The Bank of New Zealand
Bankaffärer på flödesmätningar - Bank of New Zealand:s omvandlingsresa
Läs om hur Bank of New Zealand lyckades med Value Stream Management och se en demo av lösningen på begäran.
The Challenge
In the age of digital transformation, companies are continually pressured to do more with less.
Paul Littlefair is the Executive Technology at Bank of New Zealand, New Zealand’s leading business bank, and he is committed to improving the productivity and flow of each product value stream.
Although technology and automation are critical to operational success, human connections are also critical, and Littlefair’s challenge is to provide the next-generation technology that supports the human element of banking on which BNZ prides itself.
In this video, Littlefair discusses how Planview’s ability to measure flow and identify constraints provides real-time enablement for value streams at BNZ:
“When you measure things, you can then effectively change them. What Planview has enabled us to do is to come up with definitive measures and metrics around what is actually going on. … With that data, you can then make a very compelling case and say: we need to introduce some improvements here – we need to make some changes.”
With the introduction of Planview Viz®, BNZ has removed inhibitors to flow, leading to improvements in time-to-market, total output, and productivity. Improved flow has also fostered a more positive work culture, because employees can come into work knowing that what they do every day is meaningful.
Bankaffärer på flödesmätningar - Bank of New Zealand:s omvandlingsresa
In their presentation at the 2021 DevOps Enterprise Summit, Bank of New Zealand's Chief Technology Officer, Paul Littlefair, and Value Stream Architect, BMK Lakshminarayanan, spoke about BNZ’s transformational journey and how they have been working on establishing the Flow Metrics to continue to innovate, stay ahead of the competition and deliver excellent service and support their customers.
"Det är tidigt på vår resa, men vi ser redan ett värde. Teamen är entusiastiska och engagerade, och vi ser förbättringar i kulturen eftersom varje ingenjör nu kan se hur arbetet påverkar affärsverksamheten och bidrar till att stödja en effektiv DevOps-kultur."
- Paul Littlefair, Banking on Flow Metrics – Bank of New Zealand Transformation Journey, 2021 DevOps Enterprise Summit
Video by permission, IT Revolution

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