707 more results for "application portfolio management"
Lean Budgeting – Incremental Funding | Planview
See how your organization can decrease funding overhead and friction while maintaining financial governance within your portfolio by adopting Lean budgeting.
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Single Source of Truth, Make Way for a Single Source of Understanding - Enrich Consulting
In my last post I covered the essential attributes of an effective single source of truth—a consolidated, reliable source of project information. But simply collecting project details into a centralized vault is not enough for effective R&D decision making.
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Tasktop Hub Release 22.3 | Tasktop Blog
Get the latest news about Tasktop Hub's 22.3 release.
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American Airlines Uses Portfolio Management - Blog | Planview
Leveraging portfolio and resource management, American Airlines no longer works in silos and are more engaged in validating and resolving constraints.
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Reply to Notifications for Cards Comments - Blog | Planview
Consider them a belated Christmas present or just a great way to start 2012, but either way, we’ve deployed a few new features for LeanKit.
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Dagens agila portföljhantering - Blog | Planview
Agilitet innebär helt enkelt att du kontinuerligt levererar värde. I det här inlägget kommer vi att titta på agilitet som används i agil portföljhantering.
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Two bar charts you're probably not using to understand your portfolio - Enrich Consulting
If I asked you to fill in this blank: Portfolio management uses many ________ charts. You'd probably shout bubble! without hesitation. Indeed, frontier charts, pipeline charts, and risk vs. reward charts all effectively employ scatter and bubble charts to describe your portfolio.
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Prioritera analys av produktportföljdata i realtid
Organisationer som vill maximera avkastningen genom att optimera sin produktmix måste ha möjlighet att utföra dataanalyser av produktportföljen i realtid.
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“I Can’t Wait for Portfolio Planning!” … Said No One. Ever. - Planview Blog
För många organisationer sker portföljplaneringen en gång per år eller kvartal och består av timmar av förberedelser, utvärdering [läs: argumentation] och motivering av projektinvesteringar. I slutändan är planen väl genomtänkt, extremt noggrann och i linje med företagets mål. Framgång. Eller är det så? Så snart som planen...
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R&D Portfolio Management and the Black Swan - Enrich Consulting
I recently read The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and found the book’s central tenets relevant to R&D portfolio management. I recommend you pick up a copy yourself, but until you do, I hope the following thoughts hit the mark for you as they did for me.
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Se hur vår kraftfulla programvara för IT-projektportföljhantering fungerar
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