The Challenge

As Benify underwent growth at double-digit rates and experienced pressures to improve customer experiences, they needed software and processes in place that helped them scale and deliver at the speed of their clients.

The Solution

Planview’s PSA Solution gave Benify end-to-end holistic visibility across the entire service delivery lifecycle, automated and scaled their work, and delivered more predictable services. Better predictability meant Benify was better equipped to grow revenue, gain efficiencies, and manage risks.

“Planview’s PSA solution is the trusted source of truth for all the data, replacing multiple spreadsheets, and housing project and financial data in one system. It integrates with Salesforce and Jira, which was a critical component of the evaluation process, so we can send and receive data to and from both platforms. That is key as we continue to grow, but also as we work with our clients. We have a premium product, so it’s critical to offer a premium experience.” Ross Spearman, International VP of Professional Services and Transformation, Benify.

About Benify

Founded in Sweden in 2004, Benify is a market-leading global benefits and total rewards program with more than 16,000 clients and more than 3 million users worldwide. Benify’s solution aims to revolutionize the way people work. They do this by helping employers create exceptional benefits and rewards experiences for employees, while reducing benefits administration, automating processes, and ensuring better data governance and management of benefit and reward costs.

Challenge: Provide Premium Client Experiences While Scaling Delivery Across 75 Countries

The scalability of Benify’s people, processes, and technology was increasingly important as the company rapidly grew. To provide the premium client experiences promised, Benify sought to standardize delivery for every country in which they operated.

Benify had a professional services team of 120 individuals dispersed across various regions and global offices. Disparate tools and ad hoc processes inhibited speed and scalability, leading to higher service delivery costs and risking lower customer satisfaction from delays. It required nearly a full-time employee’s effort every month to assess overall health, monitor ongoing projects, and identify potential risks.

The problem stemmed from too many data sources with no clear view to make decisions. Achieving standardization required aligning different functions, data, and deliverables for a birds-eye view of the business while considering the different cultures, languages, time zones, and styles of work in each country they operate in.

The Solution: One Service Delivery Hub that Ties Everything and Everyone Together

Planview’s PSA solution became the technology hub Benify needed to scale its people and processes at speed. It provides a single pane of glass into the services business globally, automates project and financial workflows across sales and finance systems, and helps manage delivery risks. Planview’s PSA solution seamlessly integrates with Jira and Salesforce, making it the superior choice over other vendors, including Kantata. This capability enabled the entire 120-person service delivery team and stakeholders to have consistent experiences with consistent data and reporting.

“With our teams spread out across the globe, you lose a direct line of sight to see how everyone is doing. It becomes more difficult to capture things like how people are spending their time, the utilization rate, which tasks are taking the longest, et cetera. So, we needed good data to help us understand those things,” said Ross Spearman. “At the same time, we needed to ensure everyone was working the same way so that we had a consistent way of working across the company. The PSA solution’s integration with Jira and Salesforce gives us a home base that ties everything together, resulting in better resource management for our internal team, and a better customer experience for our clients.”

Planview’s solution also helps Benify stay ahead of client engagement risks. Customers are always up to date because the data in Planview integrates with their client-facing portal for a real-time view of project statuses and support requests. Bringing all this together with Planview made Benify’s data consistent and readily available, while empowering its people to deliver better experiences.

Results: Better Decisions, Better Collaboration, and Happier Customers

By connecting key data across systems with Planview, Benify’s data accuracy increased from 70% to 98%. It’s saved them hundreds of hours a month from manual reporting, lowering their delivery costs, improving their productivity and utilization, and boosting confidence in decisions.

Ross and his team also created stronger partnerships and fostered better collaborations with business and finance stakeholders. The services organization can engage with sales earlier to win more deals because they see opportunities earlier. They have a better relationship with finance because finance members can access the financial forecasting and billing data they need at the click of a button. All together, they can provide unified experiences to improve client satisfaction. As a result, revenue targets are regularly met, and they are more competitive and able to offer modernized business models.

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