Benchmark Study
Läget för strategiskt arbete: Omfamna osäkerhet för att möjliggöra snabb anpassing
Lär dig hur ledande företag accelerar strategisk leverans.
Commissioned by Planview Conducted by Lawless Research
Få rapporten • Läget för strategiskt arbete: Omfamna osäkerhet för att möjliggöra snabb anpassingThis global benchmark study assessed how companies are adapting strategies and execution to deliver against business objectives in times of change.
- Nearly 1,000 business professionals (956) responded to a 10-minute online survey using Lucid B2B panel and the Planview customer database
- The survey was fielded December 3-22, 2020
- Conducted as a blind survey for the panel respondents, who did not know Planview was the sponsor
- The survey was designed and analyzed by Lawless Research
Job Level
Annual Company Revenue in 2020
- 0
- 250
- 500
About the Strategy Execution Index
Respondents rated their organization’s responsiveness in terms of ‘how fast’ and ‘quality of outcomes’ across each of the five core competencies of strategy execution. The researchers categorized Strategy Execution Leaders, Challengers, and Laggards based on the following methodology:
- Calculate average score for 5 components of “How FAST” (Speed) and average score for “Rate the QUALITY” (Quality): Pivot strategies & plans, reallocate funding & budgets, reprioritize work execution & delivery, realign people and teams, access and analyze data for decision making
- Create deciles of average Speed scores and create deciles of average Quality scores
- Add decile position within Fast to decile position in Quality (for example, if respondent was in decile 3 for Speed and decile 4 for Quality, their final score would be 7)
- Multiply score by 5 to get a scale from 10 to 100
- Divide score into four nearly equal groups (almost quartiles) and create Strategy Execution Index:
- Bottom Quartile = Strategy Execution Laggards (29 or less)
- Middle Two Quartiles = Strategy Execution Challengers (30 to 79)
- Top Quartile = Strategy Execution Leaders (80 or more)

About Lawless Research
Lawless Research, an expert in research for the tech industry, provides companies with the business intelligence they need to make informed strategic decisions. Their rigorous and comprehensive studies help companies become thought leaders in their industries, design successful products, build brand awareness, increase customer retention, and grow their business worldwide. For more information, visit: Lawless Research •
About Planview
Planview’s full spectrum of enterprise portfolio management solutions and work management solutions are designed to enable: Innovation Management, Project Portfolio Management, Lean Portfolio Management, Strategic and Financial Planning, Product Portfolio Management, Enterprise Architecture, Lean and Agile Delivery, Project Management, and Project Delivery.
Med våra lösningar kan organisationer fokusera på de viktigaste strategiska resultaten, så att deras team kan uppnå de bästa resultaten – oavsett hur de jobbar. Planview möjliggör anpassningen till det föränderliga arbetslivet, Agile i stor skala, samt skapar en innovationskultur och ett ökat fokus på er produkt.
Från företagets huvudkontor i Austin, Texas stöttar Planviews över 1000 anställda, 4 500 kunder och 1,3 miljon användare världen över. Till sin hjälp har de en kultur av innovativt teknologiledarskap, djupgående marknadsexpertis och en gemenskap med starkt engagemang.