1942 more results for "new product development"

  • Has Productivity Software Reached the End of the Road? - Planview Blog

    Har vi nått gränsen för mjukvarudrivna effektivitetsmått och verktyg för projektsamarbete? Genom att kombinera en ny syn på uppgiftshantering, användarcentrerad design och utforska nya affärsmodeller kan det finnas mer att komma med när det gäller samarbete och projekthantering online. Samuel Cyprian berättar mer i den här intervjun.  Samuel Cyprian är vice ordförande för tillväxt...

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  • 2022 Vision Awards - Planview Blog

    Läs mer om Planviews vinnare av 2022 Vision Awards och hur dessa kunder använder våra lösningar för att nå framgång.

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  • Upcoming Innovation and PPM Conferences - Enrich Consulting

    It's time to network and share best-practices!   The next six months is high season for conferences, and Enrich is excited to sponsor eight different events across North America and Europe between now and March 2017.

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  • Learning From Our Forecasting Foibles - Enrich Consulting

    The prevalent tendency to underweight, or ignore, distributional information is perhaps the major source of error of intuitive prediction...The analyst should therefore make every effort to frame the forecasting problem so as to facilitate utilizing all the distributional information that is availab...

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  • Portfolio Management, By the Numbers - Enrich Consulting

    I was speaking with a client at a large government-supported research lab the other day, and he reminded me of the success we enjoyed deploying the Enrich Portfolio System to support their annual portfolio process.

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  • Software Lifecycle Architecture Diagrams | Tasktop Blog

    This Thursday, I have the opportunity to present at IBM Interconnect.  Along with the opportunity to present comes the “opportunity” to staff the Tasktop booth all week (Booth #784 in the DevOps Zone).  I decided to do something different this year…  Over the past 5 years, the Pre-Sales Engineering team at Tasktop has created 100s...

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  • How do you Crowdsource Innovation?

    Spigit’s CTO, James Gardner, shares advice on how companies crowdsource innovation.

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  • Open Sourcing Eclipse Dropwizard Tools | Tasktop Blog

    Here at Tasktop we really like industry standards. It’s important for us to use well known tools and frameworks to make transitions between teams easier. When it comes to creating a REST API there is no way around JAX-RS in the Java world. But JAX-RS (or one of it’s implementations) is not a full server...

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  • Managing Millennials: Focus on Engagement and Collaboration

    In order to manage millennials successfully, you’ll need to understand what they expect from their jobs and how to keep them engaged in their work.

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  • De bästa verktygen för att hantera projektresurser

    LinkedIn0Share0Tweet0Pin0Email0 Det är ingen hemlighet att projektledningsvärlden har förändrats dramatiskt under det senaste decenniet. Globala trender mot decentraliserade team, mobila arbetsgrupper och molnbaserad databehandling har i grunden förändrat sättet att utföra arbetet. Virtuella möten och team med flera offshore-medlemmar var en gång i tiden ett undantag, men nu är de vanliga, särskilt på [...]

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