Product roadmap software provides visualization capabilities that are essential for connecting an organization’s business goals with its product strategy through clear visual roadmap representations. It allows organizations to align their product development efforts with overarching business objectives, ensuring that every feature, enhancement, or release contributes directly to the company’s goals. By centralizing information and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, product roadmap software helps prioritize initiatives based on their strategic value, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to drive business success.

Planview Roadmaps

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An example of product roadmap software from Planview Roadmaps
An example of product roadmap software from Planview Roadmaps

In large-scale enterprises, where operational complexities abound, the utility of agile product roadmap software becomes indispensable. These enterprises typically manage multiple teams such as dedicated project teams focusing on specific business initiatives, product teams overseeing the end-to-end development, and hybrid teams that incorporate functions across different domains. Understanding what roadmapping software is and how it can be tailored for large enterprises is crucial, as it must be versatile enough to accommodate the different needs and workflows of these teams while ensuring alignment with overarching business goals.

Moreover, this software enhances collaboration across various team configurations by offering a centralized platform for stakeholders to visualize roadmaps, monitor progress, and engage in effective communication. Advanced features such as dependency management, resource allocation, and timeline adjustments empower organizations to adapt to changing market conditions and business priorities while maintaining alignment with strategic objectives.

Overall, product roadmap software designed for large enterprises serves as a critical tool for aligning the work of diverse teams with overarching business goals. By providing a clear roadmap and fostering collaboration, it enables organizations to drive innovation, accelerate time-to-market, and achieve sustainable growth in today’s competitive landscape.

7 Types of Product Roadmaps Used in Software Development

Product roadmaps are strategic planning tools used in software development to outline the vision, direction, priorities, and progress of a product over time. Each type of roadmap is tailored to different audiences and objectives, effectively communicating specific elements of the product strategy. Here are the main types of product roadmaps typically used in software development:

Vision roadmaps: Focusing on the high-level strategic goals, vision roadmaps communicate the overarching vision and strategic direction to stakeholders, aligning the development team with long-term business objectives.

Portfolio roadmaps: Utilized by organizations managing multiple products, portfolio roadmaps offer a holistic view of the product suite, demonstrating the interrelations between individual products and the overarching business strategy.

Product development roadmaps: The most common type of roadmap is the product development roadmap. It focuses on a single product, detailing upcoming features, improvements, and milestones, typically organized by quarters or other specific time frames.

Planview Roadmaps integrates with project management tools, providing a comprehensive view of project timelines and dependencies.
Planview Roadmaps integrates with project management tools, providing a comprehensive view of project timelines and dependencies.

Release roadmaps: Focused specifically on upcoming releases, these roadmaps outline what features and improvements will be included in each release. This is particularly useful for coordinating teams and managing expectations with stakeholders regarding specific updates.

IT roadmaps: IT roadmaps focus on the technological aspects of a product, such as upgrades to infrastructure, adoption of new technologies, and technical debt resolution. They are crucial for the IT and development teams to plan and prioritize technical improvements and innovations.

Strategy roadmaps: Strategy roadmaps blend elements from vision and product roadmaps but with a focus on strategic initiatives and how they will be achieved over time. They help link the product’s development with broader business strategies and objectives.

Go-to-market roadmaps: This type of roadmap is used to coordinate the efforts of product development, marketing, sales, and customer support teams in launching new products or features. It highlights key activities and timelines necessary to successfully bring a product to market.

Each type of roadmap serves a different purpose and audience, making it essential for organizations to choose the right one based on their specific needs and the stakeholders they aim to communicate with.

How to Select the Best Roadmap Software: Six Essential Roadmapping Features to Consider

Selecting the right product roadmap software is essential for any enterprise aiming to streamline its product development process and ensure alignment among all teams and stakeholders. With numerous options available, choosing software that not only fits your organizational needs but also enhances communication and efficiency can be challenging. It is crucial to consider features that support dynamic updating, user collaboration, and strategic planning. By focusing on these key aspects, you can find a solution that truly complements your product management strategy.

To make an informed decision, here is an overview of the key features to consider in enterprise roadmapping software.

Dynamic roadmapping capabilities

When selecting product roadmapping software, buyers should prioritize dynamic roadmapping capabilities to ensure flexibility and responsiveness in their strategic planning processes. Dynamic roadmaps allow for real-time updates, which are crucial in adapting to rapid changes in market conditions, technological advancements, or customer feedback. This adaptability prevents the roadmap from becoming outdated, helping teams to stay aligned with current objectives and priorities.

