom att sammanfatta risker, problem och pågående arbete och till och med skapa versionsanteckningar med ett klick på en knapp.

Optimeringar & Simuleringar

Lås upp scenarioplanering och dyk in i en värld av "vad händer om"-scenarier och avvägningsanalyser. Utforska flera vägar för att hitta den mest effektiva och ändamålsenliga fördelningen av ditt kapital och din kapacitet för topprestationer och strategisk framgång.

Planviews lösningar ger mer möjligheter åt 4500 kunder och 2,6 miljontals användare över hela världen