Furthermore, dynamic roadmapping fosters enhanced collaboration and communication within teams by providing a continually updated, single source of truth that all stakeholders can access. This real-time visibility into the roadmap’s status and progress ensures that all team members can make informed decisions and adjustments quickly, thus maintaining the momentum of project development and increasing the overall efficiency of the product lifecycle management.

By incorporating dynamic roadmapping capabilities, organizations can better manage uncertainties and seize opportunities promptly, keeping their product strategies agile and competitive in a fast-paced business environment.

Real-time integration with project portfolio management

For enhanced overall efficiency and strategic alignment across projects, buyers should look for agile product roadmapping software that offers real-time integration with their project portfolio management (PPM) systems. Integration ensures that updates in the roadmap are immediately reflected in the PPM system, facilitating seamless communication and coordination between various teams and departments. It allows for the dynamic adjustment of resources and schedules based on real-time data, enabling organizations to respond swiftly to changes and optimize project outcomes.

Additionally, this connectivity helps maintain a holistic view of all projects, ensuring that strategic decisions are informed by comprehensive, up-to-date information. Such integration minimizes the risk of silos and inconsistencies, promoting a more agile, responsive, and cohesive project management environment, which is crucial for meeting business goals and adapting to evolving market demands.

Project management tool integration

Streamlining and optimizing workflows while reducing redundancy and fragmentation that can hinder project progress should be a key priority. Look for solutions that can seamlessly integrate with their existing project management tools. Integration allows for seamless communication between tools, ensuring that updates and changes are synchronized across platforms. This connectivity helps maintain a unified view of project timelines, resource allocations, and progress tracking, enhancing the team’s ability to collaborate effectively and make informed decisions.

Moreover, it simplifies user experiences, allowing team members to access all necessary information from a single interface rather than juggling multiple systems. This not only boosts efficiency but also reduces the likelihood of errors and oversights, thereby improving overall project success.

Kanban board integration

The ability to integrate Kanban board functionalities provides several key advantages in managing product development. Kanban boards provide a visual workflow management tool that helps teams track and display work progress at various stages. This integration facilitates enhanced visibility and real-time updates, allowing team members to see the status of different tasks, understand workflows, and identify bottlenecks more efficiently.

Kanban board integration also supports a more agile approach to product management, enabling teams to adapt quickly to changes by reallocating resources and reprioritizing tasks as needed. The ability to seamlessly integrate with Kanban boards also promotes better collaboration among team members, as it allows for easier communication and task tracking, ensuring that everyone is aligned and informed about the project’s progress. Overall, Kanban board integration in product roadmapping software significantly boosts productivity and agility, making it a crucial feature for dynamic and efficient project management.

Gantt chart integration

The ability to integrate Gantt charts enables clear visualization of project timelines and interdependencies. Gantt charts offer a clear, graphical representation of a project’s schedule, showing start and end dates for individual tasks and how they interconnect. This visual format helps teams easily understand the sequence of tasks, their duration, and overlaps, which facilitates better planning and resource allocation.

Moreover, Gantt charts are instrumental in tracking progress against planned objectives, allowing teams to quickly identify delays or issues and adjust timelines as necessary. By integrating Gantt charts into their roadmapping software, organizations can enhance communication and coordination across teams, leading to more effective project management and execution. This functionality is especially crucial for complex projects with multiple dependencies, where understanding the interplay of various elements is key to successful delivery.

Large team and cross-team collaboration

When selecting product roadmapping software, buyers should prioritize features that support large team and cross-team collaboration due to the complex and interconnected nature of modern product development. Effective collaboration tools within the software enable seamless communication and coordination across various departments, such as engineering, marketing, and sales, which is crucial for aligning goals and ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

As projects often involve multiple stakeholders with varying roles and responsibilities, having a platform that supports this diversity is key to fostering a unified approach to product development. This not only enhances productivity by reducing miscommunications and overlap of tasks but also accelerates decision-making processes and ensures that all team members have access to real-time updates and changes. Therefore, for organizations aiming to streamline operations and enhance project outcomes, selecting roadmapping software with strong collaboration capabilities is essential.

Review of the Top Five Product Roadmap Software Platforms

Choosing product roadmap software can be a strategic decision for organizations of all sizes. Here’s an overview of five popular providers to help you compare their offerings:


Planview offers a comprehensive product portfolio management solution that helps organizations align their product strategy with business objectives. It provides features such as strategic roadmapping, capacity planning, and resource management.

Key features include:

  • Offers a comprehensive suite for various roadmaps (product, strategic, financial)
  • Visual roadmaps for communicating product plans
  • Scenario planning and what-if analysis
  • Capacity planning and resource optimization
  • Integration with Agile delivery tools like Jira
  • Well-suited for large organizations with complex needs


  • Initial steep learning curve, which may be particularly challenging for smaller teams


Jira, from Atlassian, is primarily an issue and project tracking tool, but it also offers product roadmap capabilities.

Key features include:

  • Interactive roadmaps with drag-and-drop interface
  • Real-time progress tracking and status updates
  • Limited to basic roadmap functionalities like backlog prioritization and release planning
  • Integration with other Atlassian tools like Confluence and Bitbucket
  • Customizable workflows and boards
  • Ideal for teams already familiar with the Jira ecosystem


  • Roadmap features might not be as advanced as dedicated roadmap software
  • Limited customization options for visuals
  • May not be well suited for non-technical teams


Aha! is a dedicated product roadmap software that focuses on strategic planning, roadmapping, and user story management.

Key features include:

  • Customizable roadmap views (timeline, board, and calendar)
  • Idea management and scoring capabilities
  • User-friendly interface with strong prioritization tools (weighted scoring, Kano analysis)
  • Integration with development tools like Jira, GitHub, and Azure DevOps
  • Real-time collaboration and feedback sharing


  • Limited functionalities outside of product roadmaps
  • May not be ideal for complex enterprise-levels needs


ProductPlan is a cloud-based product roadmap tool designed for product managers and teams.

Key features include:

  • Simple, intuitive, interactive, and visually appealing roadmaps
  • Customizable views (timeline, board, and grid)
  • Automated progress tracking and status updates
  • Integration with tools like Jira, Trello, and Asana
  • Strong collaboration features for sharing roadmaps with stakeholders


  • Limited functionalities for scenario planning and advanced roadmaps (e.g. financial)
  • May not be suitable for highly technical teams
  • Potentially limited integrations with other tools


Roadmunk is a simple and intuitive roadmap software that aims to streamline product planning and strategy communication.

Key features include:

  • Drag-and-drop roadmap building
  • Multiple roadmap views (timeline, chart, and board)
  • Real-time collaboration and sharing
  • Integration with tools like Jira, GitHub, and Trello


  • May lack some advanced features for technical roadmaps (e.g. Agile integrations)
  • Potentially limited customization options for visuals
  • Might not be ideal for highly complex resource allocation needs

While these tools share some common features like roadmapping and integration capabilities, they differ in their specific strengths and target audiences. Planview and Aha! are more comprehensive solutions for product portfolio management and strategic planning, while Jira, Product Plan, and Roadmunk are more focused on roadmapping and collaboration.

3 Examples of Roadmap Software in Action with Planview

Planview offers a robust roadmap software solution that can be used across various industries. Here are some roadmap software examples showcasing how different types of organizations can leverage Planview to achieve their strategic goals.


Challenge: A software development company aims to develop an Agile product roadmap that aligns with dynamic customer needs and integrates smoothly with current engineering processes.

Solution: The company leverages Planview Roadmaps to visually articulate the product vision, roadmap features, and dependencies. Integration with project management tools enables streamlined development workflows and real-time progress updates.


Challenge: A manufacturing company requires a comprehensive solution for managing product roadmaps, resource allocation, and portfolio prioritization across multiple production lines.

Solution: Planview offers a unified platform to manage product roadmaps, financial planning, and resource allocation. This enables the company to optimize production schedules, identify resource constraints early on, and make data-driven decisions about product development and launches.


Challenge: A healthcare organization needs to create strategic roadmaps for improving patient care, optimizing resource allocation across departments, and aligning with evolving industry regulations.

Solution: Planview helps healthcare organizations create strategic roadmaps that connect initiatives with desired outcomes, such as reducing patient wait times or improving access to care. Resource management features help ensure efficient allocation of staff and equipment across different departments.

Maximize Strategic Alignment with Advanced Product Roadmapping Software

Product roadmapping software is vital for organizations aiming to align their product development processes effectively with strategic business objectives. By offering a visual and dynamic representation of the roadmap, this software not only enhances collaboration among various teams but also ensures that every stakeholder is on the same page regarding the product’s direction and priorities. Understanding what roadmapping software is enables organizations to enhance their strategic planning and execution.

Whether dealing with a single product or managing a complex portfolio, the right roadmapping software can significantly streamline project workflows, improve decision-making, and accelerate product innovation. As such, understanding the nuances between different types of roadmaps—static and dynamic—and recognizing the essential features of roadmapping software are critical steps in selecting the most suitable tool for your organization. To see firsthand how you can maximize the potential of roadmapping software and drive sustained business growth, watch the on-demand demo of Planview Roadmaps today.